[ITK-users] intensity based 2d 3d registration

D'Isidoro Fabio fisidoro at ethz.ch
Fri Nov 11 07:37:30 EST 2016


I work on itk V4.10 (latest version) with Python wrapping. I am trying to implement a basic intensity-based 2d3d registration, with a 3D translation as transform and without multi-level or multi-stage registration.
I could successfully reproduce with Python wrapping the DRR generation code (DigitallyReconstructedRadiograph1.cxx) and the 3D-3D registration examples on the ITK manual (ImageRegistration8.cxx).
I have combined now both for my 2D-3D registration, based on the template I found on [1]. This template is however based on registration method v3 and is more complex than the basic version I am trying to implement (because it involves the Euler transform and multi-level approach).

My basic version (in attachment) does not work, sometimes showing a "Failed to allocate memory for image" and sometimes Python just crashes (I could not figure out the reason for this difference). I connected all components (optimizer, metric, fixed and moving interpolator) the way I believe it makes sense, but I am not sure whether ImageRegistrationMethodv4 supports the RayCastInterpolateImageFunction and how it wants it to be connected and initialized. The code fails at the registration.Update() command after a few seconds of running.

My 3D volume is a 54 MB CT scan (360X450X160), I have reduced it from the original one to try to avoid memory allocation problems.

Is my code wrong? Also, how can I debug it if I can't put breakpoints "inside registration.Update()"?

Looking forward to your help.

Thank you,

[1] https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKApps/blob/master/IntensityBased2D3DRegistration/IntensityBased2D3DRegistration.cxx

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