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itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits > Class Template Reference

#include <itkSimplexMesh.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
class itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >

The class represents a 2-simplex mesh.

A simplex mesh can be used for deformable model segmentation of 3D image data. To create a simplex mesh one needs a triangle mesh, which can be converted to using the class itkTriangleMeshToSimplexMeshFilter. The back filtering (from simplex to trinagle mesh)is done through a itkSimplexMeshToTriangleMeshFilter.

Thomas Boettger. Division Medical and Biological Informatics, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg.

Definition at line 54 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.
static bool GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ()
static void SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (const bool val)
void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff ()
void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
 SimplexMesh ()
virtual ~SimplexMesh ()

Public Types

typedef MapContainer< BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier,
typedef BoundaryAssignmentsContainer::Pointer BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer
typedef std::vector< BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointerBoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector
typedef BoundingBoxType::Pointer BoundingBoxPointer
typedef CellType::CellAutoPointer CellAutoPointer
typedef MeshTraits::CellDataContainer CellDataContainer
typedef CellDataContainer::ConstIterator CellDataContainerIterator
typedef CellDataContainer::Pointer CellDataContainerPointer
typedef CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureCount
typedef MeshTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureIdentifier
typedef MeshTraits::CellIdentifier CellIdentifier
typedef MeshTraits::CellLinksContainer CellLinksContainer
typedef CellLinksContainer::ConstIterator CellLinksContainerIterator
typedef CellLinksContainer::Pointer CellLinksContainerPointer
typedef CellType::MultiVisitor CellMultiVisitorType
typedef MeshTraits::CellPixelType CellPixelType
enum  CellsAllocationMethodType {
typedef MeshTraits::CellsContainer CellsContainer
typedef CellsContainer::ConstIterator CellsContainerConstIterator
typedef Superclass::CellsContainerIterator CellsContainerIterator
typedef Superclass::CellsContainerPointer CellsContainerPointer
typedef MeshTraits::CellTraits CellTraits
typedef Superclass::CellType CellType
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef MeshTraits::CoordRepType CoordRepType
typedef CovariantVector< typename
VectorType::ValueType, 3 > 
typedef GeometryMapType::Iterator GeometryMapIterator
typedef GeometryMapType::Pointer GeometryMapPointer
typedef itk::MapContainer<
unsigned long, SimplexMeshGeometry * > 
typedef SimplexMeshGeometry::IndexArray IndexArray
typedef MeshTraits::InterpolationWeightType InterpolationWeightType
typedef itk::LineCell< CellTypeLineType
typedef TMeshTraits MeshTraits
typedef std::vector< unsigned
long > 
typedef NeighborSetType::iterator NeighborSetIterator
typedef std::set< unsigned
long > 
typedef MeshTraits::PixelType PixelType
typedef MeshTraits::PointCellLinksContainer PointCellLinksContainer
typedef PointCellLinksContainer::const_iterator PointCellLinksContainerIterator
typedef MeshTraits::PointDataContainer PointDataContainer
typedef PointDataContainer::ConstPointer PointDataContainerConstPointer
typedef PointDataContainer::ConstIterator PointDataContainerIterator
typedef PointDataContainer::Pointer PointDataContainerPointer
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef TMeshTraits::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier
typedef PointLocatorType::Pointer PointLocatorPointer
typedef MeshTraits::PointsContainer PointsContainer
typedef Superclass::PointsContainerConstIterator PointsContainerConstIterator
typedef PointsContainer::ConstPointer PointsContainerConstPointer
typedef Superclass::PointsContainer::Iterator PointsContainerIterator
typedef Superclass::PointsContainerPointer PointsContainerPointer
typedef TMeshTraits::PointType PointType
typedef Superclass::RegionType RegionType
typedef SimplexMesh Self
typedef Mesh< TPixelType,
VDimension, TMeshTraits > 
typedef PointType::VectorType VectorType
typedef BoundingBox< PointIdentifier,
CoordRepType, PointsContainer
typedef PointLocator< PointIdentifier,
CoordRepType, PointsContainer

