opacity problem

Ziji Wu wuzj at WPI.EDU
Thu May 18 22:45:26 EDT 2000

Hi, there

When I load a half transparent actor in a render window, I frequently
observe a kind of inside-out illusion while I am rotating the object around
a specific angle. I guess it is because of the two sided lighting, i.e.,
when the light facing the surface does not reflect too much because of the
transparency, the light from the other side illuminates the back surface,
which makes the back surface brighter than the front surface. Is this true?
How can I solve this problem?

Thank you very much!

Ziji Wu
PhD Candidate
Mechanical Engineering Department
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
Office: (508) 831-5976
wuzj at wpi.edu

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