[vtkusers] Rotational Extrusion

Vijayendra Munikoti munikoti.vijayendra at bam.de
Thu Sep 18 06:59:44 EDT 2003

I am new to vtk. I have instlaled the latest vtk42 and run under Win 2000.

I want to create a 3D object using vtkRotationalExtrusion command. The Tcl
script which I have written is as follows:

vtkPoints points
    points InsertPoint 0   3.0    75.0  0.0
    points InsertPoint 1   12.5  110.0  0.0
    points InsertPoint 2  -12.5  110.0  0.0
    points InsertPoint 3  -3.0    75.0  0.0
    points InsertPoint 4   3.0    75.0  0.0

vtkCellArray lines
    lines InsertNextCell 5;#number of points
    lines InsertCellPoint 0
    lines InsertCellPoint 1
    lines InsertCellPoint 2
    lines InsertCellPoint 3
    lines InsertCellPoint 4

vtkPolyData profile
    profile SetPoints points
    profile SetLines lines

vtkRotationalExtrusionFilter extrude
    extrude SetInput profile
    extrude SetResolution 50
    extrude  SetAngle 180.0

The above points represent a 2 D object in XY Plane. Now I want to extrude
this 2D object by rotating around X axis. But I tried without success. I
think the default rotation is around Z axis. Is there a way to change this?
(If I interchange x and z components above, I get the desired object)

Any help would be appreciated


Dr.-Ing. Vijayendra Munikoti
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Unter den Eichen 87
12205 Berlin

mailto:munikoti.vijayendra at bam.de

Tel.: + 49 30 8104 3675
Fax.: + 49 30 8104 1846

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