[ITK-users] auto keyword and New() smart pointer

Francois Budin francois.budin at kitware.com
Tue Mar 21 08:38:34 EDT 2017

Hello Yann,

Indeed, you are correct. New() will return a smart pointer, but other
methods will return a pointer, so you cannot use the keyword "auto" with
these other methods.
The two following links give some insight in why ITK is implemented this

Hope this helps,

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 6:45 AM, asertyuio via Insight-users <
insight-users at itk.org> wrote:

> Hi Hans,
> Thanks for your answer !
> I was asking that because when I use auto keyword with a filter output, it
> seems like is result in a normal point type, not a smart pointer, so a code
> with
> auto testOutput = testFilter->GetOutput();
> has not the same behavior as
>  FilterOutputType::Pointer testOutput = testFilter->GetOutput();
> testOutput is a smart pointer in the second case, and a normal pointer in
> the first one.
> I was wondering if it could interfere with the smart pointer role (for
> example causing memory leak, or wrong reference count).
> After a deeper look, New() return a smart pointer (so with auto =, no
> problem) and GetOutput() a pointer. So the second code snipset just
> creates another instance of a smart pointer.
> I hope what was my question is now clearer !
> Yann
> Le 21/03/2017 à 01:43, Johnson, Hans J a écrit :
> Yann,
> It will work only if you are compiling with C++11, and you have no intention of sharing your code with others who may not use C++11 syntax.
> ITK proper currently maintains backwards compatibility with older versions of C++.
> Hans
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