[vtkusers] Documented examples and Installation on RedHat 7.0

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Apr 30 15:00:19 EDT 2001


>>>>> "John" == John Wilson <jpw at creare.com> writes:

    John> A couple questions from a VTK newbie: 1. There are an
    John> amazing number of examples included with the VTK package,
    John> but for a newbie the lack of documentation in these examples
    John> makes them at times difficult to use.  Also, the VTK class
    John> documentation itself can be rather brief in its
    John> descriptions.  Does anyone know of other sources of
    John> documentation and (fully documented) simple examples that
    John> may help?  Specifically, I am developing using Tcl.

Well, try visiting Sebastien's excellent links page and look at some
of the related links http://www.barre.nom.fr/vtk/links-examples.html.
A long while back I found that the examples at the foll. site were
very useful:


But right now I find that I get the best help with 'grep' used on the
example dirs and /usr/include/vtk.  The html pages with the class tree
hierarchy along with the cited examples are also useful.

    John> error: failed dependencies: libvga.so.1 is needed by
    John> vtk-tcl-3.2-3

    John> So this VGA library must not be on my system.  Has anyone
    John> else experienced this and know the solution?

This is pretty strange unless vtk-tcl runs under the svga lib too.  I
wonder if that is the case.


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