Public Member Functions

virtual void Accept (CellMultiVisitorType *mv)
unsigned long AddEdge (unsigned long startPointId, unsigned long endPointId)
unsigned long AddFace (CellAutoPointer &cellPointer)
void AddNeighbor (unsigned long pointId, unsigned long neighborId)
void BuildCellLinks ()
CovariantVectorType ComputeNormal (unsigned long idx) const
virtual void CopyInformation (const DataObject *data)
virtual LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const
void DataHasBeenGenerated ()
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
virtual void Delete ()
void DisconnectPipeline ()
bool FindClosestPoint (CoordRepType *, PointIdentifier *pointId)
bool GetAssignedCellBoundaryIfOneExists (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const
PointType GetBarycentricCoordinates (unsigned long idx) const
const BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension) const
BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension)
const BoundingBoxTypeGetBoundingBox (void) const
bool GetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const
bool GetCellBoundaryFeature (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const
unsigned long GetCellBoundaryFeatureNeighbors (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet)
BoundingBoxPointer GetCellBoundingBox (CellIdentifier cellId, BoundingBoxPointer bbox)
unsigned long GetCellNeighbors (CellIdentifier cellId, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet)
const CellsContainerPointer GetCells () const
CellsContainerPointer GetCells ()
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDataReleased () const
bool GetDebug () const
double GetDistance (unsigned long idx) const
virtual const GeometryMapPointerGetGeometryData ()
virtual unsigned long GetLastCellId ()
virtual RegionType GetMaximumNumberOfRegions () const
double GetMeanCurvature (unsigned long idx) const
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary (void) const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary (void)
virtual unsigned long GetMTime () const
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
NeighborListTypeGetNeighbors (unsigned long pointId, unsigned int radius, NeighborListType *list=NULL) const
IndexArray GetNeighbors (unsigned long pointId) const
CellFeatureCount GetNumberOfCellBoundaryFeatures (int dimension, CellIdentifier) const
double GetPhi (unsigned long idx) const
double GetRadius (unsigned long idx) const
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
PointType GetReferenceMetrics (unsigned long idx) const
GetSource () const
unsigned int GetSourceOutputIndex () const
virtual unsigned long GetUpdateMTime () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
virtual void Modified () const
virtual void PrepareForNewData ()
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const
virtual void Register () const
void ReleaseData ()
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
unsigned long ReplaceFace (unsigned long replaceIndex, CellAutoPointer &cellPointer)
void ReplaceNeighbor (unsigned long pointId, unsigned long oldNeighborId, unsigned long newNeighborIdx)
virtual void ResetPipeline ()
void SetBarycentricCoordinates (unsigned long idx, PointType values)
void SetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier boundaryId)
void SetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension, BoundaryAssignmentsContainer *)
void SetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &)
void SetCells (CellsContainer *)
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetDistance (unsigned long idx, double values)
void SetGeometryData (unsigned long pointId, SimplexMeshGeometry *)
virtual void SetGeometryData (GeometryMapPointer _arg)
virtual void SetLastCellId (unsigned long _arg)
void SetMeanCurvature (unsigned long idx, double values)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetPhi (unsigned long idx, double values)
void SetRadius (unsigned long idx, double values)
virtual void SetReferenceCount (int)
void SetReferenceMetrics (unsigned long idx, PointType values)
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (DataObject *data)
bool ShouldIReleaseData () const
void SwapNeighbors (unsigned long pointId, unsigned long firstNeighborId, unsigned long secondNeighborId)
virtual void UnRegister () const
virtual void Update ()
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *)
bool GetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier *boundaryId) const
bool RemoveBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId)
virtual RegionType GetBufferedRegion ()
virtual void SetBufferedRegion (const RegionType &region)
bool GetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType *) const
void SetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType)
const CellDataContainerPointer GetCellData () const
CellDataContainerPointer GetCellData ()
void SetCellData (CellDataContainer *)
const CellLinksContainerPointer GetCellLinks () const
CellLinksContainerPointer GetCellLinks ()
void SetCellLinks (CellLinksContainer *)
virtual const CellsAllocationMethodTypeGetCellsAllocationMethod ()
virtual void SetCellsAllocationMethod (CellsAllocationMethodType _arg)
unsigned long GetNumberOfCells () const
virtual void Initialize ()
void PassStructure (Self *inputMesh)
unsigned long GetNumberOfPoints (void) const
virtual const unsigned long & GetPipelineMTime ()
void SetPipelineMTime (unsigned long time)
bool GetPoint (PointIdentifier, PointType *) const
void SetPoint (PointIdentifier, PointType)
bool GetPointData (PointIdentifier, PixelType *) const
void SetPointData (PointIdentifier, PixelType)
const PointDataContainerGetPointData (void) const
PointDataContainerGetPointData (void)
const PointsContainerGetPoints (void) const
PointsContainerGetPoints (void)
void SetPointData (PointDataContainer *)
void SetPoints (PointsContainer *)
virtual const bool & GetReleaseDataFlag ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void SetReleaseDataFlag (bool flag)
virtual RegionType GetRequestedRegion ()
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (const RegionType &region)
virtual void Graft (const DataObject *data)
 itkStaticConstMacro (MaxTopologicalDimension, unsigned int, TMeshTraits::MaxTopologicalDimension)
 itkStaticConstMacro (PointDimension, unsigned int, TMeshTraits::PointDimension)
virtual void PropagateRequestedRegion () throw (InvalidRequestedRegionError)
virtual void UpdateOutputData ()
virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion ()
virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion ()
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation ()
virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool flag)

Protected Member Functions

bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PropagateResetPipeline ()
void ReleaseCellsMemory ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const

Protected Attributes

BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector m_BoundaryAssignmentsContainers
BoundingBoxPointer m_BoundingBox
RegionType m_BufferedRegion
CellDataContainerPointer m_CellDataContainer
CellLinksContainerPointer m_CellLinksContainer
CellsContainerPointer m_CellsContainer
GeometryMapPointer m_GeometryData
unsigned long m_LastCellId
RegionType m_MaximumNumberOfRegions
RegionType m_NumberOfRegions
PointDataContainerPointer m_PointDataContainer
PointLocatorPointer m_PointLocator
PointsContainerPointer m_PointsContainer
int m_ReferenceCount
SimpleFastMutexLock m_ReferenceCountLock
RegionType m_RequestedNumberOfRegions
RegionType m_RequestedRegion

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MapContainer< BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier , CellIdentifier > itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::BoundaryAssignmentsContainer [inherited]

Used for manipulating boundaries and boundary attributes. A BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector is indexed by dimension. For each dimension, it points to a MapContainer indexed by a BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier, which encapsulates a cell identifier and a boundary feature identifier. The boundary feature identifier distinguishes different boundary features for a given cell at a given dimension.

