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itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension > Class Template Reference

#include <itkVectorImage.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
class itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >

Templated n-dimensional vector image class.

This class differs from Image in that it is intended to represent multiple images. Each pixel represents k measurements, each of datatype TPixel. The memory organization of the resulting image is as follows: ... Pi0 Pi1 Pi2 Pi3 P(i+1)0 P(i+1)1 P(i+1)2 P(i+1)3 P(i+2)0 ... where Pi0 represents the 0th measurement of the pixel at index i.

Conceptually, a VectorImage< double, 3 > is the same as a Image< VariableLengthVector< double >, 3 >. The difference lies in the memory organization. The latter results in a fragmented organization with each location in the Image holding a pointer to an VariableLengthVector holding the actual pixel. The former stores the k pixels instead of a pointer reference, which apart from avoiding fragmentation of memory also avoids storing a 8 bytes of pointer reference for each pixel. The parameter k can be set using SetVectorLength.

The API of the class is such that it returns a pixeltype VariableLengthVector< double > when queried, with the data internally pointing to the buffer. (the container does not manage the memory). Similarly SetPixel calls can be made with VariableLengthVector< double >.

The API of this class is similar to Image.

When using Iterators on this image, you cannot use the it.Value(). You must use Set/Get() methods instead.
This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149.
See also:








Definition at line 79 of file itkVectorImage.h.
static bool GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ()
static void SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (const bool val)
void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff ()
void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn ()

Public Types

typedef DefaultVectorPixelAccessorFunctor<
typedef DefaultVectorPixelAccessor<
typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef WeakPointer< const
typedef Superclass::DirectionType DirectionType
typedef Superclass::IndexType IndexType
typedef IndexType::IndexValueType IndexValueType
typedef TPixel InternalPixelType
typedef InternalPixelType IOPixelType
typedef VectorImageNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor<
typedef Superclass::OffsetType OffsetType
typedef Superclass::OffsetValueType OffsetValueType
typedef ImportImageContainer<
unsigned long, InternalPixelType
typedef PixelContainer::ConstPointer PixelContainerConstPointer
typedef PixelContainer::Pointer PixelContainerPointer
typedef VariableLengthVector<
TPixel > 
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef Superclass::PointType PointType
typedef Superclass::RegionType RegionType
typedef VectorImage Self
typedef Superclass::SizeType SizeType
typedef SizeType::SizeValueType SizeValueType
typedef Superclass::SpacingType SpacingType
typedef ImageBase< VImageDimension > Superclass
typedef TPixel ValueType
typedef unsigned int VectorLengthType

