[ITK-users] ThinPlateSplineKernelTransform and landmark with coordinate in pixel

asertyuio asertyuio at yahoo.fr
Tue Mar 28 06:37:09 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I'm using the ThinPlateSplineKernelTransform (the code is mostly from
the example RegistrationITKv4/ThinPlateSplineWarp.cxx) to warp an image
onto another, with one set of corresponding landmarks for each image.
I'm using landmarks from another program, which position are in pixel

I haven't managed to get correct warping results. I suspected that this
due to the default spacing/origin set by tiff image reader, i.e. the
difference of coordinate system between landmark and image. I reset the
image spacing to 1 and image origin to 1, also try to reverse the Y
direction, but nothing succeed.

Is there any easy way of transforming pixel based coordinate into image
coordinate ?

Any help will be much appreciated for your help !


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