#include <itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h>
Inheritance diagram for itk::SegmentationLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputPixelType, TOutputImage >:
TFeatureImage is the image type of the image from which the filter will calculate the speed term for segmentation (see INPUTS).
TOutputPixelType is the data type used for the output image phi, the implicit level set image. This should really only ever be set as float (default) or double.
Definition at line 147 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h.
Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 156 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Definition at line 166 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 160 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Information derived from the image types. Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 162 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. Referenced by itk::SegmentationLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputPixelType, TOutputImage >::GetFeatureImage(). |
Local image typedefs Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 165 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 155 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
The generic level set function type Definition at line 170 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. Referenced by itk::SegmentationLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputPixelType, TOutputImage >::InitializeIteration(). |
Standard class typedefs Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 153 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 154 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Typedefs from the superclass Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 161 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Inherited typedef from the superclass. Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 159 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. Referenced by itk::SegmentationLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputPixelType, TOutputImage >::SetPropagationScaling(). |
The type used for the advection field Definition at line 173 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Definition at line 444 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Turn On/Off automatic generation of Speed and Advection terms when Update is called. If set to Off, the Speed and Advection images must be set explicitly using SetSpeedImage, SetAdvectionImage OR the methods GenerateSpeedImage() and GenerateAdvectionImage() should be called prior to updating the filter. |
Turn On/Off automatic generation of Speed and Advection terms when Update is called. If set to Off, the Speed and Advection images must be set explicitly using SetSpeedImage, SetAdvectionImage OR the methods GenerateSpeedImage() and GenerateAdvectionImage() should be called prior to updating the filter. |
Allocate and calculate the advection term image in the SegmentationFunction object This method is called automatically on filter execution unless AutoGenerateSpeedAdvection is set to Off. |
Overridden from ProcessObject to set certain values before starting the finite difference solver and then create an appropriate output Reimplemented from itk::FiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.
Allocate and calculate the speed term image in the SegmentationFunction object. This method is called automatically on filter execution unless AutoGenerateSpeedAdvection is set to Off. |
Return a pointer to the image sampled as the advection term of the segmentation algorithm. Definition at line 229 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the scaling of the advection field. Setting the FeatureScaling parameter will override any existing value for AdvectionScaling. Definition at line 341 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Turn On/Off automatic generation of Speed and Advection terms when Update is called. If set to Off, the Speed and Advection images must be set explicitly using SetSpeedImage, SetAdvectionImage OR the methods GenerateSpeedImage() and GenerateAdvectionImage() should be called prior to updating the filter. |
Run-time type information (and related methods). Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.
Set/Get the scaling of the curvature. Use this parameter to increase the influence of curvature on the movement of the surface. Higher values relative to Advection and Propagation values will give smoother surfaces. Definition at line 358 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the feature image to be used for speed function of the level set equation. Equivalent to calling Set/GetInput(1, ..) Definition at line 199 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the maximum constraint for the curvature term factor in the time step calculation. Changing this value from the default is not recommended or necessary but could be used to speed up the surface evolution at the risk of creating an unstable solution. Definition at line 409 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the maximum number of iterations allowed for the solver. This prevents infinite loops if a solution "bounces". Definition at line 185 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. References itkWarningMacro. |
Set/Get the maximum constraint for the scalar/vector term factor of the time step calculation. Changing this value from the default is not recommended or necessary but could be used to speed up the surface evolution at the risk of creating an unstable solution. Definition at line 427 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the scaling of the propagation speed. Setting the FeatureScaling parameter overrides any previous values set for PropagationScaling. Definition at line 325 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Turn On/Off the flag which determines whether Positive or Negative speed terms will cause surface expansion. If set to TRUE then negative speed terms will cause the surface to expand and positive speed terms will cause the surface to contract. If set to FALSE (default) then positive speed terms will cause the surface to expand and negative speed terms will cause the surface to contract. This method can be safely used to reverse the expansion/contraction as appropriate to a particular application or data set. |
Set the segmentation function. In general, this should only be called by a subclass of this object. It is made public to allow itk::Command objects access. Definition at line 392 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Return a pointer to the image sampled as the speed term of the segmentation algorithm. Definition at line 224 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Definition at line 374 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. Set/Get the value of the UseNegativeFeatures flag. This method is deprecated. Use Set/Get ReverseExpansionDirection instead. Definition at line 261 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Overrides parent implementation Reimplemented from itk::FiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >. Definition at line 451 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes. Reimplemented from itk::SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.