Public Member Functions

void Allocate ()
OffsetValueType ComputeOffset (const IndexType &ind) const
virtual LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const
void DataHasBeenGenerated ()
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
virtual void Delete ()
void DisconnectPipeline ()
void FillBuffer (const PixelType &value)
virtual const RegionTypeGetBufferedRegion () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDataReleased () const
bool GetDebug () const
virtual const DirectionTypeGetDirection ()
virtual const RegionTypeGetLargestPossibleRegion () const
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary (void) const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary (void)
virtual unsigned long GetMTime () const
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
const NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType GetNeighborhoodAccessor () const
NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType GetNeighborhoodAccessor ()
virtual const PointTypeGetOrigin ()
PixelType GetPixel (const IndexType &index)
const PixelType GetPixel (const IndexType &index) const
const AccessorType GetPixelAccessor (void) const
AccessorType GetPixelAccessor (void)
const PixelContainerGetPixelContainer () const
PixelContainerGetPixelContainer ()
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
virtual const RegionTypeGetRequestedRegion () const
GetSource () const
unsigned int GetSourceOutputIndex () const
virtual const SpacingTypeGetSpacing ()
virtual unsigned long GetUpdateMTime () const
virtual void Graft (const DataObject *data)
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
virtual void Initialize ()
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
 itkStaticConstMacro (ImageDimension, unsigned int, VImageDimension)
virtual void Modified () const
PixelType operator[] (const IndexType &index) const
PixelType operator[] (const IndexType &index)
virtual void PrepareForNewData ()
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const
virtual void Register () const
void ReleaseData ()
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
virtual void ResetPipeline ()
virtual void SetBufferedRegion (const RegionType &region)
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
virtual void SetDirection (const DirectionType direction)
virtual void SetLargestPossibleRegion (const RegionType &region)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetPixel (const IndexType &index, const PixelType &value)
void SetPixelContainer (PixelContainer *container)
virtual void SetReferenceCount (int)
void SetRegions (SizeType size)
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (DataObject *data)
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (const RegionType &region)
bool ShouldIReleaseData () const
template<class TCoordRep>
bool TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex (const Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &point, ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &index) const
template<class TCoordRep>
bool TransformPhysicalPointToIndex (const Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &point, IndexType &index) const
virtual void UnRegister () const
virtual void Update ()
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *)
IndexType ComputeIndex (OffsetValueType offset) const
virtual void CopyInformation (const DataObject *data)
virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion ()
virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion ()
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation ()
virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion ()
const InternalPixelTypeGetBufferPointer () const
InternalPixelTypeGetBufferPointer ()
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel () const
virtual void SetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel (unsigned int n)
const OffsetValueTypeGetOffsetTable () const
virtual const unsigned long & GetPipelineMTime ()
void SetPipelineMTime (unsigned long time)
virtual const bool & GetReleaseDataFlag ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void SetReleaseDataFlag (bool flag)
virtual const VectorLengthTypeGetVectorLength ()
virtual void SetVectorLength (VectorLengthType _arg)
virtual void PropagateRequestedRegion () throw (InvalidRequestedRegionError)
virtual void UpdateOutputData ()
virtual void SetOrigin (const float origin[VImageDimension])
virtual void SetOrigin (const double origin[VImageDimension])
virtual void SetOrigin (PointType _arg)
void SetRegions (RegionType region)
virtual void SetSpacing (const float spacing[VImageDimension])
virtual void SetSpacing (const double spacing[VImageDimension])
virtual void SetSpacing (SpacingType _arg)
template<class TCoordRep>
void TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint (const ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &index, Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &point) const
template<class TCoordRep>
void TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint (const IndexType &index, Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &point) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void BreakOnError ()
static unsigned int GetImageDimension ()
static Pointer New ()
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool flag)

Protected Member Functions

void ComputeOffsetTable ()
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PropagateResetPipeline ()
 VectorImage ()
virtual ~VectorImage ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const

Protected Attributes

DirectionType m_Direction
PointType m_Origin
int m_ReferenceCount
SimpleFastMutexLock m_ReferenceCountLock
SpacingType m_Spacing

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef DefaultVectorPixelAccessorFunctor< Self > itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::AccessorFunctorType

Functor to provide a common API between DefaultPixelAccessor and DefaultVectorPixelAccessor

Definition at line 118 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef DefaultVectorPixelAccessor< InternalPixelType > itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::AccessorType

Accessor type that convert data between internal and external representations.

Definition at line 114 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 87 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef WeakPointer<const Self> itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::ConstWeakPointer

Definition at line 88 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::DirectionType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::DirectionType

Direction typedef support. A matrix of direction cosines.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 143 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::IndexType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::IndexType

Index typedef support. An index is used to access pixel values.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 134 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
typedef IndexType::IndexValueType itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::IndexValueType [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::BloxCoreAtomImage< NDimension >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Definition at line 105 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef TPixel itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::InternalPixelType

This is the actual pixel type contained in the buffer. Each vector pixel is composed of 'm_VectorLength' contiguous InternalPixelType.

Definition at line 105 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef InternalPixelType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::IOPixelType

Definition at line 110 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef VectorImageNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor< Self > itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType

Tyepdef for the functor used to access a neighborhood of pixel pointers.

Definition at line 122 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::OffsetType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::OffsetType

Offset typedef support. An offset is used to access pixel values.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 137 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::OffsetValueType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::OffsetValueType

Offset typedef (relative position between indices)

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 161 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef ImportImageContainer<unsigned long, InternalPixelType> itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::PixelContainer

Container used to store pixels in the image.

