[ITK-users] Reconstruct non-transverse scanned MR images

沈庄明 zhuangming.shen at sphic.org.cn
Mon Apr 24 03:54:40 EDT 2017

​Hi all,

I have a set of DICOM MR images which is scanned in Coronal, not Transverse. As a result, when I reconstructed them to a 3D volume using ITK, its orientation seems to be not the same as the that of the Transverse scanned 3D volume, whose orientation is standard LPS. My questions are

(1) Should I reorientation the Coronal scanned 3D volume to standard LPS orientation?

(2) If need, should I use itk.OrientImageFilter to do that? Or use any other methods?

(3) If need use itk.OrientImageFilter, how to write "orienter->SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation(itk::SpatialOrientation::ITK_COORDINATE_ORIENTATION_LPS)" using Python?

Thanks in advance.


Zhuangming Shen

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