[vtkusers] ANN: Job openings at the University of Leipzig and Tübingen
Will Schroeder
will.schroeder at kitware.com
Tue Oct 21 17:50:04 EDT 2008
Scientific Staff and PostDoc Positions
Salary level: TVL E13-O/TVL E13
(approx. (30K-40K EUROs/Year, depending on qualification)
Two full scientific staff position are available in the project VAExpress in
the context of the DFG Focus Program "Scalable Visual Analytics" at the
Universities of Leipzig and Tübingen, initially for three years. The central
subject of the overall project is the visual and statistical analysis of
molecular biology highthroughput data.
One full staff position in visual computing is available at the Visual
Computing research group at the ICCAS center of the medical faculty of the
University of Leipzig for initially three years. The research focus of this
position is on the design and application of methods of visual computing
(computer graphics, visualization, image analysis) in the context of the
analysis of expression data from life sciences. Keyword: Visual Computing
The prospective applicant for the position in visual computing should have a
university degree (MS preferred) in computer sciences/bioinformatics,
electric engineering, mathematics, or physics with outstanding grades and
the good teamwork ability. Knowledge in Computer Graphics and/or Computer
Vision is expected and knowledge in Bioinformatics and graphics programming
is desirable. We expect the applicant to pursuit an advanced academic degree
(e.g., a PhD).
The core aim of the Statistical Computing project followed in the Center for
Bioinformatics at the University of Tübingen is to continue the development
of a visual analytics framework with the emphasis on the statistical
analysis of microarray data, appropriate model development and integration
with graphical representation. Keyword: Statistical Computing
The candidate should have a Ph.D. in bioinformatics or computer science with
a strong publication record and professional references. The ideal candidate
will be an expert in the area of microarray analysis, statistics and
computer graphics. Experience in C++/Java/R is of advantage.
The Universities of Leipzig and Tübingen are equal opportunity employers.
Women and individuals with disabilities are in particular invited to apply.
Enquiries and applications (CV, certificates list of publications, a cover
letter of motivation including a short summary of research interest, and the
contact information of two references) should be addressed by email or
surface mail to:
Visual Computing: Prof. Dr. Dirk Bartz, Universität Leipzig, ICCAS/VCM,
Semmelweisstr. 14, 04103 Leipzig, Germany, dirk.bartz"at"iccas.de,
Statistical Computing: Dr. Kay Nieselt, Center for Bioinformatics Tübingen,
Sand 14, 72076 Tübingen, nieselt"at"informatik.uni-tuebingen.de
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Prof. Dr. Dirk Bartz University of Leipzig
Visual Computing (ICCAS) Phone: +49-341/97-12100
Email: dirk.bartz at medizin.uni-leipzig.de Fax: +49-341/97-12009
WWW: http://www.iccas.de/
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