[ITK-users] [ITK] New Submission: ND morphological contour interpolation

Andras Lasso lasso at queensu.ca
Wed Sep 20 12:25:05 EDT 2017

If you want to see what the morphological contour interpolation filter can do, then download nightly version of 3D Slicer (www.slicer.org) and try "Fill between slices" effect. Some information about the tool is available at  http://slicer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/module_segmenteditor.html, but if you are stuck at any point then you can ask help at https://discourse.slicer.org - all questions are answered, typically within a few hours.


-----Original Message-----
From: Community [mailto:community-bounces at itk.org] On Behalf Of thanos
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 10:21 AM
To: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: Re: [ITK] [ITK-users] New Submission: ND morphological contour interpolation


Is there maybe an example for the morphological contour interpolation? 
I am working on Matlab for the segmentation of some 3D data and since I am currently segmenting semi-automatically slice by slice, it would be great if I could use this class.. 
I also have a quite silly question.. I am aware about the "test" folder and data but I don't really understand what is used for... I had a look on the Software Guide on the chapter "How to create a module" but I still don't get it..

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

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