[ITK-users] [ANN] ITK 4.13 Release Candidate 1 is ready for testing!

Francois Budin francois.budin at kitware.com
Mon Dec 4 23:05:06 EST 2017

*On behalf of the Insight Toolkit community, we are proud to announce that
ITK 4.13 release candidate 1 has been tagged and is available for testing!
Please take this opportunity to test the new features in the release
candidate.To obtain the source code, use the links:
 https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium /ITK/archive/v4.13rc01.tar.gz
few selected highlights for this release: - ITK is on PyPI: Install ITK
Python with: `pip install itk` - New external module IsotropicWavelets:
This module implements a multiresolution (MRA) analysis framework using
isotropic and steerable wavelets in the frequency domain. This framework
provides the backbone for state of the art filters for denoising, feature
detection or phase analysis in N-dimensions. It focus on reusability, and
highly decoupled modules for easy extension and implementation of new
filters, and it contains a filter for multiresolution phase analysis, - ITK
Python filters are now callables which allows the usage of ITK in a
procedural way: It is possible to run filters without have to declare the
filter object first, and without calling explicitly ‘Update()’. - ‘long
long’ pixel type support has been added which allows support of 64 bits
images on Windows. - Availability of GoogleTest for testing in ITK: a
module can be tested with the GoogleTest as opposed to the classic
ITKTestDriver. - Improved factory registration: Each module (even remote
ones) lists the factories and format they support. This information is used
to automatically register all formats supported by modules loaded during
configuration. It is also now possible to not list each factory
individually, but to directly load them all for each factory type (e.g.
ImageIO, TransformIO). To load all components of a factory, add the
component `ITK<factory>` in the list of requested components. Here is an
example to find ITK with ITKCommon and all the image and transform IOs that
are available:  `find_package(ITK COMPONENTS ITKCommon ITKImageIO
ITKTransformIO REQUIRED)`Please test the release candidate and share your
experiences on Discourse, the issue tracker, and Gerrit Code Review [1].An
Experimental build, which demonstrates how the test suite performs on your
local build system, can be submitted to the dashboard [2] with:  mkdir
../ITK-build  cd ../ITK-build  cmake ../ITK  ctest -j 4 -M Experimental  -T
Configure -T Build -T Test -T SubmitVisual Studio builds must also add “-C
Release” to the ctest command.Notify the mailing list if there are any
unexpected failures.  Testing your own applications against the RC is also
appreciated.Congratulations to the 28 contributors to this release. We
would especially like to recognize the new contributors: Laura Pascal,
Beatriz Paniagua, Rene-Paul Debroize, Edwin Bennink, David Kügler, Adrien
Bailly, and Steve Pieper.The 4.13.0 final release is scheduled for December
18th 2017.[1]
Features------------------* Wrapping Improvements - Binary Python packages
are now available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Install with: - pip
install --upgrade pip - pip install itk - Add wrapping for several classes:
MultiResolutionIterationEvent, RegionOfInterestFilter for VectorImage's,
FloatingPointExceptions, CorrelationMetricv4, DemonsMetricv4,
JointHistogramMIMetricv4, ITKIOMesh. - Enable __call__() function in Python
for itkTemplate objects to make ITK more Pythonic. Developer can run
instantiate, run a filter, and get the output, in one single command. -
Python docstrings are generated from the C++ doxygen documentation and
directly integrated in the Python modules. - Support installs each module
Python wrapping independently - Update Bruker IO wrapping after migration
from ITKReview* New Remote Modules - SimpleITKFilters  - The filters in
this module may be wrappers of composites ITK filters, adapters of existing
ITK filters or alternative implementations designed for SimpleITK's
requirements.  - http://github.com/SimpleITK/ITKSimpleITKFilters
<http://github.com/SimpleITK/ITKSimpleITKFilters> - TextureFeatures  -
Filters to estimate texture feature maps from N-dimensional grayscale