Reimplemented in itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 268 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef BoundaryAssignmentsContainer::Pointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 270 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef std::vector< BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer > itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 272 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef BoundingBoxType::Pointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::BoundingBoxPointer [inherited]

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 182 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef BoundingBox<PointIdentifier,itkGetStaticConstMacro(PointDimension), CoordRepType,PointsContainer> itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::BoundingBoxType [inherited]

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 172 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef CellType::CellAutoPointer itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellAutoPointer

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 98 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CellDataContainer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellDataContainer [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 166 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef CellDataContainer::ConstIterator itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellDataContainerIterator [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 198 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef CellDataContainer::Pointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellDataContainerPointer [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 180 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef CellFeatureIdentifier itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellFeatureCount [inherited]

A useful rename.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 203 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellFeatureIdentifier [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 158 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CellIdentifier itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellIdentifier [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 157 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CellLinksContainer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellLinksContainer [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 164 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef CellLinksContainer::ConstIterator itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellLinksContainerIterator [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 194 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef CellLinksContainer::Pointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellLinksContainerPointer [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 178 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef CellType::MultiVisitor itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellMultiVisitorType [inherited]

Visiting cells.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 210 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CellPixelType itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellPixelType [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 136 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CellsContainer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellsContainer [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 162 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef CellsContainer::ConstIterator itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellsContainerConstIterator [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 190 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef Superclass::CellsContainerIterator itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellsContainerIterator

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 127 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef Superclass::CellsContainerPointer itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellsContainerPointer

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 126 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CellTraits itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellTraits [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 161 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef Superclass::CellType itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CellType

The base cell type for cells in this mesh.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 95 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::ConstPointer

Standard typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 67 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::CoordRepType itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CoordRepType [inherited]

Convenient typedefs obtained from TMeshTraits template parameter.

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 154 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef CovariantVector<typename VectorType::ValueType, 3> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CovariantVectorType

Definition at line 91 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef GeometryMapType::Iterator itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GeometryMapIterator

iterator definition for iterating over a geometry map

Definition at line 110 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef GeometryMapType::Pointer itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GeometryMapPointer

smartpointer def for the geometry map

Definition at line 107 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef itk::MapContainer<unsigned long, SimplexMeshGeometry *> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GeometryMapType

map containing a SimplexMeshGeometry data object for each mesh point

Definition at line 104 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef SimplexMeshGeometry::IndexArray itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::IndexArray

definition for array of indices

Definition at line 70 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::InterpolationWeightType itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::InterpolationWeightType [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 155 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef itk::LineCell<CellType> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::LineType

Definition at line 101 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef TMeshTraits itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::MeshTraits

Hold on to the type information specified by the template parameters.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 117 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef std::vector<unsigned long> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::NeighborListType

Definition at line 79 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef NeighborSetType::iterator itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::NeighborSetIterator

Definition at line 76 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef std::set<unsigned long> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::NeighborSetType

definition for a set of neighbor indices

Definition at line 73 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef MeshTraits::PixelType itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PixelType

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 121 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::PointCellLinksContainer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointCellLinksContainer [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 163 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef PointCellLinksContainer::const_iterator itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointCellLinksContainerIterator [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 200 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef MeshTraits::PointDataContainer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointDataContainer [inherited]

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 165 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef PointDataContainer::ConstPointer itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointDataContainerConstPointer [inherited]

Definition at line 133 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef PointDataContainer::ConstIterator itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointDataContainerIterator [inherited]

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 196 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef PointDataContainer::Pointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointDataContainerPointer [inherited]

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 179 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef SmartPointer<Self> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::Pointer

Standard typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 64 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef TMeshTraits::PointIdentifier itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointIdentifier

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 85 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef PointLocatorType::Pointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointLocatorPointer [inherited]

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 181 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef PointLocator<PointIdentifier,itkGetStaticConstMacro(PointDimension), CoordRepType,PointsContainer> itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointLocatorType [inherited]

Used to support geometric operations on the toolkit.

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordType >, and itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 170 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef MeshTraits::PointsContainer itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointsContainer

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 122 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef Superclass::PointsContainerConstIterator itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointsContainerConstIterator

Create types that are iterators for each of the container types.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 125 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef PointsContainer::ConstPointer itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointsContainerConstPointer [inherited]

Definition at line 131 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef Superclass::PointsContainer::Iterator itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointsContainerIterator

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 124 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef Superclass::PointsContainerPointer itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointsContainerPointer

Create types that are pointers to each of the container types.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 123 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef TMeshTraits::PointType itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PointType

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 82 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
typedef Superclass::RegionType itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::RegionType [inherited]

Type used to define Regions

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Reimplemented in itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

Definition at line 125 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef SimplexMesh itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::Self

Standard typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 58 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef Mesh<TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits> itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::Superclass

Standard typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

Definition at line 61 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
typedef PointType::VectorType itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::VectorType

Definition at line 88 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
enum itk::Mesh::CellsAllocationMethodType [inherited]

Enum defining the possible methods used to allocate memory for the Cells


Definition at line 147 of file itkMesh.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SimplexMesh (  )  [protected]

Constructor for use by New() method.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
virtual itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::~SimplexMesh (  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::Accept ( CellMultiVisitorType mv  )  [virtual, inherited]

This method iterates over all the cells in the mesh and has each cell Accept the MultiVisitor. See MultiVisitor for more information. (Note, this follows the Visitor Design Pattern.)

