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itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep > Class Template Reference
[Image FunctionsImage Interpolators]

#include <itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h>

Inheritance diagram for itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
class itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >

Use the windowed sinc function to interpolate.

Paul A. Yushkevich
This function is intended to provide an interpolation function that has minimum aliasing artifacts, in contrast to linear interpolation. According to sampling theory, the infinite-support sinc filter, whose Fourier transform is the box filter, is optimal for resampling a function. In practice, the infinite support sinc filter is approximated using a limited support 'windowed' sinc filter.

This function is based on the following publication:
Erik H. W. Meijering, Wiro J. Niessen, Josien P. W. Pluim, Max A. Viergever: Quantitative Comparison of Sinc-Approximating Kernels for Medical Image Interpolation. MICCAI 1999, pp. 210-217
In this work, several 'windows' are estimated. In two dimensions, the interpolation at a position (x,y) is given by the following expression:

\[ I(x,y) = \sum_{i = \lfloor x \rfloor + 1 - m}^{\lfloor x \rfloor + m} \sum_{j = \lfloor y \rfloor + 1 - m}^{\lfloor y \rfloor + m} I_{i,j} K(x-i) K(y-j), \]

where m is the 'radius' of the window, (3,4 are reasonable numbers), and K(t) is the kernel function, composed of the sinc function and one of several possible window functions:

\[ K(t) = w(t) \textrm{sinc}(t) = w(t) \frac{\sin(\pi t)}{\pi t} \]

Several window functions are provided here in the itk::Function namespace. The conclusions of the referenced paper suggest to use the Welch, Cosine, Kaiser, and Lanczos windows for m = 4,5. These are based on error in rotating medical images w.r.t. the linear interpolation method. In some cases the results achieve a 20-fold improvement in accuracy.
Use this filter the way you would use any ImageInterpolationFunction, so for instance, you can plug it into the ResampleImageFilter class. In order to initialize the filter you must choose several template parameters.

The first (TInputImage) is the image type, that's standard.
The second (VRadius) is the radius of the kernel, i.e., the $ m $ from the formula above.
The third (TWindowFunction) is the window function object, which you can choose from about five different functions defined in this header. The default is the Hamming window, which is commonly used but not optimal according to the cited paper.
The fourth (TBoundaryCondition) is the boundary condition class used to determine the values of pixels that fall off the image boundary. This class has the same meaning here as in the NeighborhoodItetator classes.
The fifth (TCoordRep) is again standard for interpolating functions, and should be float or double.
There are a few improvements that an enthusiasting ITK developer could make to this filter. One issue is with the way that the kernel is applied. The computational expense comes from two sources: computing the kernel weights K(t) and multiplying the pixels in the window by the kernel weights. The first is done more or less efficiently in $ 2 m d $ operations (where d is the dimensionality of the image). The second can be done better. Presently, each pixel $ I(i,j,k) $ is multiplied by the weights $ K(x-i), K(y-j), K(z-k) $ and added to the running total. This results in $ d (2m)^d $ multiplication operations. However, by keeping intermediate sums, it would be possible to do the operation in $ O ( (2m)^d ) $ operations. This would require some creative coding. In addition, in the case when one of the coordinates is integer, the computation could be reduced by an order of magnitude.

See also:
LinearInterpolateImageFunction ResampleImageFilter






Definition at line 253 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

Public Types

typedef SmartPointer< const
typedef Superclass::ContinuousIndexType ContinuousIndexType
typedef TCoordRep CoordRepType
typedef TInputImage ImageType
typedef Superclass::IndexType IndexType
typedef InputImageType::ConstPointer InputImageConstPointer
typedef Superclass::InputImageType InputImageType
typedef InputImageType::PixelType InputPixelType
typedef TInput InputType
typedef Superclass::OutputType OutputType
typedef SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef Superclass::PointType PointType
typedef Superclass::RealType RealType
typedef WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction Self
typedef InterpolateImageFunction<
TInputImage, TCoordRep > 

