[ITK-users] QVtkWidget beginner questions

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Thu Sep 1 09:45:56 EDT 2016

Hi Ibraheem,

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 4:20 AM, Ibraheem via Insight-users
<insight-users at itk.org> wrote:
> Many thanks Matt for your response and answers.
> Matt McCormick-3 wrote
>>>   1- Is there a way to filter and write all the images at once instead of
>>> using the for loop?
>> To write to an image series in general, there is an
>> itk::ImageSeriesWriter.
> I tried this:
>           reader->SetFileNames(inputNames->GetInputFileNames() ); // get all
> slices
>           reader->Update();
>           // filtering : get threshold
>           filterThresh->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
>           QString thVals=ui->ThVal->text();
>           int ut= thVals.toInt() ;
>           filterThresh->ThresholdAbove(ut);
>           filterThresh->SetOutsideValue(0);
>           filterThresh->Update();
>           // Convert to VTK image using ImageToVTKImageFilter
>            vtkImgF->SetInput(filterThresh->GetOutput (sliceID));
> but it does not work. With adding sliceID the program crash. Without it, I
> get only the first slice. How can i get a specific slice from the filter
> output?

Briefly reviewing the code, a few suggestions come to mind:

- Set all filenames to the ImageSeriesReader (instead of just one)
- Call ->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion() at the end of the pipeline
instead of just ->Update() when multiple pipeline calls are made to
ensure the LargestPossibleRegion is reset in the pipeline.
- Check out


for another example.

> You are right. About question four, isn't it possible to create an itk image
> from a collected voxels (this is the part I don't know) then convert it to
> vtk image like I did in the example?

Yes! More information and tips can be found here:


Hope this helps,

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