images.  - http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3574
<http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3574> - IsotropicWavelets  - An ITK-based
implementation of steerable isotropic wavelet transforms for multiscale
phase analysis.  - http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3558
<http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3558>* Core Improvements - Making available
GoogleTest for testing in ITK - Support VCPKG, Microsoft's vcpkg C++
package management system for Visual Studio - Refactor ITK's ThreadPool
implementation for performance - Addition of type long long and unsigned
long long for images - Add options to itkTestDriver and
itkTestingComparisonImageFilter to compare image size, origin, spacing, and
direction - Adds itk_module_examples() macro to simplify the creation of
independent examples in remote modules - Improve factory registration
mechanism (see highlighted features) - ITK Python modules now share the
list of factories that are registered - Automatic enabling of the -fPIC
flag for external modules - Detect the presence of feenableexcept to
compile on Alpine Linux - Update GDCM import script for changes in upstream
content* Filtering Improvements - Improve Not functor and filter to follow
other logic functors - Separate functors from filters in header by operator
groups - Move rank filters out of review - Explicitly warn and deprecate
negative pixel spacing - Add SliceImageFilter - Move advance Demons
registration filters out of review - Add ShapeLabelObject::GetRegion method
- Many improvements in HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter* IO Improvements
- Enable MINC IO by default - PNG IO was crashing instead of returning
false when it couldn’t read image - Several DCMTK improvements: build DMCTK
on Windows, replace ICONV with ICU in DCMTK dependencies, support color
images (RGB/RGBA) - Use double floating point API for MetaImage: the text
representation is now closer to theDICOM Image Orientation (Patient) or
Image Position (Patient) attribute and will allow easier conversion from
one representation to the other. - Fixed <nifti1_io.h> leak into user code
- Updated the Bruker2DSeq reader to ParaVision 6.0* Documentation
Improvements - Improvement of documentation Markdown files throughout the
repository - Update old file headers/copyright notices. - Improve source
code coding style - Enable offline Doxygen support - Expose
RayCastInterpolateImageFunction members in Doxygen - Updated documentation
for LabelStatisticsImageFilter::GetBoundingBox. - Document behaviors of
ChangeLabelLabelMapFilter* Remote Module Updates -  AnisotropicDiffusionLBR
(08.31.2017) - Update MorphologicalContourInterpolation (09.22.2017)* Third
Party Library Updates - Update pygccxml version (v1.9.0) - Update libPNG to
track upstream libpng16 branch - Update version of DCMTK to 3.6.1_20170529
- Update CastXML to support GCC 7 (11.06.2017) - Update MetaIO (12.04.2017)
- Adding libLBFGS third party library - Update MINC (09.14.2017) - Update
VNL (10.05.2017)* *Lots* of important bug fixes* And much more! See details
in the log below.Changes from v4.12.0 to
v4.13rc01------------------------------------------------Adrien Bailly (1):
     ENH: add wrapping for MultiResolutionIterationEvent and other missing
eventBeatriz Paniagua (2):      ENH: Updating pygccxml version      ENH:
Updating libPNG to track upstream libpng16 branchBrad King (2):      ENH:
Port GDCM update script to update-third-party.bash      ENH: Update GDCM
import script for changes in upstream contentBradley Lowekamp (78):
     DOC: fix spelling transfrom->transform      ENH: Improve Not functor
and filter to follow other logic functors      ENH: Separate functors from
filters in header by operator groups      DOC: Fix spelling mistakes from
SimpleITK JSON, from spellintian      ENH: making available GoogleTest for
testing in ITK      COMP: Address missing ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT definition
     COMP: Use single line for string argument, by-pass multi-line issues
     COMP: Revert to CMake 2 compatible line comment      ENH: Move rank
filters out of review      BUG: Use const for pipeline inputs and state
functions      ENH: Explicitly warn and deprecate negative pixel spacing.
