[vtkusers] Depth peeling not used, but I can't see why.

Daniel Lea danlea at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 05:30:00 EDT 2010

I'm not sure I made it clear actually, the module I'm using is
QVTKRenderWidget.py.  Has this been tested with depth peeling?

On 17 August 2010 22:10, Daniel Lea <danlea at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well that's what I was concerned about.  Setting it immediately after the
> python call:
> self._RenderWindow = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
> self._RenderWindow.SetAlphaBitPlanes(1)
> It must be the python module that's the problem?  I'll see what I can do.
> On 17 August 2010 21:58, Clinton Stimpson <clinton at elemtech.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 17, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Daniel Lea wrote:
>> OK, now I've realised you can get some debug output with a standard build
>> using the DebugOn() method in the right objects, I've determined that in my
>> QVTKWidget, there are zero alpha bits, which is why depth peeling is not
>> used (note that AlphaBitPlanes is definitely set).  I'm trying to find out
>> how to resolve this, but perhaps someone has already come across this
>> problem and sorted it out?
>> Is AlphaBitPlanes being set before the window is initialized?
>> I tried it on an example using QVTKWidget, and it worked fine for me.
>> Clint
>> On 17 August 2010 15:32, Daniel Lea <danlea at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Please see below for details of the problem.  Having run the depth
>>> peeling test using a separate build of vtk (same version as my Ubuntu
>>> package: 5.2.1), the result is a failure (seems the front panel isn't
>>> translucent) but it does say that depth peeling was used.  I'd rather not
>>> have to configure a build for the application in order to debug vtk, so if
>>> anyone has any ideas why depth peeling might not be used in the application,
>>> do get in touch.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dan.
>>> On 16 August 2010 18:11, Francois Bertel <francois.bertel at kitware.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>> The best way to ask a question is to post it on the vtkusers list. You
>>>> will have a larger audience of people that can answer you:
>>>> http://www.vtk.org/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers
>>>> To answer your question: make sure you have VTKData and your VTK build
>>>> directory points to VTKData, what is the result of:
>>>> $ ctest -R TestTranslucentLUTDepthPeeling -V
>>>> Does it say "Depth peeling was used", like here:
>>>> http://www.cdash.org/CDash/testDetails.php?test=62870189&build=694461
>>>> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Dan Lea <danlea at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hi François, I'm sure this isn't the best way to contact you directly,
>>>> > but it's the only one I've found so far.
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm having trouble getting depth peeling to work on my linux system
>>>> > (python vtk bindings in a Qt widget, dual nvidia quadro nvs 290,
>>>> latest
>>>> > nvidia drivers), despite what appears to be full suport for it.  Can
>>>> you
>>>> > think of any reason that the renderer would not use depth peeling,
>>>> > having set everything correctly according to your documentation, and
>>>> > given that
>>>> > vtk.vtkOpenGLExtensionManager.ExtensionSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0")
>>>> > returns 1 (as well as GL_ARB_texture_rectangle), and
>>>> > glGetIntegerv(0x0D55) ("GL_ALPHA_BITS") returns 8?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks in advance.  Dan.
>>>> >
>>>> > Here are the details of the window and renderer after a render:
>>>> >
>>>> > vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x7f7e088ae550)
>>>> >  Debug: Off
>>>> >  Modified Time: 223311
>>>> >  Reference Count: 1
>>>> >  Registered Events:
>>>> >    Registered Observers:
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x3e958a0)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x4039cd0
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 4
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4038d70)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x403cdb0
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 5
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x3e884a0)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x403fde0
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 6
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x403f740)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x4042e90
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 7
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4042c90)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x4045f50
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 8
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4045d50)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x4047d80
