[ITK-users] Polar2Cartesian Behavior

Somesh someshsandbox at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 22:08:48 EDT 2016

Thanks Matt. This is very helpful.

I had modeled my transform class on itkAzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform
which also inherited from Affine transform.
Should this class also override GetTransformCategory(). It doesn't look
like its doing it now.


On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 9:47 PM, Matt McCormick <matt.mccormick at kitware.com>

> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 9:19 PM, Somesh <someshsandbox at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Matt. In step 3, I generate a polar image and in Step 4 I want to
> get
> > the corresponding cartesian image. Since in Step 3, the maximum radius
> of my
> > polar image is R=20 , so I have the cartesian image range from -R to R
> for
> > both X and Y and I set the default pixel to 0. The pixels in the polar
> image
> > have value equal to R. So I expected a circular image similar to step 1.
> > However I get a distorted/cropped semi-circle.
> It looks like your Transform is inheriting from itk::AffineTransform,
> although it is not an AffineTransform. AffineTransform is a linear
> transform, and the ResampleImageFilter takes advantage of that
> property to optimize its computation:
>   https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK/blob/
> 6ee10575445aa1c878797db4febf7d775a38f1f3/Modules/Filtering/
> ImageGrid/include/itkResampleImageFilter.hxx#L242-L249
> So, your class need to override ->GetTransformCategory() to return
> UnknownTransformCategory.
> > The use case of this program is the following. I have a cylindrical
> image. I
> > have to re-sample it at finer intervals in theta. Then I want to convert
> it
> > to cartesian co-ordinates. Given a polar to cartesian transform,
> shouldn't
> > the resample image filter be able to handle this ?
> Yes, but the SpecialCoordinatesImage allows you to keep your data in
> native form and it prevents abuse of "spacing", etc.
> > Regarding the CurvilinearArraySpecialCoordinatesImage class. How can I
> use
> > it to convert a cylindrical image to Cartesian image ? Since it is an
> > "Image" class and not a "Transform" class, I am a little unclear on how
> to
> > use it. Should I manually create the desired cartesian grid, find the
> > co--responding polar co-ordinate using
> > CurvilinearArraySpecialCoordinatesImage APIs and fill in the pixels.
> Also do
> > have have to manually handle the interpolation ? Or can I still use the
> > ResampleImageFileter to do these steps ?
> Yes, you can use ResampleImageFilter and this class to perform the
> desired operations. Here is an example:
>  https://github.com/KitwareMedical/ITKUltrasound/blob/
> 0cb92288333a9779da57511f779d0bde5ca35275/test/
> itkCurvilinearArraySpecialCoordinatesImageTest.cxx#L96-L110
> HTH,
> Matt
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