[vtkusers] Problem getting correct results with vtkProjectedTerrainPath

Amy Squillacote ahs at cfdrc.com
Thu Nov 13 13:24:11 EST 2008

Don't know if this will fix the problem, but I just noticed that XminR, 
XmaxR, etc. are from the extents of the dataset. The origin should be 
set using the Xmin, Ymin,  and Zmin of the bounds.

- Amy

Elvis Dowson wrote:
> Hi Amy,
>                   I tried that, it still doesn't work. Same results as 
> before, the projected path is below the reconstructed surface.
> Best regards,
> Elvis
> On Nov 13, 2008, at 9:31 PM, Amy Squillacote wrote:
>> That should say "You *need to* have the origin set..." Please excuse 
>> the typo.
>> Amy Squillacote wrote:
>>> You have the origin set to $XminR $YminR $ZminR rather than 0 0 0. 
>>> The dataset you're trying to sample onto needs to be aligned in 3D 
>>> space with grid that the values are coming from.
>>> - Amy

Amy Squillacote                    Phone: (256) 726-4839
Computer Scientist                 Fax: (256) 726-4806
CFD Research Corporation           Web: http://www.cfdrc.com
215 Wynn Drive, Suite 501
Huntsville, AL  35805

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