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
unsigned long itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::AddEdge ( unsigned long  startPointId,
unsigned long  endPointId 

Add a new edge to the simplex mesh by specifying the ids of the start and end point of the edge Note: This can destroy the simplex mesh structure! Better use the simplex mesh modification or creation filters

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
unsigned long itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::AddFace ( CellAutoPointer cellPointer  ) 

Add a new simplex mesh cell to the mesh by passing an AutoPointer of a previously created simplex mesh cell

Note: This can destroy the simplex mesh structure! You should use the simplex mesh modification or creation filters.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::AddNeighbor ( unsigned long  pointId,
unsigned long  neighborId 

Add a neighbor to a point. Note: This can destroy the simplex mesh topology! Better use te simplex mesh creation filters.

unsigned long itk::Object::AddObserver ( const EventObject event,
) const [inherited]

unsigned long itk::Object::AddObserver ( const EventObject event,
) [inherited]

Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any ITK object. This is an implementation of the subject/observer design pattern. An observer is added by specifying an event to respond to and an itk::Command to execute. It returns an unsigned long tag which can be used later to remove the event or retrieve the command. The memory for the Command becomes the responsibility of this object, so don't pass the same instance of a command to two different objects

static void itk::LightObject::BreakOnError (  )  [static, inherited]

This method is called when itkExceptionMacro executes. It allows the debugger to break on error.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::BuildCellLinks (  )  [inherited]

Dynamically build the links from points back to their using cells. This information is stored in the cell links container, not in the points.

Reimplemented in itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
CovariantVectorType itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::ComputeNormal ( unsigned long  idx  )  const

compute the normal vector in the specified mesh point

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
virtual void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::CopyInformation ( const DataObject data  )  [virtual]

copy all necessary information from passed object to the mesh

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

virtual LightObject::Pointer itk::Object::CreateAnother (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

void itk::DataObject::DataHasBeenGenerated (  )  [inherited]

Inform the pipeline mechanism that data has been generated. This method is called by ProcessObject::UpdateOutputData() once the process object has finished generating its data. This essentially marks the DataObject as being updated and ready for use.

virtual void itk::Object::DebugOff (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Turn debugging output off.

virtual void itk::Object::DebugOn (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Turn debugging output on.

virtual void itk::LightObject::Delete (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Delete an itk object. This method should always be used to delete an object when the new operator was used to create it. Using the C delete method will not work with reference counting.

void itk::DataObject::DisconnectPipeline (  )  [inherited]

Separate this data object from the pipeline. This routine disconnects a data object from the upstream pipeline. Hence an Update() from downstream will not propagate back past this data object. To completely isolate this data object from the pipeline, the application must remove this data object from any filters which it is connected as the input.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::FindClosestPoint ( CoordRepType ,
PointIdentifier pointId 
) [inherited]

Geometric operations convert between coordinate systems, perform interpolation, and locate points and cells.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetAssignedCellBoundaryIfOneExists ( int  dimension,
CellIdentifier  ,
CellFeatureIdentifier  ,
) const [inherited]

Check if there is an explicitly assigned boundary feature for the given dimension and cell- and cell-feature-identifiers. If there is, a pointer to it is given back through boundary (if boundary != NULL) and true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
PointType itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetBarycentricCoordinates ( unsigned long  idx  )  const

Set the barycentric coordinates for a specified point

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetBoundaryAssignment ( int  dimension,
CellIdentifier  cellId,
CellFeatureIdentifier  featureId,
CellIdentifier boundaryId 
) const [inherited]

For the given cellId, get the identifier of a particular boundary feature of the given dimension. The featureId determines which boundary feature of the specified dimension is returned. For instance, if dimension is 1 and featureId is 0, then GetBoundaryAssignment finds the 0th edge of the given cell. The return value indicates whether a feature of the appropriate dimension and featureId exists. If it does not, the BoundaryIdentifier pointer is left unchanged.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
const BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetBoundaryAssignments ( int  dimension  )  const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetBoundaryAssignments ( int  dimension  )  [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
const BoundingBoxType* itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetBoundingBox ( void   )  const [inherited]

Get the bounding box of the mesh. The methods return a pointer to the user-supplied bounding box as a convenience.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetBufferedRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCell ( CellIdentifier  ,
) const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellBoundaryFeature ( int  dimension,
CellIdentifier  ,
CellFeatureIdentifier  ,
) const [inherited]

Get the boundary feature of the given dimension of the given cell corresponding to the given feature identifier.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
unsigned long itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellBoundaryFeatureNeighbors ( int  dimension,
CellIdentifier  ,
CellFeatureIdentifier  ,
std::set< CellIdentifier > *  cellSet 
) [inherited]

Get the set of cells neighboring the given cell across the given boundary feature. Returns the number of neighbors found. If cellSet is not NULL, the set of cell pointers is filled in with identifiers of the neighboring cells.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
BoundingBoxPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellBoundingBox ( CellIdentifier  cellId,
BoundingBoxPointer  bbox 
) [inherited]

