[ITK-users] Access DICOM private tags using SimpleITK
Lowekamp, Bradley (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C]
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Mon May 23 15:47:28 EDT 2016
To get all the tags from the dicom files you need to load them individually. Something along these lines, but iterating over the list generated by GetGDCMSeriesFileNames:
from __future__ import print_function
import SimpleITK as sitk
import sys, os
if len ( sys.argv ) < 2:
print( "Usage: DicomImagePrintTags <input_file>" )
sys.exit ( 1 )
inputImage = sitk.ReadImage( sys.argv[1] )
for k in inputImage.GetMetaDataKeys():
v = inputImage.GetMetaData(k)
print("({0}) = = \"{2}\"".format(k,v))
> On May 23, 2016, at 3:31 PM, Mathew Guilfoyle <mrguilfoyle at gmail.com> wrote:
> In ITK the GDCMSeriesFileNames class (equivalently the ImageSeriesReader$GetGDCMSeriesFileNames method from Simple ITK) can both take arguments to read private DICOM tags (typically manufacturer specific info that does not follow the general standard.)
> I cannot figure out how to use this function to actually read in a series of images or a volume with the hidden tags (I know they are there as I can see them in Osirix!)
> The list of filenames that the two methods above return as no different whether the 'loadPrivateTags' attribute is set on or off.
> Any ideas how I can access the private tags?
> Cheers
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