     BUG: Modify google test to define _VARIADIC_MAX=10      COMP: Fix
using system GoogleTest with a compiled system library      ENH: Add
SliceImageFilter      COMP: Use itk::Math::abs over vnl_math_abs      ENH:
Add GetProbe method to collectors base.      BUG: Add missing exports for
GTest::* targets      BUG: Fix computation of central moments for shape
label map      ENH: Adding operator functors from SimpleITK      ENH:
Choose efficient central moment computation for run      BUG: Add missing
OrientedBoundingBox option      DOC: recommend using separate instances
     BUG: Manually set seed for ParticleSwarmOptimzerTest      BUG: Fix
computation of oriented bounding box      BUG: shape label object
elongation incorrectly zero      ENH: Add GTest utilities for ITK      ENH:
adding explicit testing of computed label shape attributes      BUG:
Propagate make program to KWStyle ExternalProject      BUG: Error only when
unknown module is enabled.      DOC: Document behaviors of
ChangeLabelLabelMapFilter      BUG: Document and assert improper usage of
transform methods.      COMP: Enable hidden visibility property with
GoogleTest static libraries      DOC: Doxygen namespace tag must be full
namespace      BUG: Fix computation for Jacobian local vector      BUG:
Cast to PrintType for MaskLabel variable printing      ENH: Update
FixedPointInverseDisplacementField remote module      BUG: Error only when
unknown module is enabled.      BUG: Fix computation of central moments for
shape label map      BUG: shape label object elongation incorrectly zero
     BUG: Fix computation of oriented bounding box      BUG: Add missing
OrientedBoundingBox option      ENH: Only remove hidden visibility for C
file with CMake<3      BUG: Print missing Seeds parameter and values used
for Upper/Lower      ENH: Remove unneeded m_Upper and m_Lower ivars
     ENH: Prefer raw pointers for pipelined owned objects      ENH: Update
to use CircleCI 2.0      ENH: Enable MINC IO by default      ENH: Move
advance Demons registration filters out of review      BUG: Fix CircleCI
command to upload test results      ENH: Test SliceBySlice with non-zero
index      BUG: Use same origin for internal image as input image      BUG:
Remove duplicate code from local commit      COMP: Remove MINC library
level exports      ENH: Add ProcessObject::AddOptionalInputName and more
named inputs      ENH: Make more use of AddOptionalInputName      BUG: Use
input macros for const correct pipeline inputs      ENH: Remove input name
when renamed and add tests      BUG: Correct OBB names in
GetAttributeFromName      ENH: Add ShapeLabelObject::GetRegion method
     ENH: Hide MINC data in MINCIImageIO interface      BUG: Remove newly
added warning in ProcessObject AddRequiredInput      BUG: Apply constant
function specifier      BUG: Fix marking of required inputs for GPU PDE
registration      BUG: Add missing getter method for PDE
InitialDisplacementField      ENH: Use Input macros for set/get GPU PDE
inputs      ENH: Move private GE format headers to src      ENH: CircleCI
use ccache and cache external data      ENH: Extract reusable code into a
copy image information functor      ENH: Change Cast parent class to
InPlaceImageFilter      BUG: Add search paths for GoogleTest as source code
on system      BUG: Update BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter::m_NumberOfLabels
     COMP: Remove shadowing typedef      ENH: Updating remote module
TextureFeatures to 3.0.0      COMP: Use integer suffix for long long types
     BUG: Disable checking of OBB origin      PERF: Use initialized global
variable for default number of threads      ENH: Add remote mote
SimpleITKFilters      ENH: Add type for MultiThreader used by the
ProcessObjectDavid Kügler (1):      BUG: better support for OBJ mesh
formatDženan Zukić (18):      ENH: adding an example and improving tests
     ENH: support VCPKG      ENH: rewriting ThreadPool and enabling it by
default      ENH: docs and compiler fix for ThreadPool, improvements of
itkBarrierTest      ENH: turning off thread pool by default for now
     STYLE: minor fix in debug mode and clearer code intent by using macros
     STYLE: warn users of the DeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter's limitations
     ENH: Addition of type long long and unsigned long long for images
     STYLE: VTK Mesh IO code simplification      COMP: fixing warnings
     BUG: a call to SetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads was not respected
     BUG: LONGLONG was not handled by DCMTKImageIO      BUG: PNG IO: return
false instead of crashing in CanReadFile      COMP: fix a warning      BUG:
ThreadPool hangs on Windows when ITK is compiled as DLLs      BUG: tests
writing to the same file randomly fail during parallel invocation
     COMP: fixing 2 compile errors on some compilers      ENH: adding JSON
