[vtkusers] interpolation on a 2D mesh

chubbyskwerl-vtk at yahoo.com chubbyskwerl-vtk at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 25 18:50:02 EDT 2010


I'd like to know if VTK has a function to solve the following problem:

I have a 2D manifold surface mesh  (e.g. not volumetric).   Some of the vertices 
have associated values, and others do not.  I would like a function which 
computes interpolated values on the blank vertices based on values from the 
non-blank vertices.

I have found the vtkMeanValueCoordinatesInterpolator class, but if I understand 
it correctly, that seems to be more geared to interpolating values between 
vertices on a volumetric mesh.

Does VTK have the function that I'm looking for?

Dan K
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