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 9
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4c7ce40)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x404b130
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 10
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4c8c290)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x404e140
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 11
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4c97ae0)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x4051150
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 12
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4ca60f0)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x4054160
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 13
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x4cb3160)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x4047520
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 14
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x40483c0)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x3e817e0
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 15
>>>> >      vtkObserver (0x3f79810)
>>>> >        Event: 2
>>>> >        EventName: DeleteEvent
>>>> >        Command: 0x3e61f50
>>>> >        Priority: 0
>>>> >        Tag: 3
>>>> >  Erase: On
>>>> >  Window Name: Visualization Toolkit - OpenGL
>>>> >  Position: (0, 0)
>>>> >  Size: (1097, 747)
>>>> >  Mapped: 1
>>>> >  OffScreenRendering: 0
>>>> >  Double Buffered: 1
>>>> >  DPI: 120
>>>> >  TileScale: (1, 1)
>>>> >  TileViewport: (0, 0, 1, 1)
>>>> >  Borders: On
>>>> >  IsPicking: Off
>>>> >  Double Buffer: On
>>>> >  Full Screen: Off
>>>> >  Renderers:
>>>> >    Debug: Off
>>>> >    Modified Time: 6280
>>>> >    Reference Count: 1
>>>> >    Registered Events: (none)
>>>> >    Number Of Items: 1
>>>> >  Stereo Capable Window Requested: No
>>>> >  Stereo Render: Off
>>>> >  Point Smoothing: Off
>>>> >  Line Smoothing: Off
>>>> >  Polygon Smoothing: Off
>>>> >  Anti Aliased Frames: 0
>>>> >  Abort Render: 0
>>>> >  Current Cursor: 0
>>>> >  Desired Update Rate: 0.1
>>>> >  Focal Depth Frames: 0
>>>> >  In Abort Check: 0
>>>> >  NeverRendered: 0
>>>> >  Interactor: 0
>>>> >  Motion Blur Frames: 0
>>>> >  Swap Buffers: On
>>>> >  Stereo Type: RedBlue
>>>> >  Number of Layers: 1
>>>> >  AccumulationBuffer Size 0
>>>> >  AlphaBitPlanes: On
>>>> >  AnaglyphColorSaturation: 0.65
>>>> >  AnaglyphColorMask: 4 , 3
>>>> >  PainterDeviceAdapter:
>>>> >    Debug: Off
>>>> >    Modified Time: 5916
>>>> >    Reference Count: 1
>>>> >    Registered Events: (none)
>>>> >  MultiSamples: 0
>>>> >  StencilCapable: False
>>>> >  ReportGraphicErrors: Off
>>>> >  ContextId: 0x38f3f88
>>>> >  Color Map: 0
>>>> >  Display Id: 0x37d26a0
>>>> >  Next Window Id: 0
>>>> >  Window Id: 100664256
>>>> >
>>>> > vtkOpenGLRenderer (0x7f7e088af540)
>>>> >  Debug: Off
>>>> >  Modified Time: 223310
>>>> >  Reference Count: 2
>>>> >  Registered Events: (none)
>>>> >  Aspect: (1.46854, 1)
>>>> >  PixelAspect: (1, 1)
>>>> >  Background: (0, 0, 0)
>>>> >  Background2: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
>>>> >  GradientBackground: Off
>>>> >  Viewport: (0, 0, 1, 1)
>>>> >  Displaypoint: (0, 0, 0)
>>>> >  Viewpoint: (0, 0, 0)
>>>> >  Worldpoint: (0, 0, 0, 0)
>>>> >  Pick Position X1 Y1: -1 -1
>>>> >  Pick Position X2 Y2: -1 -1
>>>> >  IsPicking boolean: 0
>>>> >  Props:
>>>> >    Debug: Off
>>>> >    Modified Time: 226173
>>>> >    Reference Count: 1
>>>> >    Registered Events: (none)
>>>> >    Number Of Items: 13
>>>> >  PickResultProps:
>>>> >  NULL
>>>> >  Near Clipping Plane Tolerance: 0.001
>>>> >  Ambient: (1, 1, 1)
>>>> >  Backing Store: Off
>>>> >  Display Point: (0, 0, 0)
>>>> >  Lights:
>>>> >    Debug: Off
>>>> >    Modified Time: 25331
>>>> >    Reference Count: 1
>>>> >    Registered Events: (none)
>>>> >    Number Of Items: 1
>>>> >  Light Follow Camera: On
>>>> >  View Point: (0, 0, 0)
>>>> >  Two Sided Lighting: On
>>>> >  Automatic Light Creation: On
>>>> >  Layer = 0
>>>> >  Interactive = On
>>>> >  Allocated Render Time: 10
>>>> >  Last Time To Render (Seconds): 0.075882
>>>> >  TimeFactor: 131.784
>>>> >  Erase: On
>>>> >  Draw: On
>>>> >  UseDepthPeeling: On
>>>> >  OcclusionRation: 0.1
>>>> >  MaximumNumberOfPeels: 4
>>>> >  LastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling: Off
>>>> >  Number Of Lights Bound: 1
>>>> >  PickBuffer 0
>>>> >  PickedId0
>>>> >  NumPicked0
>>>> >  PickedZ 0
>>>> > --
>>>> > This message was sent from Launchpad by the user
>>>> > Dan Lea (https://launchpad.net/~danlea)
>>>> > using the "Contact this user" link on your profile page.
>>>> > For more information see
>>>> > https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ContactingPeople
>>>> >
>>>> --
>>>> François Bertel, PhD  | Kitware Inc. Suite 204
>>>> 1 (518) 371 3971 x113 | 28 Corporate Drive
>>>>                       | Clifton Park NY 12065, USA
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