#include <itkWatershedSegmenter.h>
The filter is designed to operate in streaming or non-streaming mode. For more information, see the itk::WatershedImageFilter documentation.
The first output is a labeled image of unsigned long integers. This is an initial segmentation and labeling that is fed into successive components of the watershed algorithm.
The second output is a table of segment information, itk::watershed::SegmentTable. This table is a record of each segment numbered in the initial segmentation (output number one) with relevant information needed in successive stages of the algorithm.
The third output is a data structure containing boundary pixel information, itk::watershed::Boundary. This data is only generated if the flag DoBoundaryAnalysis is set to true and is only useful in streaming applications.
Thresholding minimum values in the image decreases the number of local minima in the image and produces an initial segmentation with fewer segments. The assumption is that the ``shallow'' regions that this thresholding eliminates are generally not of interest.