#include <itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h>
Inheritance diagram for itk::ImageGaussianModelEstimator< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction, TTrainingImage >:
itkImageGaussianModelEstimator generated the gaussian model for given tissue types (or class types) in an input training set. training data set for segmentation. The training data set is typically provided as a set of labelled/classified data set by the user. A gaussian model is generated for each label present in the training data set. from the training data set.
The user should ensure that both the input and training images are of the same size. The input data consists of the raw data and the training data has class labels associated with each pixel. However, only a subset of the data need to be labelled. Unlabelled data could be represented by a non zero, non positive number. The training data are analysed for identifying the classes. Any non zero, non negative value is considered a valid label. It is important that the maximum value of the training label be equal to N, where N is the number of classes represented by the maximum label value in the training data set. The pixels corresponding to each training label is parsed and the mean and covariance is calculated for each class.
This object supports data handling of multiband images. The object accepts the input image in vector format only, where each pixel is a vector and each element of the vector corresponds to an entry from 1 particular band of a multiband dataset. A single band image is treated as a vector image with a single element for every vector. The classified image is treated as a single band scalar image.
This function is templated over the type of input and output images. In addition, a third parameter for the MembershipFunction needs to be specified. In this case a Membership function that store Gaussian models needs to be specified.
The function EstimateModels() calculated the various models, creates the membership function objects and populates them.
Definition at line 79 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h.
Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >. Definition at line 88 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Type definitions for the iterators for the input and training images. Definition at line 112 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Type definition for the vector associated with input image pixel type. Definition at line 104 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Type definition for the input image. Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >. Definition at line 97 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Type definitions for the membership function . Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >. Definition at line 117 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >. Definition at line 87 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Standard class typedefs. Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >. Definition at line 84 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >. Definition at line 85 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Definition at line 114 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Type definitions for the vector holding training image pixel type. Definition at line 108 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Type definitions for the training image. Definition at line 100 of file itkImageGaussianModelEstimator.h. |
Starts the image modelling process Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >.
Run-time type information (and related methods). Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >.
Get the training image. |
Method for creation through the object factory. Reimplemented from itk::LightProcessObject.
Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes. Reimplemented from itk::ImageModelEstimatorBase< TInputImage, TMembershipFunction >.
Set the training image. |