[ITK-users] Variable Matrix Access Violiotation

Francois Budin francois.budin at kitware.com
Mon Sep 11 13:37:47 EDT 2017

Hello Fabian,

You are most likely allocating more memory than what your computer can
allocates. If you compute the memory required for your matrix, it will be
at least:
8 (long doubles on Visual Studio C++ are the same size as doubles) *
2*100*100*2*100*100 = 3 200 000 000 Bytes

This means that you need to have at least that much memory available.
If your computer does not have this amount of memory available, you will
run into errors.

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Fabian Torres <fabian.trobles at gmail.com>

> Hi evryone.
> I´m using itk VariableMatrix to do some image processing. But I have some
> problems initializing my matrices.
> When I use small sizes like this I do not have any problem
> //matrix A
> regionSize[0] = 15;
> regionSze[1] = 15;
>  VariableSizeMatrix<long double> matA;
> matA.SetSize(2*regionSize[0]*regionSize[1],2*regionSize[0]*regionSize[1]);
> matA.Fill(0.0);
> But when I use bigger sizes like:
> regionSize[0] = 100;
> regionSze[1] = 100;
> I get an Acces Violation exception
> Access violation reading location 0xcdcdcdc1.
> I'm using Visualstudio 2008 and ITK 4.4
> Does this has something to do with memory allocation?
> Is there a way a could verify if I have enough memory to allocate my
> matrix?
> Thanks.
> --
> Fabián Torres Robles
> Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica
> Ingeniería en Sistemas Electrónicos
> Tel. 58081280, 0445534661338
> E-mail fabian.trobles at gmail.com, dae.wong at gmail.com
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