[vtkusers] vtkContourFilter

Brian Chacko brianchacko at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 3 09:29:53 EDT 2006

Hello Guys,
  I have a problem with vtkContouring. I had downloaded DICOM data set from
  The ones with Alias names GOUDRIX and ARTIFIX. These DICOM data sets come in sub data sets.I have read the slices using ITK and am visualizing it using VTK . I have used the example from the vtk5.0\examples\medical\Cxx\medical1.cxx.  Instead of reading using the vtkVolume16Reader, i have used vtkDataSetReader. My problem lies in the contouring part of the code. The code fragment is 
    vtkDataSetReader *dataSetReader = vtkDataSetReader::New();
   vtkContourFilter *extractor = vtkContourFilter::New();
  One of the data set from the example above shows surfaces with values (when replacing the second parameter of SetValue function) ranging from 309 above. But anything below that results into a windows error. 
  Another data set when read gives results with values from 1110 onwards. Could someone help me out with it. I am confused in the contouring part and am not able to proceed further. 

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