Definition at line 131 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef PixelContainer::ConstPointer itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::PixelContainerConstPointer

Definition at line 158 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef PixelContainer::Pointer itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::PixelContainerPointer

A pointer to the pixel container.

Definition at line 157 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef VariableLengthVector< TPixel > itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::PixelType

Pixel typedef support. Used to declare pixel type in filters or other operations. This is not the actual pixel type contained in the buffer, ie m_Buffer. The image exhibits an external API of an VariableLengthVector< T > and internally stores its data as type T.

Definition at line 94 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef SmartPointer<Self> itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 86 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::PointType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::PointType

Origin typedef support. The origin is the geometric coordinates of the index (0,0).

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 154 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::RegionType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::RegionType

Region typedef support. A region is used to specify a subset of an image.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 146 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef VectorImage itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::Self

Standard class typedefs

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 84 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::SizeType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SizeType

Size typedef support. A size is used to define region bounds.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 140 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
typedef SizeType::SizeValueType itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SizeValueType [inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Definition at line 114 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef Superclass::SpacingType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SpacingType

Spacing typedef support. Spacing holds the size of a pixel. The spacing is the geometric distance between image samples.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 150 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef ImageBase< VImageDimension > itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

Definition at line 85 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef TPixel itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::ValueType

Typedef alias for PixelType

Definition at line 108 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
typedef unsigned int itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::VectorLengthType

Definition at line 163 of file itkVectorImage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::VectorImage (  )  [protected]

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::~VectorImage (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 391 of file itkVectorImage.h.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned long itk::Object::AddObserver ( const EventObject event,
) const [inherited]

unsigned long itk::Object::AddObserver ( const EventObject event,
) [inherited]

Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any ITK object. This is an implementation of the subject/observer design pattern. An observer is added by specifying an event to respond to and an itk::Command to execute. It returns an unsigned long tag which can be used later to remove the event or retrieve the command. The memory for the Command becomes the responsibility of this object, so don't pass the same instance of a command to two different objects

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::Allocate (  ) 

Allocate the image memory. The size of the image must already be set, e.g. by calling SetRegions().

static void itk::LightObject::BreakOnError (  )  [static, inherited]

This method is called when itkExceptionMacro executes. It allows the debugger to break on error.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
IndexType itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::ComputeIndex ( OffsetValueType  offset  )  const [inline, inherited]

Compute the index of the pixel at a specified offset from the beginning of the buffered region. Bounds checking is not performed. Thus, the computed index could be outside the BufferedRegion. To ensure a valid index, the parameter "offset" should be between 0 and the number of pixels in the BufferedRegion (the latter can be found using ImageRegion::GetNumberOfPixels()).

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Definition at line 290 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
OffsetValueType itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::ComputeOffset ( const IndexType ind  )  const [inline, inherited]

Compute an offset from the beginning of the buffer for a pixel at the specified index. The index is not checked as to whether it is inside the current buffer, so the computed offset could conceivably be outside the buffer. If bounds checking is needed, one can call ImageRegion::IsInside(ind) on the BufferedRegion prior to calling ComputeOffset.

Definition at line 255 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::ComputeOffsetTable (  )  [protected, inherited]

Calculate the offsets needed to move from one pixel to the next along a row, column, slice, volume, etc. These offsets are based on the size of the BufferedRegion. This should be called after the BufferedRegion is set.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::CopyInformation ( const DataObject data  )  [virtual, inherited]

Copy information from the specified data set. This method is part of the pipeline execution model. By default, a ProcessObject will copy meta-data from the first input to all of its outputs. See ProcessObject::GenerateOutputInformation(). Each subclass of DataObject is responsible for being able to copy whatever meta-data it needs from from another DataObject. ImageBase has more meta-data than its DataObject. Thus, it must provide its own version of CopyInformation() in order to copy the LargestPossibleRegion from the input parameter.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

virtual LightObject::Pointer itk::Object::CreateAnother (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

void itk::DataObject::DataHasBeenGenerated (  )  [inherited]

Inform the pipeline mechanism that data has been generated. This method is called by ProcessObject::UpdateOutputData() once the process object has finished generating its data. This essentially marks the DataObject as being updated and ready for use.