Get the bounding box of a cell in the mesh. The user must supply the bounding box. The methods return a pointer to the user-supplied bounding box as a convenience.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellData ( CellIdentifier  ,
) const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
const CellDataContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellData (  )  const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
CellDataContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellData (  )  [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
const CellLinksContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellLinks (  )  const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
CellLinksContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellLinks (  )  [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
unsigned long itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellNeighbors ( CellIdentifier  cellId,
std::set< CellIdentifier > *  cellSet 
) [inherited]

Get the set of cells having the given cell as part of their boundary. Returns the number of neighbors found. If cellSet is not NULL, the set of cell pointers is filled in with identifiers of the neighboring cells.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
const CellsContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCells (  )  const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
CellsContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCells (  )  [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual const CellsAllocationMethodType& itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetCellsAllocationMethod (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Command* itk::Object::GetCommand ( unsigned long  tag  )  [inherited]

Get the command associated with the given tag. NOTE: This returns a pointer to a Command, but it is safe to asign this to a Command::Pointer. Since Command inherits from LightObject, at this point in the code, only a pointer or a reference to the Command can be used.

bool itk::DataObject::GetDataReleased (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the flag indicating the data has been released.

Definition at line 334 of file itkDataObject.h.

bool itk::Object::GetDebug (  )  const [inherited]

Get the value of the debug flag.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
double itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetDistance ( unsigned long  idx  )  const

Get the distance to the foot point for the specified point

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
virtual const GeometryMapPointer& itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetGeometryData (  )  [virtual]

returns the current map of geometrydata

static bool itk::DataObject::GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (  )  [static, inherited]

static bool itk::Object::GetGlobalWarningDisplay (  )  [static, inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
virtual unsigned long itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetLastCellId (  )  [virtual]

Set the id value valid for new cells

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetMaximumNumberOfRegions (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get the maximum number of regions that this data can be separated into.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
double itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetMeanCurvature ( unsigned long  idx  )  const

Get the mean curvature for the specified point

const MetaDataDictionary& itk::Object::GetMetaDataDictionary ( void   )  const [inherited]

A constant reference to this objects MetaDataDictionary.

MetaDataDictionary& itk::Object::GetMetaDataDictionary ( void   )  [inherited]

A reference to this objects MetaDataDictionary.
This reference may be changed.

virtual unsigned long itk::Object::GetMTime (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return this objects modified time.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >, itk::ImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingSpatialObject >, itk::MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >, itk::PointSetToImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >, itk::PointSetToPointSetRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet >, itk::DeformationFieldSource< TOutputImage >, itk::InverseDeformationFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >, itk::ResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >, itk::VectorResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >, itk::BoundingBox< TPointIdentifier, VPointDimension, TCoordRep, TPointsContainer >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::SceneSpatialObject< TSpaceDimension >, itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::SpatialObject< 3 >, and itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >.

Referenced by itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >::GetObjectMTime().

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
virtual const char* itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetNameOfClass (  )  const [virtual]

Standard part of every itk Object.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
NeighborListType* itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetNeighbors ( unsigned long  pointId,
unsigned int  radius,
NeighborListType list = NULL 
) const

Get all neighbor points with a specified radius

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
IndexArray itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetNeighbors ( unsigned long  pointId  )  const

Get the three direct neighbors of a point

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
CellFeatureCount itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetNumberOfCellBoundaryFeatures ( int  dimension,
) const [inherited]

Interface to cells.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
unsigned long itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetNumberOfCells (  )  const [inherited]

Mesh-level operation interface.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
unsigned long itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetNumberOfPoints ( void   )  const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
double itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetPhi ( unsigned long  idx  )  const

Get the simplex angle for the specified point

virtual const unsigned long& itk::DataObject::GetPipelineMTime (  )  [virtual, inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetPoint ( PointIdentifier  ,
) const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetPointData ( PointIdentifier  ,
) const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
const PointDataContainer* itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetPointData ( void   )  const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
PointDataContainer* itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetPointData ( void   )  [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
const PointsContainer* itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetPoints ( void   )  const [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
PointsContainer* itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetPoints ( void   )  [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
double itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetRadius ( unsigned long  idx  )  const

Get the circum circles radius for the specified point

virtual int itk::LightObject::GetReferenceCount (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Gets the reference count on this object.

Definition at line 98 of file itkLightObject.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
PointType itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetReferenceMetrics ( unsigned long  idx  )  const

Return the reference metrics for the specified point

virtual const bool& itk::DataObject::GetReleaseDataFlag (  )  [virtual, inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::GetRequestedRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

SmartPointerForwardReference<ProcessObject> itk::DataObject::GetSource (  )  const [inherited]

Get the process object that generated this data object. If there is no process object, then the data object has been disconnected from the pipeline, or the data object was created manually. (Note: we cannot use the GetObjectMacro() defined in itkMacro because the mutual dependency of DataObject and ProcessObject causes compile problems. Also, a forward reference smart pointer is returned, not a smart pointer, because of the circular dependency between the process and data object.)