format report to resource probeEdwin Bennink (1):      BUG: Fixed cylinder
bbox, fixed and enhanced IsInside funcFloris Berendsen (1):      COMP: add
symbol name mangling for niftilib in ITKFrancois Budin (42):      ENH: Bump
ITK version to 4.13.0.      BUG: Update external data content links
     ENH: Add cleanup option to content synchronization script      BUG:
"Merge branch 'feenableexcept-musl-for-release' into release"      Merge
branch 'upstream-metaio' into update_metaIO      ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt
version to 4.12.1.      COMP: Remove -fvisibility-inlines-hidden warning
with CMake 2.8.12      BUG: Remove VNL view from array functions and rename
wrong variable      BUG: itkSimilarity2DTransform was not reporting
singular matrices      ENH: Add test to verify ITK-3553 fixes      BUG:
itkTestingComparisonImageFilter should derive from itkImageToImageFilter
     BUG: Update tests to use ImageToImage compare image filter      ENH:
Add options to itkTestDriver and itkTestingComparisonImageFilter      ENH:
Adds MINC image IO wrapping      ENH: Replace ICONV with ICU to compile
DCMTK      DOC: Document that workaround MSVC 2017 optimization bug has
been corrected      BUG: sha512 file must exist before complaining that it
hasn't been updated      BUG: Missing files for DCMTK ImageOrientation test
     BUG: itkgdcmopenjp2 was not exported in the build tree in GDCM
     BUG: Duplicate SetInput()/GetInput() in
itkTestingComparisonImageFilter      BUG: ICU_ARGS CMake variable should be
declared CACHE      BUG: Typo in CMake variable name      BUG: Build DMCTK
on Windows      BUG: Support color images (RGB/RGBA) with DCMTK      ENH:
Add test for colored images loaded with DCMTK      BUG: ICU is always
compiled statically      ENH: Update DCMTK build instructions for Windows
     ENH: Adds itk_module_examples() macro      COMP: Bump CMake required
version to 2.8.12      ENH: Simplify itk-module-init.cmake for DCMTK
     BUG: Inconsistent image information between result and baseline
     BUG: Python docstrings were not generated anymore      ENH: Add
__call__() function in Python itkTemplate objects      BUG: DMCTK
configuration with ICU on Windows was only correct for VS2017      BUG:
Remove man page generation that is not necessary anymore      ENH:
Improving factory registration      ENH: Adding factory components
     ENH: Update remote modules using FACTORY_NAMES      BUG: Add
previously removed function __getattr__() in itkTemplate.py      BUG:
Synchronize factories across modules in Python      ENH: Allow RAW
itk-module as shared libraryGCC-XML Upstream (1):      ENH: pygccxml v1.9.0
(reduced)GDCM Upstream (4):      GDCM 2017-09-15 (87e3c363)      GDCM
2017-10-13 (46919364)      GDCM 2017-11-09 (af81d444)      GDCM 2017-11-23
(4c51c343)Google double-conversion Maintainers (1):      ENH: Google
double-conversion (reduced)GoogleTest Upstream (1):      googletest
2016-07-14 (a3ac2d7f)Hans Johnson (3):      BUG: vnl_fft_1d lacks
sufficient numerical stability      COMP: Clang compiler regression
     ENH: Synchronized with cmake version of fileJean-Baptiste VIMORT (2):
     ENH: Automatic enabling of the -fPIC flag for external modules
     ENH: Supression of GDCM's linking to CoreFoundationJean-Christophe
Fillion-Robin (6):      ENH: Support installing each module python wrapping
independently      COMP: Update KWsys to set MACOSX_RPATH property based on
based on CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH      COMP: ITKModuleExternal: Reset targets
file      BUG: Fix hook clone      COMP: UseITK: Fix configure error due to
different subproject requirementsJon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (33):
     ENH: Improve coverage for v3 compatibility image arithm filters.
     DOC: Fix typo in 'exception'.      STYLE: Improve the
itk::FastMarchingImageFilterBase class style.      STYLE: Improve
itkApproximageSignedDistanceMapImageFilterTest style.      ENH: Check for
input/output objects with an assertion.      BUG: Fix const casting
compiler errors.      DOC: Update old file headers/copyright notices.
     STYLE: Improve the itkSmoothingRecursiveGaussiaImageFilter style.
     ENH: Improve coverage for itkSmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.
     BUG: Fix links to NOTICE and LICENSE files in README.md.      STYLE:
Conform (partially) to ITK coding style.      STYLE: Change
SubtractConstantFromImageFilterTest name.      BUG: Add missing input image
iterator declaration.      BUG: Fix Superclass names in V3Compatibility
tests.      DOC: Fix wrong comments in V3Compatibility tests.      DOC:
Correct the preferred class names in ITKv4.      COMP: Fix
valgrind-detected uninitialized members.      ENH: Improve coverage for
itkWarpHarmonicEnergyCalculator.      ENH: Bump lastest version of remote
repository.      ENH: Display error message in Iterator classes' wrapping.