Turn On/Off the flag which determines whether Positive or Negative speed terms will cause surface expansion. If set to TRUE then negative speed terms will cause the surface to expand and positive speed terms will cause the surface to contract. If set to FALSE (default) then positive speed terms will cause the surface to expand and negative speed terms will cause the surface to contract. This method can be safely used to reverse the expansion/contraction as appropriate to a particular application or data set. |
Turn On/Off the flag which determines whether Positive or Negative speed terms will cause surface expansion. If set to TRUE then negative speed terms will cause the surface to expand and positive speed terms will cause the surface to contract. If set to FALSE (default) then positive speed terms will cause the surface to expand and negative speed terms will cause the surface to contract. This method can be safely used to reverse the expansion/contraction as appropriate to a particular application or data set. |
This function is for advanced applications. Set the image sampled as the advection term of this segmentation method. In general, the advection image is generated automatically by a subclass of this filter. Definition at line 219 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the scaling of the advection field. Setting the FeatureScaling parameter will override any existing value for AdvectionScaling. Definition at line 333 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Turn On/Off automatic generation of Speed and Advection terms when Update is called. If set to Off, the Speed and Advection images must be set explicitly using SetSpeedImage, SetAdvectionImage OR the methods GenerateSpeedImage() and GenerateAdvectionImage() should be called prior to updating the filter. |
Set/Get the scaling of the curvature. Use this parameter to increase the influence of curvature on the movement of the surface. Higher values relative to Advection and Propagation values will give smoother surfaces. Definition at line 350 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the feature image to be used for speed function of the level set equation. Equivalent to calling Set/GetInput(1, ..) Definition at line 194 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Combined scaling of the propagation and advection speed terms. You should use either this -or- Get/SetPropagationScaling and Get/SetAdvectionScaling (if appropriate). See subclasses for details on when and whether to set these parameters. Definition at line 302 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the initial level set model. Equivalent to calling SetInput(..) Definition at line 205 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the maximum constraint for the curvature term factor in the time step calculation. Changing this value from the default is not recommended or necessary but could be used to speed up the surface evolution at the risk of creating an unstable solution. Definition at line 401 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the maximum number of iterations allowed for the solver. This prevents infinite loops if a solution "bounces". Definition at line 180 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. References itkWarningMacro. |
Set/Get the maximum constraint for the scalar/vector term factor of the time step calculation. Changing this value from the default is not recommended or necessary but could be used to speed up the surface evolution at the risk of creating an unstable solution. Definition at line 419 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Set/Get the scaling of the propagation speed. Setting the FeatureScaling parameter overrides any previous values set for PropagationScaling. Definition at line 317 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Turn On/Off the flag which determines whether Positive or Negative speed terms will cause surface expansion. If set to TRUE then negative speed terms will cause the surface to expand and positive speed terms will cause the surface to contract. If set to FALSE (default) then positive speed terms will cause the surface to expand and negative speed terms will cause the surface to contract. This method can be safely used to reverse the expansion/contraction as appropriate to a particular application or data set. |
Set the segmentation function. In general, this should only be called by a subclass of this object. It is made public to allow itk::Command objects access. |
This function is for advanced applications. Set the image sampled as the speed term of this segmentation method. In general, the speed image is generated automatically by a subclass of this filter. Definition at line 213 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Definition at line 366 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. Set/Get the value of the UseNegativeFeatures flag. This method is deprecated. Use Set/Get ReverseExpansionDirection instead. Definition at line 249 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. This method reverses the speed function direction, effectively changing inside feature values to outside feature values and vice versa. Definition at line 240 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. This method reverses the speed function direction, effectively changing inside feature values to outside feature values and vice versa. Definition at line 235 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Definition at line 382 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Definition at line 378 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Flag to indicate whether Speed and Advection images are automatically generated when running the filter. Otherwise, a pointer to images must be explicitly set or GenerateSpeedImage() and/or GenerateAdvectionImage() called directly before updating the filter Definition at line 472 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |
Flag which sets the inward/outward direction of propagation speed. See SetReverseExpansionDirection for more information. Definition at line 466 of file itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter.h. |