Public Member Functions

void ConvertPointToContinousIndex (const PointType &point, ContinuousIndexType &cindex) const
virtual LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual OutputType Evaluate (const InputType &input) const=0
virtual OutputType EvaluateAtContinuousIndex (const ContinuousIndexType &index) const
virtual TOutput EvaluateAtIndex (const IndexType &index) const=0
virtual OutputType EvaluateAtIndex (const IndexType &index) const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
virtual const ContinuousIndexTypeGetEndContinuousIndex ()
virtual const IndexTypeGetEndIndex ()
const InputImageTypeGetInputImage () const
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary (void) const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary (void)
virtual unsigned long GetMTime () const
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
virtual const ContinuousIndexTypeGetStartContinuousIndex ()
virtual const IndexTypeGetStartIndex ()
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
 itkStaticConstMacro (ImageDimension, unsigned int, TInputImage::ImageDimension)
 itkStaticConstMacro (ImageDimension, unsigned int, Superclass::ImageDimension)
virtual void Modified () const
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const
virtual void Register () const
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
virtual void SetInputImage (const ImageType *image)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
virtual void SetReferenceCount (int)
virtual void UnRegister () const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *)
void ConvertContinuousIndexToNearestIndex (const ContinuousIndexType &cindex, IndexType &index) const
void ConvertPointToNearestIndex (const PointType &point, IndexType &index) const
virtual OutputType Evaluate (const PointType &point) const
virtual bool IsInsideBuffer (const PointType &point) const
virtual bool IsInsideBuffer (const ContinuousIndexType &index) const
virtual bool IsInsideBuffer (const IndexType &index) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool flag)

Protected Member Functions

bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
 WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction ()
virtual ~WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const

Protected Attributes

ContinuousIndexType m_EndContinuousIndex
IndexType m_EndIndex
InputImageConstPointer m_Image
int m_ReferenceCount
SimpleFastMutexLock m_ReferenceCountLock
ContinuousIndexType m_StartContinuousIndex
IndexType m_StartIndex

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::ConstPointer

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 263 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef Superclass::ContinuousIndexType itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::ContinuousIndexType

ContinuousIndex typedef support.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 291 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
typedef TCoordRep itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::CoordRepType [inherited]

CoordRepType typedef support.

Reimplemented in itk::VectorInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep, TPixelType >, and itk::VectorInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 94 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef TInputImage itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::ImageType

Image type definition

Definition at line 288 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef Superclass::IndexType itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::IndexType

Index typedef support.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 285 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
typedef InputImageType::ConstPointer itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::InputImageConstPointer [inherited]

InputImagePointer typedef support

Definition at line 88 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef Superclass::InputImageType itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::InputImageType

InputImageType typedef support.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 276 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
typedef InputImageType::PixelType itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::InputPixelType [inherited]

InputPixel typedef support

Reimplemented in itk::GaussianBlurImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput >, itk::GaussianDerivativeImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput >, itk::MedianImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >, and itk::NeighborhoodOperatorImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput >.

Definition at line 85 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInput, class TOutput>
typedef TInput itk::FunctionBase< TInput, TOutput >::InputType [inherited]

Input type

Reimplemented in itk::BinaryThresholdSpatialFunction< TFunction >, itk::ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput >, itk::EllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput >, itk::FiniteCylinderSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput >, itk::FrustumSpatialFunction< VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::GaussianDerivativeSpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::GaussianSpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::InteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput >, itk::PCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension, TImage >, itk::ShapeSignedDistanceFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension >, itk::SpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::SphereSignedDistanceFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension >, itk::SphereSpatialFunction< VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::SymmetricEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput >, itk::TorusInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput >, itk::Statistics::TransferFunctionBase< ScalarType >, itk::QuadEdgeMeshBoundaryEdgesMeshFunction< TMesh >, itk::InteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::SpatialFunction< double, VSpaceDimension, itk::Point< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension > >, itk::SpatialFunction< bool,::itk::GetImageDimension< TFunction >::ImageDimension, TFunction::InputType >, and itk::SpatialFunction< bool, VDimension, TInput >.

Definition at line 54 of file itkFunctionBase.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef Superclass::OutputType itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::OutputType

OutputType typedef support.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 270 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef SmartPointer<Self> itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::Pointer

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 262 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TCoordRep = float>
typedef Superclass::PointType itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >::PointType [inherited]

Point typedef support.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >.

Reimplemented in itk::RayCastInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >, itk::BSplineInterpolateImageFunction< TImageType, TCoordRep, TCoefficientType >, and itk::BSplineInterpolateImageFunction< TImageType, TCoordRep, TImageType::PixelType >.

