[ITK-users] PCA on 3D Data

Robert scorpiuni at gmail.com
Sun May 22 16:16:36 EDT 2016

I have a set of masked anatomical structures on a CT/MRT/... Scan.
It basically is segmented Volume Data, and I want a Shape model based on
those files.
So I used the ImagePCAShapeModelEstimator, which I input my data to. I've
read that you need to provide distance maps, so I used
SignedDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter on my thresholded, binarized data.
Now when I write the mean image as well as the different components as .nrrd
volume, I get a "mean distance map" as mean image. This output as distance
map however is not the result that I need.
I then tried to generate some actual shape models using the previous mean
image with corresponding eigenvalues, but the result is not really helpful.
I guess I could get better results here when experimenting more with the
lower and upper threshold values of my final thresholding filter, but I
first wanted to ask if there is a better alternative way to create a mean
image and shape models, and to ask if my approach is even correct at all.
Thanks for your attention,

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