[ITK-users] [ANN] ITK 4.12 Release Candidate 2 is ready for testing!

Francois Budin francois.budin at kitware.com
Mon May 15 12:07:52 EDT 2017

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit community, we are proud to announce that
ITK 4.12 release candidate 2 has been tagged and is available for testing!
Please take this opportunity to test the new features in the release
candidate. For more information on the new features in this release, see
our blog entry on the first release candidate

To obtain the source code, use the links:



Or, to checkout the tag with Git:

 git clone https://itk.org/ITK.git
 cd ITK
 git checkout -q --detach v4.12rc02

Please test the release candidate and share your experiences on the mailing
list <https://itk.org/ITK/help/mailing.html>, issue tracker
<https://issues.itk.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa>, and Gerrit Code Review

An Experimental build, which demonstrates how the test suite performs on
your local build system, can be submitted to the dashboard [1] with:

 mkdir ../ITK-build

 cd ../ITK-build

 cmake ../ITK

 ctest -j 4 -M Experimental  -T Configure -T Build -T Test -T Submit

Visual Studio builds must also add “-C Release” to the ctest command.

Notify the mailing list if there are any unexpected failures.  Testing your
own applications against the RC is also appreciated.

[1] http://open.cdash.org/index.php?project=Insight

Changes from v4.12rc01 to v4.12rc02


Christina Rossmanith (1):

     BUG: calculate levelSetValue for IsoContourFilter with float precision

David T. Chen (1):

     DOC: Fix Pysical Typo

Francois Budin (3):

     BUG: Remove doxygen warnings 'Found unknown command \epsilon'

     ENH: Remove warning messages in GCC 5.1 due to ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT

     BUG: GCC 5.1 warnings 'type attributes ignored after type is already

Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (1):

     DOC: Add use note to itkGridForwardWarpImageFilter.

Matthew McCormick (1):

     BUG: Update the Strain remote module to 2017-05-05

Vladimir S. FONOV (3):

     MINC 2017-04-28 (3d79acf3)

     MINC 2017-05-01 (4caf8f4c)

     MINC 2017-05-05 (cc682b52)


Errors or omissions? Please fix them here:

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