#include <itkWatershedSegmentTreeGenerator.h>
FloodLevel is specified as a percentage (0.0 - 1.0) of the maximum possible saliency value in the initial image from which the segment table was derived. A value of 0.0 calculates no merges. A value of 1.0 calculates all of the potential merges that can occur as the FloodLevel is increased to the maximum saliency value. Typically, there is no need to calculate merges past about 40% of the total depth. Because this is the most computationally intensive piece of the watershed segmentation algorithm, it is a good idea to tune this parameter as low as possible on larger volumes.
Merge is a boolean flag indicating whether or not to pre-merge the segments marked as equivalent in the EquivalencyTable. This is only useful for streaming applications and is turned off by default. (TRUE == merge, FALSE == do not merge).