[vtkusers] curved slicing via implicit function?

Michael Knopke Michael.Knopke at gmx.de
Tue Sep 9 03:27:54 EDT 2008

Dear VTK-Users,


I'm trying to cut a volume with a deformed sliceplane (curved surface) and
visualize the results. 

My first approach was to use vtkThinPlateSpline with Source and
Targetlandmarks set and feed it into vtkImageReslice. 
However this seems not the correct way to do this, as it deforms the
dataset, rather than the slice plane. (produces similar results as expected,
however it is very computational expensive and imprecise)

So the next approach was to define a vtkPlane (implicit function) and deform
it using the thinplatesplinetransform with it (SetTransform). However using
this function with various Clipper or Cutter (e.g. vtkClipDataSet) did not
achieve the expected results.

Is this a viable way to do it or am I heading in the wrong direction. Does
anyone has done something similar and can give me a hint please?

The dataset is unsigned short with single scalars (vtkImageData).








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