GetSource() returns a SmartPointerForwardReference and not a WeakPointer because it is assumed the code calling GetSource() wants to hold a long term reference to the source.

unsigned int itk::DataObject::GetSourceOutputIndex (  )  const [inherited]

Which of the source's outputs corresponds to this data object?

virtual unsigned long itk::DataObject::GetUpdateMTime (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

MTime for the last time this DataObject was generated.

void itk::DataObject::GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff (  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 319 of file itkDataObject.h.

void itk::DataObject::GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn (  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 317 of file itkDataObject.h.

static void itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOff (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Definition at line 100 of file itkObject.h.

References itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay().

static void itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOn (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Definition at line 98 of file itkObject.h.

References itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay().

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::Graft ( const DataObject data  )  [virtual, inherited]

Methods for managing Mesh filters that have internal mini-pipelines

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

bool itk::Object::HasObserver ( const EventObject event  )  const [inherited]

Return true if an observer is registered for this event.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::Initialize (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Mesh-level operation interface.

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

void itk::Object::InvokeEvent ( const EventObject  )  const [inherited]

Call Execute on all the Commands observing this event id. The actions triggered by this call doesn't modify this object.

void itk::Object::InvokeEvent ( const EventObject  )  [inherited]

Call Execute on all the Commands observing this event id.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::itkStaticConstMacro ( MaxTopologicalDimension  ,
unsigned  int,
) [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::itkStaticConstMacro ( PointDimension  ,
unsigned  int,
) [inherited]

Convenient constants obtained from TMeshTraits template parameter.

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

virtual void itk::Object::Modified (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Update the modification time for this object. Many filters rely on the modification time to determine if they need to recompute their data.

Reimplemented in itk::NormalizeImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Referenced by itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::InsertNarrowBandNode(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetCenter(), itk::HistogramAlgorithmBase< TInputHistogram >::SetInputHistogram(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetMatrix(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBand(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBandInnerRadius(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBandTotalRadius(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetOffset(), itk::ThresholdLabelerImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetRealThresholds(), itk::CollidingFrontsImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetSeedPoints1(), itk::CollidingFrontsImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetSeedPoints2(), itk::NonUniformBSpline< TDimension >::SetSplineOrder(), itk::ThresholdLabelerImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetThresholds(), itk::Statistics::GoodnessOfFitFunctionBase< TInputHistogram >::SetTotalObservedScale(), and itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetTranslation().

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
static Pointer itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::New (  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PassStructure ( Self inputMesh  )  [inherited]

Mesh-level operation interface.

Reimplemented from itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

virtual void itk::DataObject::PrepareForNewData (  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Setup a DataObject to receive new data. This method is called by the pipeline mechanism on each output of filter that needs to execute. The default implementation is to return a DataObject to its initial state. This may involve releasing previously allocated bulk data. Subclasses of DataObject may want to override this method and/or the Initialize() method if they want a different default behavior (for instance a DataObject might want finer control over its bulk data memory management).

Definition at line 389 of file itkDataObject.h.

void itk::LightObject::Print ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent = 0 
) const [inherited]

Cause the object to print itself out.

Referenced by itk::WeakPointer< itk::ProcessObject >::Print().

virtual void itk::LightObject::PrintHeader ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

bool itk::Object::PrintObservers ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual]

Constructor for use by New() method.

Reimplemented from itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >.

virtual void itk::LightObject::PrintTrailer ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void itk::DataObject::PropagateRequestedRegion (  )  throw (InvalidRequestedRegionError) [virtual, inherited]

Methods to update the pipeline. Called internally by the pipeline mechanism.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

virtual void itk::DataObject::PropagateResetPipeline (  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Propagate a call to ResetPipeline(). Called only from ProcessObject.

virtual void itk::Object::Register (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object).

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::ReleaseCellsMemory (  )  [protected, inherited]

Release the memory allocated for the cells pointers. This is done based on information provided by the user through the method SetCellsAllocationMethod()

void itk::DataObject::ReleaseData (  )  [inherited]

Release data back to system to conserve memory resource. Used during pipeline execution. Releasing this data does not make down-stream data invalid, so it does not modify the MTime of this data object.

virtual void itk::DataObject::ReleaseDataFlagOff (  )  [virtual, inherited]

virtual void itk::DataObject::ReleaseDataFlagOn (  )  [virtual, inherited]

void itk::Object::RemoveAllObservers (  )  [inherited]

Remove all observers .

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
bool itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::RemoveBoundaryAssignment ( int  dimension,
CellIdentifier  cellId,
CellFeatureIdentifier  featureId 
) [inherited]

For the given cellId, get the identifier of a particular boundary feature of the given dimension. The featureId determines which boundary feature of the specified dimension is returned. For instance, if dimension is 1 and featureId is 0, then GetBoundaryAssignment finds the 0th edge of the given cell. The return value indicates whether a feature of the appropriate dimension and featureId exists. If it does not, the BoundaryIdentifier pointer is left unchanged.

void itk::Object::RemoveObserver ( unsigned long  tag  )  [inherited]

Remove the observer with this tag value.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
unsigned long itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::ReplaceFace ( unsigned long  replaceIndex,
CellAutoPointer cellPointer 

Replaces the cell specified by replaceIndex with the new cell passed by its AutoPopinter

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::ReplaceNeighbor ( unsigned long  pointId,
unsigned long  oldNeighborId,
unsigned long  newNeighborIdx 