     DOC: Add links to NOTICE and LICENSE files in README.      DOC: Rework
the contributing files.      DOC: Document how to upload binary data in a
Markdown file.      DOC: Transition ThirdParty top-level README files to
Markdown.      DOC: Add third party project updating documentation markdown
file.      DOC: Document the release process in a Markdown file.      DOC:
Transition Utilities/Maintenance/README Markdown.      DOC: Remove
Documentation/Style.pdf file.      DOC: Redirect the "Submit a patch" link
to CONTRIBUTING.md.      DOC: Mention the ITK full name in README.md.
     DOC: Fix broken links and oversights in CONTRIBUTING.md.      DOC: Add
a GitHelp.md resource to Documentation.      DOC: Make the ITK long name be
consistent in .md files.KWSys Upstream (1):      KWSys 2017-10-17
(fc4d55ba)Laura Pascal (2):      ENH: Update version of DCMTK to
3.6.1_20170529      ENH: Update the DoubleConversion library upstream
update script.Mathieu Malaterre (4):      ENH: Explicit set the precision
when printing double      ENH: Use double floating point API for MetaImage
     ENH: Define a global default double precision for MetaImage      ENH:
Enforce data truncation for legacy testsMatthew McCormick (46):      ENH:
Add install rules for External Module Python package      COMP: Do not wrap
std::_Deque_alloc      ENH: Wrap RegionOfInterestFilter for VectorImage's
     COMP: Disable CoreFoundation calls      ENH: Execute the merge when
updating third party subtrees      ENH: Allow custom repo and branch for
MetaIO subtree updates      COMP: Specify AR to PCRE build on macOS
     BUG: Mark GoogleTest CMake options as advanced      COMP: Address
LBFGS2Optimizerv4 doxygen warnings      BUG: ITKIOGE has a public
dependency on ITKIOIPL      COMP: Bump KWStyle to latest master      ENH:
Add TextureFeatures remote module      COMP: Detect the presence of
mallinfo      COMP: IsNull() capitalization in
LevelSetEquationAdvectionTerm      ENH: Wrap FloatingPointExceptions
     COMP: Use GDCM_HAVE_BYTESWAP_H      COMP: Fail early when byteswap
functions are not available      COMP: Detect the presence of
feenableexcept      BUG: Use itkGetConstObjectMacro for
LogBiasFieldControlPointLattice      COMP: Detect the presence of
feenableexcept      COMP: Use GDCM_HAVE_BYTESWAP_H      COMP: Fix
AnisotropicDiffusionLBR example build      BUG: Correct GPUMeanImageFilter
Superclass      BUG: Remove debug code from GPUMeanImageFilter      BUG: Do
not use static_cast, SmartPointer in GPUImage::GetGPUDataManager      BUG:
Remove debug code in itkGPUImage.hxx      COMP: Do not call vector.data()
in ITKIOBruker      ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.12.1      DOC:
Format the README in markdown syntax      DOC: Enable offline Doxygen
support      BUG: ITKIOMINC DEPENDS on ITKMINC      BUG: Update Bruker IO
wrapping after migration from ITKReview      COMP: Update
MorphologicalContourInterpolation to 2017-09-22      DOC: Do not pre-cache
Doxygen php files      DOC: Expose RayCastInterpolateImageFunction members
in Doxygen      BUG: RayCastInterpolateImageFunciton physical space issues
     COMP: Overloaded - operator ambiguous in
RayCastInterpolateImageFunction      BUG: Add missing template export for
GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter      ENH: Wrap
{Correlation,Demons,JointHistogramMI} Metricv4      ENH: Add Python
wrapping for ITKIOMesh      BUG: Hide HDF5 CMake options from main
configuration      BUG: Add DCMTK external project dependency after
ExternalProject_Add      COMP: Bump CastXML to 2017-11-06 master      BUG:
Fix hooks clone when ITK is a submodule      BUG: Remove duplicate entries
HoughTransform2DCircles wiki examples linkMetaIO Maintainers (5):
     MetaIO 2017-07-20 (92caf34d)      MetaIO 2017-08-17 (3e1cb552)
     MetaIO 2017-10-04 (55395e3d)      MetaIO 2017-08-31 (5f935e1b)