Definition at line 67 of file itkInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef Superclass::RealType itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::RealType

RealType typedef support.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 279 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::Self

Standard class typedefs.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 259 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
typedef InterpolateImageFunction<TInputImage,TCoordRep> itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::Superclass

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 260 of file itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction (  )  [protected]

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
virtual itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::~WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction (  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

unsigned long itk::Object::AddObserver ( const EventObject event,
) const [inherited]

unsigned long itk::Object::AddObserver ( const EventObject event,
) [inherited]

Allow people to add/remove/invoke observers (callbacks) to any ITK object. This is an implementation of the subject/observer design pattern. An observer is added by specifying an event to respond to and an itk::Command to execute. It returns an unsigned long tag which can be used later to remove the event or retrieve the command. The memory for the Command becomes the responsibility of this object, so don't pass the same instance of a command to two different objects

static void itk::LightObject::BreakOnError (  )  [static, inherited]

This method is called when itkExceptionMacro executes. It allows the debugger to break on error.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
void itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::ConvertContinuousIndexToNearestIndex ( const ContinuousIndexType cindex,
IndexType index 
) const [inline, inherited]

Convert continuous index to nearest index.

Definition at line 194 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
void itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::ConvertPointToContinousIndex ( const PointType point,
ContinuousIndexType cindex 
) const [inline, inherited]

Convert point to continuous index

Definition at line 179 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
void itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::ConvertPointToNearestIndex ( const PointType point,
IndexType index 
) const [inline, inherited]

Convert point to nearest index.

Definition at line 169 of file itkImageFunction.h.

virtual LightObject::Pointer itk::Object::CreateAnother (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

virtual void itk::Object::DebugOff (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Turn debugging output off.

virtual void itk::Object::DebugOn (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Turn debugging output on.

virtual void itk::LightObject::Delete (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Delete an itk object. This method should always be used to delete an object when the new operator was used to create it. Using the C delete method will not work with reference counting.

template<class TInput, class TOutput>
virtual OutputType itk::FunctionBase< TInput, TOutput >::Evaluate ( const InputType input  )  const [pure virtual, inherited]

Evaluate at the specified input position

Implemented in itk::BinaryThresholdSpatialFunction< TFunction >, itk::BSplineDerivativeKernelFunction< VSplineOrder >, itk::BSplineKernelFunction< VSplineOrder >, itk::GaussianDerivativeSpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::GaussianKernelFunction, itk::GaussianSpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput >, itk::KernelFunction, itk::Statistics::ErrorFunctionBase< TVector, TOutput >, itk::Statistics::GaussianRadialBasisFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::GaussianTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::HardLimitTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::IdentityTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::InputFunctionBase< TVector, TOutput >, itk::Statistics::LogSigmoidTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::MeanSquaredErrorFunction< TVector, ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::MultiquadricRadialBasisFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::NNetDistanceMetricBase< TVector >, itk::Statistics::ProductInputFunction< TVector, ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::RadialBasisFunctionBase< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::SigmoidTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::SignedHardLimitTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::SquaredDifferenceErrorFunction< TVector, ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::SumInputFunction< TVector, ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::SymmetricSigmoidTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::TanHTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::TanSigmoidTransferFunction< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::TransferFunctionBase< ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::DensityFunction< TMeasurementVector >, itk::Statistics::DistanceMetric< TVector >, itk::Statistics::DistanceToCentroidMembershipFunction< TVector >, itk::Statistics::EuclideanDistance< TVector >, itk::Statistics::GaussianDensityFunction< TMeasurementVector >, itk::Statistics::MahalanobisDistanceMembershipFunction< TVector >, itk::Statistics::MembershipFunctionBase< TVector >, itk::SpatialFunction< double, VSpaceDimension, itk::Point< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension > >, itk::Statistics::ErrorFunctionBase< TVector, ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::InputFunctionBase< TVector, ScalarType >, itk::Statistics::DistanceMetric< itk::Array< double > >, itk::Statistics::EuclideanDistance< itk::Array< double > >, itk::Statistics::MembershipFunctionBase< itk::Array< double > >, and itk::Statistics::MembershipFunctionBase< TMeasurementVector >.

template<class TInputImage, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual OutputType itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >::Evaluate ( const PointType point  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Interpolate the image at a point position

Returns the interpolated image intensity at a specified point position. No bounds checking is done. The point is assume to lie within the image buffer.

ImageFunction::IsInsideBuffer() can be used to check bounds before calling the method.

Implements itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >.

Definition at line 86 of file itkInterpolateImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
virtual OutputType itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::EvaluateAtContinuousIndex ( const ContinuousIndexType index  )  const [virtual]

Evaluate the function at a ContinuousIndex position

Returns the interpolated image intensity at a specified point position. Bounds checking is based on the type of the TBoundaryCondition specified.

Implements itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual TOutput itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::EvaluateAtIndex ( const IndexType index  )  const [pure virtual, inherited]

Evaluate the function at specified Index position. Subclasses must provide this method.

Implemented in itk::GaussianDerivativeImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput >.

template<class TInputImage, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual OutputType itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >::EvaluateAtIndex ( const IndexType index  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Interpolate the image at an index position.