Replace a neighbor of a specific point by a new one

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual bool itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Determine whether the RequestedRegion is outside of the BufferedRegion. This method returns true if the RequestedRegion is outside the BufferedRegion (true if at least one pixel is outside). This is used by the pipeline mechanism to determine whether a filter needs to re-execute in order to satisfy the current request. If the current RequestedRegion is already inside the BufferedRegion from the previous execution (and the current filter is up to date), then a given filter does not need to re-execute

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >.

virtual void itk::DataObject::ResetPipeline (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reset the pipeline. If an exception is thrown during an Update(), the pipeline may be in an inconsistent state. This method clears the internal state of the pipeline so Update() can be called.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetBarycentricCoordinates ( unsigned long  idx,
PointType  values 

Set the geometry data for a specified point

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetBoundaryAssignment ( int  dimension,
CellIdentifier  cellId,
CellFeatureIdentifier  featureId,
CellIdentifier  boundaryId 
) [inherited]

Explicitly assign boundaryId as a part of the boundary of cellId. The identifiers boundaryId and cellId must identify cell objects already in the mesh. The dimension of boundaryId must be specified by dimension, and a unique CellFeatureIdentifier featureId must be assigned for each distinct boundary feature of a given dimension. CellFeatureIdentifier is equivalent to unsigned long by default, and this typedef will not typically need to be changed. The UsingCells list of boundaryId is automatically updated to include cellId.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetBoundaryAssignments ( int  dimension,
) [inherited]

Set/get the BoundaryAssignmentsContainer for a given dimension. The BoundaryAssignmentsContainer is a MapContainer indexed by a BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier, which encapsulates a cell identifier and a boundary feature identifier. The boundary feature identifier distinguishes different boundary features for a given cell at a given dimension.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetBufferedRegion ( const RegionType region  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set/Get the Buffered region

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetCell ( CellIdentifier  ,
) [inherited]

Access routines to fill the Cells container (m_CellsContainer), and get information from it. If SetCell is used to overwrite a cell currently in the mesh, it is the caller's responsibility to release the memory for the cell currently at the CellIdentifier position prior to calling SetCell.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetCellData ( CellIdentifier  ,
) [inherited]

Access routines to fill the CellData container, and get information from it.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetCellData ( CellDataContainer  )  [inherited]

Access m_CellDataContainer, which contains data associated with the mesh's cells. Optionally, this can be NULL, indicating that no data are associated with the cells. The data for a cell can be accessed through its cell identifier.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetCellLinks ( CellLinksContainer  )  [inherited]

Access m_CellsLinksContainer, which contains parent cell links for each point. Since a point can be used by multiple cells, each point identifier accesses another container which holds the cell identifiers

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetCells ( CellsContainer  )  [inherited]

Access m_CellsContainer, which holds cells used by the mesh. Individual cells are accessed through cell identifiers.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetCellsAllocationMethod ( CellsAllocationMethodType  _arg  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set/Get the identification of the method used to allocate cells

Failure to call this method correctly will lead to memory leaks and/or segmentation faults because the cell memory will not be erased or will be erased with an improper method.

void itk::Object::SetDebug ( bool  debugFlag  )  const [inherited]

Set the value of the debug flag. A non-zero value turns debugging on.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetDistance ( unsigned long  idx,
double  values 

Set the distance to the foot point for the specified point

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetGeometryData ( unsigned long  pointId,

Set the geometry data for a specified point

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
virtual void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetGeometryData ( GeometryMapPointer  _arg  )  [virtual]

set the map of geometrydata to the new pointer

static void itk::DataObject::SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ( const bool  val  )  [static, inherited]

Turn on/off a flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter. Being a global flag, it controls the behavior of all DataObjects and ProcessObjects.

static void itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay ( bool  flag  )  [static, inherited]

This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed.

Referenced by itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOff(), and itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOn().

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
virtual void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetLastCellId ( unsigned long  _arg  )  [virtual]

Get the first free id for new cells

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetMeanCurvature ( unsigned long  idx,
double  values 

Set the mean curvature for the specified point

void itk::Object::SetMetaDataDictionary ( const MetaDataDictionary rhs  )  [inherited]

Set the MetaDataDictionary

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetPhi ( unsigned long  idx,
double  values 

Set the simplex angle for the specified point

void itk::DataObject::SetPipelineMTime ( unsigned long  time  )  [inline, inherited]

The maximum MTime of all upstream filters and data objects. This does not include the MTime of this data object.

Definition at line 373 of file itkDataObject.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetPoint ( PointIdentifier  ,
) [inherited]

Access routines to fill the Points container, and get information from it.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetPointData ( PointIdentifier  ,
) [inherited]

Access routines to fill the PointData container, and get information from it.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetPointData ( PointDataContainer  )  [inherited]

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetPoints ( PointsContainer  )  [inherited]

Define Set/Get access routines for each internal container. Methods also exist to add points, cells, etc. one at a time rather than through an entire container.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetRadius ( unsigned long  idx,
double  values 

Set the circum circles radius for the specified point

virtual void itk::Object::SetReferenceCount ( int   )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the reference count (use with care)

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetReferenceMetrics ( unsigned long  idx,
PointType  values 

Set the reference metrics for a specified point

void itk::DataObject::SetReleaseDataFlag ( bool  flag  )  [inline, inherited]

Turn on/off a flag to control whether this object's data is released after being used by a filter.