virtual void itk::Object::DebugOff (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Turn debugging output off.

virtual void itk::Object::DebugOn (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Turn debugging output on.

virtual void itk::LightObject::Delete (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Delete an itk object. This method should always be used to delete an object when the new operator was used to create it. Using the C delete method will not work with reference counting.

void itk::DataObject::DisconnectPipeline (  )  [inherited]

Separate this data object from the pipeline. This routine disconnects a data object from the upstream pipeline. Hence an Update() from downstream will not propagate back past this data object. To completely isolate this data object from the pipeline, the application must remove this data object from any filters which it is connected as the input.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::FillBuffer ( const PixelType value  ) 

Fill the image buffer with a value. Be sure to call Allocate() first.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual const RegionType& itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetBufferedRegion (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Get the region object that defines the size and starting index of the region of the image currently loaded in memory.

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetRequestedRegion()

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Definition at line 205 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
const InternalPixelType* itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetBufferPointer (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 253 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
InternalPixelType* itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetBufferPointer (  )  [inline]

Return a pointer to the beginning of the buffer. This is used by the image iterator class.

Definition at line 251 of file itkVectorImage.h.

Command* itk::Object::GetCommand ( unsigned long  tag  )  [inherited]

Get the command associated with the given tag. NOTE: This returns a pointer to a Command, but it is safe to asign this to a Command::Pointer. Since Command inherits from LightObject, at this point in the code, only a pointer or a reference to the Command can be used.

bool itk::DataObject::GetDataReleased (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the flag indicating the data has been released.

Definition at line 334 of file itkDataObject.h.

bool itk::Object::GetDebug (  )  const [inherited]

Get the value of the debug flag.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual const DirectionType& itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetDirection (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get the direction cosines of the image. The direction cosines are vectors that point from one pixel to the next. For ImageBase and Image, the default direction is identity.

static bool itk::DataObject::GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (  )  [static, inherited]

static bool itk::Object::GetGlobalWarningDisplay (  )  [static, inherited]

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
static unsigned int itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetImageDimension (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Image dimension. The dimension of an image is fixed at construction.

Definition at line 137 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual const RegionType& itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetLargestPossibleRegion (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Get the region object that defines the size and starting index for the largest possible region this image could represent. This is used in determining how much memory would be needed to load an entire dataset. It is also used to determine boundary conditions.

See also:
ImageRegion, GetBufferedRegion(), GetRequestedRegion()

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Definition at line 194 of file itkImageBase.h.

Referenced by itk::fem::FEMRegistrationFilter< TMovingImage, TFixedImage >::SetDeformationField().

const MetaDataDictionary& itk::Object::GetMetaDataDictionary ( void   )  const [inherited]

A constant reference to this objects MetaDataDictionary.

MetaDataDictionary& itk::Object::GetMetaDataDictionary ( void   )  [inherited]

A reference to this objects MetaDataDictionary.
This reference may be changed.

virtual unsigned long itk::Object::GetMTime (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return this objects modified time.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >, itk::ImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingSpatialObject >, itk::MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >, itk::PointSetToImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >, itk::PointSetToPointSetRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet >, itk::DeformationFieldSource< TOutputImage >, itk::InverseDeformationFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >, itk::ResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >, itk::VectorResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >, itk::BoundingBox< TPointIdentifier, VPointDimension, TCoordRep, TPointsContainer >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::SceneSpatialObject< TSpaceDimension >, itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::SpatialObject< 3 >, and itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >.

Referenced by itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >::GetObjectMTime().

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual const char* itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetNameOfClass (  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
const NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetNeighborhoodAccessor (  )  const [inline]

Return the NeighborhoodAccessor functor

Definition at line 294 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetNeighborhoodAccessor (  )  [inline]

Return the NeighborhoodAccessor functor

Definition at line 290 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual unsigned int itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel (  )  const [virtual]