     MetaIO 2017-12-04 (02a2e22e)Niels Dekker (22):      COMP: Fixed
<nifti1_io.h> leak into user code      STYLE: Replaced NiftiImageHolder by
AutoPointer      COMP: Fixed "gifti_io.h" leak into user code      COMP:
Fixed "Ge5xHdr.h" leak into user code      PERF: Break out of loop as soon
as requested number of circles is found      STYLE: Removed useless (or
obsolete) local bool, 'found'.      PERF: Avoid redundant search in
GetCircles(n)      PERF: GetCircles now calls Graft, instead of copying
pixels from GetOutput(0)      DOC: Added comment that the grafted output
image should not be modified.      STYLE: Removed HoughTransform GetCircles
parameter (n) which appears obsolete      ENH: Added deprecated
GetCircles(unsigned int) overload to HoughTransform      COMP: Replaced
deprecated GetCircles(n) call in HoughTransform example      BUG:
HoughTransform CirclesList should be empty when NumberOfCircles is zero
     ENH: Tested HoughTransform CirclesList is empty when NumberOfCircles
is zero      BUG: HoughTransform GetCircles() should avoid circles with
accumulator <= 0      STYLE: Removed HoughTransform GetLines parameter (n),
which appears obsolete      ENH: Improved
HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter accuracy, using Math::Round      BUG:
HoughTransform GetLines() returned too many lines      PERF: Improved speed
of HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter::GenerateData()      STYLE:
HoughTransform calling convenience overload of SetVariance      DOC:
Mentioned that HoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter also finds discs
     ENH: Allow different types accumulator and radius image Hough Circles
filterPablo Hernandez-Cerdan (3):      ENH: Add External Module
IsotropicWavelets.      ENH: Update ExternalModule IsotropicWavelets to
v0.4      ENH: Update IsotropicWaveletsRene-Paul Debroize (1):      ENH:
Add remote module TBBImageToImageFilterSamuel Gerber (2):      ENH: Adding
libLBFGS third party library      BUG: stdint.h missing on Visual Studio
9Sean McBride (17):      COMP: Added missing ITK_OVERRIDE      COMP: fixed
compilation error with int vs nullptr_t      PERF: Fixed some comments;
prefer preincrement      COMP: Set GDCM_USE_COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY off
     COMP: add itk prefix to gdcmopenjp2 library name      COMP: Fixed some
-Winconsistent-missing-override warnings      COMP: Added ITK_OVERRIDE to
hundreds of destructor declarations.      COMP: Made ITK_OVERRIDE work only
in MSVC >= 2012 (instead of 2010)      COMP: Fixed Wshadow warnings by
removing shadows      COMP: Added a bunch more missing ITK_OVERRIDE
     COMP: suppress all compilers warnings from third party google test
     COMP: Added yet more ITK_OVERRIDEs, mostly on destructors      COMP:
Added yet more ITK_OVERRIDEs      COMP: Fixed various -Wconst-qual warnings
     COMP: Fixed some Wcast-qual warnings      COMP: Removed superfluous
declarations in subclass, fixing override warnings      COMP: Silence
-Wunused-template warnings by making affected methods inlineSimon Rit (1):
     COMP: remove dynamic exception specificationsSteve Pieper (1):
     BUG: ITK-3553 fixes ImageOrientation issue in DCMTK readerTobias Wood
(2):      ENH: Updated the Bruker2DSeq reader to ParaVision 6.0      BUG:
Bruker2dseq was not registered correctly due to module name change.VXL
Maintainers (1):      VNL 2017-10-05 (dd7794d9)Vladimir S. FONOV (2):
     MINC 2017-09-14 (e11c6df9)      MINC 2017-10-18 (f2d06a67)Ziv Yaniv
(2):      DOC: Updated documentation for
LabelStatisticsImageFilter::GetBoundingBox.      BUG:
itkVTKImageIO::CanWriteFile accepted files with wrong
extension.-----------------------------------------------------Errors or
omissions? Please fix them
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