Definition at line 304 of file itkDataObject.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetRequestedRegion ( const RegionType region  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set/Get the Requested region

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetRequestedRegion ( DataObject data  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the requested region from this data object to match the requested region of the data object passed in as a parameter. This method implements the API from DataObject. The data object parameter must be castable to a PointSet.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the RequestedRegion to the LargestPossibleRegion. This forces a filter to produce all of the output in one execution (i.e. not streaming) on the next call to Update().

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

bool itk::DataObject::ShouldIReleaseData (  )  const [inherited]

Return flag indicating whether data should be released after use by a filter.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
void itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::SwapNeighbors ( unsigned long  pointId,
unsigned long  firstNeighborId,
unsigned long  secondNeighborId 

Swap the order of two neighbors

virtual void itk::Object::UnRegister (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Decrease the reference count (release by another object).

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

virtual void itk::DataObject::Update (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Provides opportunity for the data object to insure internal consistency before access. Also causes owning source/filter (if any) to update itself. The Update() method is composed of UpdateOutputInformation(), PropagateRequestedRegion(), and UpdateOutputData(). This method may call methods that throw an InvalidRequestedRegionError exception. This exception will leave the pipeline in an inconsistent state. You will need to call ResetPipeline() on the last ProcessObject in your pipeline in order to restore the pipeline to a state where you can call Update() again.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::SpatialObject< 3 >, and itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >.

virtual void itk::DataObject::UpdateOutputData (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Methods to update the pipeline. Called internally by the pipeline mechanism.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual void itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::UpdateOutputInformation (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Methods to manage streaming.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
virtual bool itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::VerifyRequestedRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Verify that the RequestedRegion is within the LargestPossibleRegion.

If the RequestedRegion is not within the LargestPossibleRegion, then the filter cannot possibly satisfy the request. This method returns true if the request can be satisfied (even if it will be necessary to process the entire LargestPossibleRegion) and returns false otherwise. This method is used by PropagateRequestedRegion(). PropagateRequestedRegion() throws a InvalidRequestedRegionError exception if the requested region is not within the LargestPossibleRegion. Default implementation simply returns true in order to support DataObjects that do not need regions (for instance itk::EquivalencyTable).

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_BoundaryAssignmentsContainers [protected, inherited]

A vector of objects containing explicit cell boundary assignments. The vector is indexed by the topological dimension of the cell boundary. The container for each topological dimension holds boundary identifiers of the assigned boundaries. The containers are keyed by BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier objects (see above). The boundary identifiers can be used to access the boundaries themselves in the containers stored in the Boundaries vector. They can also be used to access the data stored by a particular boundary through the containers in the BoundaryData vector.

Definition at line 301 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
BoundingBoxPointer itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_BoundingBox [protected, inherited]

The bounding box (xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, ...) of the mesh. The bounding box is used for searching, picking, display, etc.

Definition at line 169 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_BufferedRegion [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 256 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
CellDataContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_CellDataContainer [protected, inherited]

An object containing data associated with the mesh's cells. Optionally, this can be NULL, indicating that no data are associated with the cells. The data for a cell can be accessed through its cell identifier.

Definition at line 285 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
CellLinksContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_CellLinksContainer [protected, inherited]

An object containing parent cell links for each point. Since a point can be used by multiple cells, each point identifier accesses another container which holds the cell identifiers

Definition at line 290 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension >>
CellsContainerPointer itk::Mesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_CellsContainer [protected, inherited]

Holds cells used by the mesh. Individual cells are accessed through cell identifiers.

Definition at line 279 of file itkMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
GeometryMapPointer itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_GeometryData [protected]

The map stores a SimplexMeshGeometry object for each mesh point

Definition at line 277 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension, TPixelType , TPixelType , TPixelType >>
unsigned long itk::SimplexMesh< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_LastCellId [protected]

The last cell id is the index which is used for insertion of new cells. It increases during mesh creation. This is done because one cannot rely on the size of the map or the highest index when cells are removed.

Definition at line 286 of file itkSimplexMesh.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_MaximumNumberOfRegions [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 253 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_NumberOfRegions [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 254 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
PointDataContainerPointer itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_PointDataContainer [protected, inherited]

An object containing data associated with the mesh's points. Optionally, this can be NULL, indicating that no data are associated with the points. The data for a point can be accessed through its point identifier.

Definition at line 161 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
PointLocatorPointer itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_PointLocator [protected, inherited]

PointLocator is used to accelerate the search for points. This supports the FindClosestPoint() method.

Definition at line 165 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
PointsContainerPointer itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_PointsContainer [protected, inherited]

An object containing points used by the mesh. Individual points are accessed through point identifiers.

Definition at line 150 of file itkPointSet.h.

int itk::LightObject::m_ReferenceCount [mutable, protected, inherited]

Number of uses of this object by other objects.

Definition at line 119 of file itkLightObject.h.

SimpleFastMutexLock itk::LightObject::m_ReferenceCountLock [mutable, protected, inherited]

Mutex lock to protect modification to the reference count

Definition at line 122 of file itkLightObject.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_RequestedNumberOfRegions [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 255 of file itkPointSet.h.

template<typename TPixelType, unsigned int VDimension = 3, typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VDimension, VDimension >>
RegionType itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits >::m_RequestedRegion [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 257 of file itkPointSet.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Mon Mar 12 09:59:52 2007 for ITK by doxygen 1.5.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000