Get/Set the number of components each pixel has, ie the VectorLength

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
const OffsetValueType* itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetOffsetTable (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the offset table. The offset table gives increments for moving from one pixel to next in the current row, column, slice, etc.. This table if of size [VImageDimension+1], because its values are computed progressively as: {1, N1, N1*N2, N1*N2*N3,...,(N1*...*Nn)} Where the values {N1,...,Nn} are the elements of the BufferedRegion::Size array. The last element of the OffsetTable is equivalent to the BufferSize. Having a [VImageDimension+1] size array, simplifies the implementation of some data accessing algorithms. The entries in the offset table are only valid after the BufferedRegion is set.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Definition at line 243 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual const PointType& itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetOrigin (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get the origin of the image. The origin is the geometric coordinates of the index (0,0). The value returned is a pointer to a double array. For ImageBase and Image, the default origin is 0.

virtual const unsigned long& itk::DataObject::GetPipelineMTime (  )  [virtual, inherited]

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
PixelType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetPixel ( const IndexType index  )  [inline]

Get a reference to a pixel (e.g. for editing).

For efficiency, this function does not check that the image has actually been allocated yet.

Definition at line 226 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
const PixelType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetPixel ( const IndexType index  )  const [inline]

Get a pixel (read only version).

For efficiency, this function does not check that the image has actually been allocated yet. Note that the method returns a pixel on the stack.

Definition at line 215 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
const AccessorType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetPixelAccessor ( void   )  const [inline]

Return the Pixel Accesor object

Definition at line 286 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
AccessorType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetPixelAccessor ( void   )  [inline]

Return the Pixel Accessor object

Definition at line 282 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
const PixelContainer* itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetPixelContainer (  )  const [inline]

Return a pointer to the container.

Definition at line 262 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
PixelContainer* itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetPixelContainer (  )  [inline]

Return a pointer to the container.

Definition at line 258 of file itkVectorImage.h.

virtual int itk::LightObject::GetReferenceCount (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Gets the reference count on this object.

Definition at line 98 of file itkLightObject.h.

virtual const bool& itk::DataObject::GetReleaseDataFlag (  )  [virtual, inherited]

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual const RegionType& itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetRequestedRegion (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Get the region object that defines the size and starting index for the region of the image requested (i.e., the region of the image to be operated on by a filter).

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetBufferedRegion()

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Definition at line 230 of file itkImageBase.h.

SmartPointerForwardReference<ProcessObject> itk::DataObject::GetSource (  )  const [inherited]

Get the process object that generated this data object. If there is no process object, then the data object has been disconnected from the pipeline, or the data object was created manually. (Note: we cannot use the GetObjectMacro() defined in itkMacro because the mutual dependency of DataObject and ProcessObject causes compile problems. Also, a forward reference smart pointer is returned, not a smart pointer, because of the circular dependency between the process and data object.)

GetSource() returns a SmartPointerForwardReference and not a WeakPointer because it is assumed the code calling GetSource() wants to hold a long term reference to the source.

unsigned int itk::DataObject::GetSourceOutputIndex (  )  const [inherited]

Which of the source's outputs corresponds to this data object?

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual const SpacingType& itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::GetSpacing (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get the spacing (size of a pixel) `of the image. The spacing is the geometric distance between image samples. The value returned is a pointer to a double array. For ImageBase and Image, the default data spacing is unity.

virtual unsigned long itk::DataObject::GetUpdateMTime (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

MTime for the last time this DataObject was generated.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual const VectorLengthType& itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::GetVectorLength (  )  [virtual]

void itk::DataObject::GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff (  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 319 of file itkDataObject.h.

void itk::DataObject::GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn (  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 317 of file itkDataObject.h.

static void itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOff (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Definition at line 100 of file itkObject.h.

References itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay().

static void itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOn (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Definition at line 98 of file itkObject.h.

References itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay().

