[ITK-users] transfer 2D histogram data to itk::image

asertyuio asertyuio at yahoo.fr
Mon Mar 6 11:47:05 EST 2017

Hi all,

I need to calculate an histogram of an image that have 2 or 3 values per
pixel, (resulting in a nbin x nbin "matrix" for example in the case of 2
values per pixel)
I see that I can use the itk::Statistics::Histogram filter to calculate
multidimensional histograms.

However, I need to process this histogram using functions that can be
applied to itk::image objects (e.g. morphological operations).
So the question is, can I convert the output of the Histogram filter to
a itk::image ? Best would be not to duplicate memory of course.

Is there a clean way of doing that ?

Thanks for your help !

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