[ITK-users] Filter working on both itk::Image and itk::VectorImage

Cyril Mory cyril.mory at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Wed Feb 22 05:52:22 EST 2017

Answering my own question:

I found a way to do what I needed using itk::NumericTraits<T> :

   OutputImagePixelType pix;
   pix = itk::NumericTraits<OutputImagePixelType>::OneValue(pix) * value;

It works for both cases with the same code. However, if there is a 
better way (cleaner, safer, more compact, ... whatever the wayin which 
it is better), I'd be happy to learn about it.

Best regards,

On 22/02/2017 10:38, Cyril Mory wrote:
> Hi ITK users,
> I am writing an itk::ImageToImageFilter<T>, and I want the filter to 
> work with T=itk::Image as well as with T=itk::VectorImage.
> To set/get the vectorLength of an image (which is 1 for an itk::Image, 
> and varies for an itk::VectorImage), I have successfully used the 
> functions Set/GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel from the itk::ImageBase 
> class, which work for both itk::Image and itk::VectorImage.
> But I cannot find a way to initialize one of the pixels to a given 
> value, that would work for both cases, i.e. whether that pixel is a 
> scalar or a variableLengthVector. For now, the best I could do is 
> define a function FillPixel in my filter, like this:
> OutputImagePixelType FillPixel(OutputImageInternalPixelType value) 
> {return value;}
> and write a template specialization when my filter is instantiated 
> with itk::VectorImage<float, 3>, like this:
> template <>
> itk::VariableLengthVector<float>
> rtk::ConstantImageSource<itk::VectorImage<float, 3> >
> ::FillPixel(float value)
> {
>   itk::VariableLengthVector<float> vect;
>   vect.SetSize(this->GetVectorLength());
>   vect.Fill(value);
>   return (vect);
> }
> Did I miss something ? Is there a better way of doing this in ITK ?
> Looking forward to reading you,
> Cyril
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