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::Graft ( const DataObject data  )  [virtual]

Graft the data and information from one image to another. This is a convenience method to setup a second image with all the meta information of another image and use the same pixel container. Note that this method is different than just using two SmartPointers to the same image since separate DataObjects are still maintained. This method is similar to ImageSource::GraftOutput(). The implementation in ImageBase simply calls CopyInformation() and copies the region ivars. The implementation here refers to the superclass' implementation and then copies over the pixel container.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

bool itk::Object::HasObserver ( const EventObject event  )  const [inherited]

Return true if an observer is registered for this event.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::Initialize (  )  [virtual]

Restore the data object to its initial state. This means releasing memory.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

void itk::Object::InvokeEvent ( const EventObject  )  const [inherited]

Call Execute on all the Commands observing this event id. The actions triggered by this call doesn't modify this object.

void itk::Object::InvokeEvent ( const EventObject  )  [inherited]

Call Execute on all the Commands observing this event id.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::itkStaticConstMacro ( ImageDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimension of the image. This constant is used by functions that are templated over image type (as opposed to being templated over pixel type and dimension) when they need compile time access to the dimension of the image.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

virtual void itk::Object::Modified (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Update the modification time for this object. Many filters rely on the modification time to determine if they need to recompute their data.

Reimplemented in itk::NormalizeImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Referenced by itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::InsertNarrowBandNode(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetCenter(), itk::HistogramAlgorithmBase< TInputHistogram >::SetInputHistogram(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetMatrix(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBand(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBandInnerRadius(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBandTotalRadius(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetOffset(), itk::ThresholdLabelerImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetRealThresholds(), itk::CollidingFrontsImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetSeedPoints1(), itk::CollidingFrontsImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetSeedPoints2(), itk::NonUniformBSpline< TDimension >::SetSplineOrder(), itk::ThresholdLabelerImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetThresholds(), itk::Statistics::GoodnessOfFitFunctionBase< TInputHistogram >::SetTotalObservedScale(), and itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetTranslation().

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
static Pointer itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::New (  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
PixelType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::operator[] ( const IndexType index  )  const [inline]

Access a pixel. This version can only be an rvalue because the pixel is converted on the fly to a VariableLengthVector.

For efficiency, this function does not check that the image has actually been allocated yet.

Definition at line 246 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
PixelType itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::operator[] ( const IndexType index  )  [inline]

Access a pixel. This version cannot be an lvalue because the pixel is converted on the fly to a VariableLengthVector.

For efficiency, this function does not check that the image has actually been allocated yet.

Definition at line 238 of file itkVectorImage.h.

virtual void itk::DataObject::PrepareForNewData (  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Setup a DataObject to receive new data. This method is called by the pipeline mechanism on each output of filter that needs to execute. The default implementation is to return a DataObject to its initial state. This may involve releasing previously allocated bulk data. Subclasses of DataObject may want to override this method and/or the Initialize() method if they want a different default behavior (for instance a DataObject might want finer control over its bulk data memory management).

Definition at line 389 of file itkDataObject.h.

void itk::LightObject::Print ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent = 0 
) const [inherited]

Cause the object to print itself out.

Referenced by itk::WeakPointer< itk::ProcessObject >::Print().

virtual void itk::LightObject::PrintHeader ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

bool itk::Object::PrintObservers ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, inherited]

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual]

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

virtual void itk::LightObject::PrintTrailer ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void itk::DataObject::PropagateRequestedRegion (  )  throw (InvalidRequestedRegionError) [virtual, inherited]

Methods to update the pipeline. Called internally by the pipeline mechanism.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

virtual void itk::DataObject::PropagateResetPipeline (  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Propagate a call to ResetPipeline(). Called only from ProcessObject.

virtual void itk::Object::Register (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object).

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

void itk::DataObject::ReleaseData (  )  [inherited]

Release data back to system to conserve memory resource. Used during pipeline execution. Releasing this data does not make down-stream data invalid, so it does not modify the MTime of this data object.

virtual void itk::DataObject::ReleaseDataFlagOff (  )  [virtual, inherited]

virtual void itk::DataObject::ReleaseDataFlagOn (  )  [virtual, inherited]

void itk::Object::RemoveAllObservers (  )  [inherited]

Remove all observers .

void itk::Object::RemoveObserver ( unsigned long  tag  )  [inherited]

Remove the observer with this tag value.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual bool itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Determine whether the RequestedRegion is outside of the BufferedRegion. This method returns true if the RequestedRegion is outside the BufferedRegion (true if at least one pixel is outside). This is used by the pipeline mechanism to determine whether a filter needs to re-execute in order to satisfy the current request. If the current RequestedRegion is already inside the BufferedRegion from the previous execution (and the current filter is up to date), then a given filter does not need to re-execute

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

virtual void itk::DataObject::ResetPipeline (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reset the pipeline. If an exception is thrown during an Update(), the pipeline may be in an inconsistent state. This method clears the internal state of the pipeline so Update() can be called.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetBufferedRegion ( const RegionType region  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the region object that defines the size and starting index of the region of the image currently loaded in memory.

