[vtkusers] problem updating polydata data attributes

Andrea del Pilar Rueda Olarte asderina at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 19:04:52 EDT 2006


I'm working in a program to deform 3D surfaces, but I have a little problem
with the data attributes associated to the polydata.

I use a vtkProgrammableFilter to modify the position of the mesh points, and
I use a loop to iterate and update the point's position every time. The new
position depends basically of the surface curvature in that point, and to
obtain the curvature values I use the class vtkCurvatures. I get the
curvature of the initial surface, but after the first iteration, in the
sucessive modifications of the surface, the curvature values remains the
same. I think I need to call some method to force the update of the
curvature values associated to the polydata, but I don't know what to do
with this.

Thanks for your help.

Andrea Rueda
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