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetRequestedRegion()

void itk::Object::SetDebug ( bool  debugFlag  )  const [inherited]

Set the value of the debug flag. A non-zero value turns debugging on.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetDirection ( const DirectionType  direction  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the direction cosines of the image. The direction cosines are vectors that point from one pixel to the next.

See also:

static void itk::DataObject::SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ( const bool  val  )  [static, inherited]

Turn on/off a flag to control whether every object releases its data after being used by a filter. Being a global flag, it controls the behavior of all DataObjects and ProcessObjects.

static void itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay ( bool  flag  )  [static, inherited]

This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed.

Referenced by itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOff(), and itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOn().

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetLargestPossibleRegion ( const RegionType region  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the region object that defines the size and starting index for the largest possible region this image could represent. This is used in determining how much memory would be needed to load an entire dataset. It is also used to determine boundary conditions.

See also:
ImageRegion, SetBufferedRegion(), SetRequestedRegion()

void itk::Object::SetMetaDataDictionary ( const MetaDataDictionary rhs  )  [inherited]

Set the MetaDataDictionary

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel ( unsigned int  n  )  [virtual]

Get/Set the number of components each pixel has, ie the VectorLength

Reimplemented from itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetOrigin ( const float  origin[VImageDimension]  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, and itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, 3 >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetOrigin ( const double  origin[VImageDimension]  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, and itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, 3 >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetOrigin ( PointType  _arg  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the origin of the image. The origin is the geometric coordinates of the image origin. It is stored internally as double but may be set from float.

See also:

Reimplemented in itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, and itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, 3 >.

void itk::DataObject::SetPipelineMTime ( unsigned long  time  )  [inline, inherited]

The maximum MTime of all upstream filters and data objects. This does not include the MTime of this data object.

Definition at line 373 of file itkDataObject.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SetPixel ( const IndexType index,
const PixelType value 
) [inline]

Set a pixel value.

Allocate() needs to have been called first -- for efficiency, this function does not check that the image has actually been allocated yet.

Definition at line 201 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SetPixelContainer ( PixelContainer container  ) 

Set the container to use. Note that this does not cause the DataObject to be modified.

virtual void itk::Object::SetReferenceCount ( int   )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the reference count (use with care)

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SetRegions ( SizeType  size  )  [inline]

Definition at line 180 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SetRegions ( RegionType  region  )  [inline]

Convenience methods to set the LargestPossibleRegion, BufferedRegion and RequestedRegion. Allocate must still be called.

Definition at line 172 of file itkVectorImage.h.

void itk::DataObject::SetReleaseDataFlag ( bool  flag  )  [inline, inherited]

Turn on/off a flag to control whether this object's data is released after being used by a filter.

Definition at line 304 of file itkDataObject.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetRequestedRegion ( DataObject data  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the requested region from this data object to match the requested region of the data object passed in as a parameter. This method implements the API from DataObject. The data object parameter must be castable to an ImageBase. Setting the RequestedRegion does not cause the object to be modified. This method is called internally by the pipeline and therefore bypasses the modified time calculation.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetRequestedRegion ( const RegionType region  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the region object that defines the size and starting index for the region of the image requested (i.e., the region of the image to be operated on by a filter). Setting the RequestedRegion does not cause the object to be modified. This method is called internally by the pipeline and therefore bypasses the modified time calculation.

See also:
ImageRegion, SetLargestPossibleRegion(), SetBufferedRegion()

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the RequestedRegion to the LargestPossibleRegion. This forces a filter to produce all of the output in one execution (i.e. not streaming) on the next call to Update().

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetSpacing ( const float  spacing[VImageDimension]  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::OrientedImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, and itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, 3 >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetSpacing ( const double  spacing[VImageDimension]  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in itk::OrientedImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, and itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, 3 >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::SetSpacing ( SpacingType  _arg  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the spacing (size of a pixel) of the image. The spacing is the geometric distance between image samples. It is stored internally as double, but may be set from float.

See also:

Reimplemented in itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, and itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, 3 >.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
virtual void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::SetVectorLength ( VectorLengthType  _arg  )  [virtual]

Set/Get macros for the length of each vector in the vector image

bool itk::DataObject::ShouldIReleaseData (  )  const [inherited]

Return flag indicating whether data should be released after use by a filter.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
template<class TCoordRep>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint ( const ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &  index,
Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &  point 
) const [inline]

Get a physical point (in the space which the origin and spacing infomation comes from) from a continuous index (in the index space)

See also:

Definition at line 359 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
template<class TCoordRep>
void itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint ( const IndexType index,
Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &  point 
) const [inline]

Get a physical point (in the space which the origin and spacing infomation comes from) from a discrete index (in the index space)

See also:

Definition at line 376 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
template<class TCoordRep>
bool itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex ( const Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &  point,
ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &  index 
) const [inline]

Get the continuous index from a physical point.

Returns true if the resulting index is within the image, false otherwise.

See also:

Definition at line 313 of file itkVectorImage.h.

template<class TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension = 3>
template<class TCoordRep>
bool itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >::TransformPhysicalPointToIndex ( const Point< TCoordRep, VImageDimension > &  point,
IndexType index 
) const [inline]

Get the index (discrete) from a physical point. Floating point index results are truncated to integers. Returns true if the resulting index is within the image, false otherwise

See also:

Definition at line 335 of file itkVectorImage.h.

virtual void itk::Object::UnRegister (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Decrease the reference count (release by another object).

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

virtual void itk::DataObject::Update (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Provides opportunity for the data object to insure internal consistency before access. Also causes owning source/filter (if any) to update itself. The Update() method is composed of UpdateOutputInformation(), PropagateRequestedRegion(), and UpdateOutputData(). This method may call methods that throw an InvalidRequestedRegionError exception. This exception will leave the pipeline in an inconsistent state. You will need to call ResetPipeline() on the last ProcessObject in your pipeline in order to restore the pipeline to a state where you can call Update() again.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::SpatialObject< 3 >, and itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >.

virtual void itk::DataObject::UpdateOutputData (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Methods to update the pipeline. Called internally by the pipeline mechanism.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual void itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::UpdateOutputInformation (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Update the information for this DataObject so that it can be used as an output of a ProcessObject. This method is used the pipeline mechanism to propagate information and initialize the meta data associated with a DataObject. This method calls its source's ProcessObject::UpdateOutputInformation() which determines modified times, LargestPossibleRegions, and any extra meta data like spacing, origin, etc.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
virtual bool itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::VerifyRequestedRegion (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Verify that the RequestedRegion is within the LargestPossibleRegion. If the RequestedRegion is not within the LargestPossibleRegion, then the filter cannot possible satisfy the request. This method returns true if the request can be satisfied and returns fails if the request cannot. This method is used by PropagateRequestedRegion(). PropagateRequestedRegion() throws a InvalidRequestedRegionError exception is the requested region is not within the LargestPossibleRegion.

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Member Data Documentation

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
DirectionType itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::m_Direction [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 414 of file itkImageBase.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
PointType itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::m_Origin [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 413 of file itkImageBase.h.

int itk::LightObject::m_ReferenceCount [mutable, protected, inherited]

Number of uses of this object by other objects.

Definition at line 119 of file itkLightObject.h.

SimpleFastMutexLock itk::LightObject::m_ReferenceCountLock [mutable, protected, inherited]

Mutex lock to protect modification to the reference count

Definition at line 122 of file itkLightObject.h.

template<unsigned int VImageDimension = 2>
SpacingType itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension >::m_Spacing [protected, inherited]

Origin and spacing of physical coordinates. This variables are protected for efficiency. They are referenced frequently by inner loop calculations.

Definition at line 412 of file itkImageBase.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Mon Mar 12 10:48:21 2007 for ITK by doxygen 1.5.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000