Simply returns the image value at the specified index position. No bounds checking is done. The point is assume to lie within the image buffer.

ImageFunction::IsInsideBuffer() can be used to check bounds before calling the method.

Definition at line 115 of file itkInterpolateImageFunction.h.

Command* itk::Object::GetCommand ( unsigned long  tag  )  [inherited]

Get the command associated with the given tag. NOTE: This returns a pointer to a Command, but it is safe to asign this to a Command::Pointer. Since Command inherits from LightObject, at this point in the code, only a pointer or a reference to the Command can be used.

bool itk::Object::GetDebug (  )  const [inherited]

Get the value of the debug flag.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual const ContinuousIndexType& itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::GetEndContinuousIndex (  )  [virtual, inherited]

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual const IndexType& itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::GetEndIndex (  )  [virtual, inherited]

static bool itk::Object::GetGlobalWarningDisplay (  )  [static, inherited]

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
const InputImageType* itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::GetInputImage (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the input image.

Definition at line 113 of file itkImageFunction.h.

const MetaDataDictionary& itk::Object::GetMetaDataDictionary ( void   )  const [inherited]

A constant reference to this objects MetaDataDictionary.

MetaDataDictionary& itk::Object::GetMetaDataDictionary ( void   )  [inherited]

A reference to this objects MetaDataDictionary.
This reference may be changed.

virtual unsigned long itk::Object::GetMTime (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return this objects modified time.

Reimplemented in itk::ImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >, itk::ImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingSpatialObject >, itk::MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >, itk::PointSetToImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >, itk::PointSetToPointSetRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet >, itk::DeformationFieldSource< TOutputImage >, itk::InverseDeformationFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >, itk::ResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >, itk::VectorResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >, itk::BoundingBox< TPointIdentifier, VPointDimension, TCoordRep, TPointsContainer >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, TPixelType >, itk::MeshSpatialObject< TMesh >, itk::SceneSpatialObject< TSpaceDimension >, itk::SpatialObject< TDimension >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageSpatialObject< TDimension, unsigned char >, itk::SpatialObject< 3 >, and itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >.

Referenced by itk::SpatialObject< ::itk::GetMeshDimension< TMesh >::PointDimension >::GetObjectMTime().

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
virtual const char* itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::GetNameOfClass (  )  const [virtual]

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

virtual int itk::LightObject::GetReferenceCount (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Gets the reference count on this object.

Definition at line 98 of file itkLightObject.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual const ContinuousIndexType& itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::GetStartContinuousIndex (  )  [virtual, inherited]

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual const IndexType& itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::GetStartIndex (  )  [virtual, inherited]

static void itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOff (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Definition at line 100 of file itkObject.h.

References itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay().

static void itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOn (  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Definition at line 98 of file itkObject.h.

References itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay().

bool itk::Object::HasObserver ( const EventObject event  )  const [inherited]

Return true if an observer is registered for this event.

void itk::Object::InvokeEvent ( const EventObject  )  const [inherited]

Call Execute on all the Commands observing this event id. The actions triggered by this call doesn't modify this object.

void itk::Object::InvokeEvent ( const EventObject  )  [inherited]

Call Execute on all the Commands observing this event id.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual bool itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::IsInsideBuffer ( const PointType point  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Check if a point is inside the image buffer.

For efficiency, no validity checking of the input image pointer is done.

Definition at line 160 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual bool itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::IsInsideBuffer ( const ContinuousIndexType index  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Check if a continuous index is inside the image buffer.

For efficiency, no validity checking of the input image is done.

Definition at line 146 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
virtual bool itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::IsInsideBuffer ( const IndexType index  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Check if an index is inside the image buffer.

For efficiency, no validity checking of the input image is done.

Definition at line 132 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::itkStaticConstMacro ( ImageDimension  ,
unsigned  int,
) [inherited]

Dimension underlying input image.

Reimplemented in itk::CentralDifferenceImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >, itk::VectorInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep, TPixelType >, and itk::VectorInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::itkStaticConstMacro ( ImageDimension  ,
unsigned  int,

Dimension underlying input image.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

virtual void itk::Object::Modified (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Update the modification time for this object. Many filters rely on the modification time to determine if they need to recompute their data.

Reimplemented in itk::NormalizeImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, TAccessor >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AsinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AbsPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::LogPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToPhasePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::Log10PixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AddPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, Dimension >, itk::Accessor::VectorImageToImagePixelAccessor< TPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToVectorPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ComponentType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::PixelAccessor< TInternalType, TExternalType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SqrtPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AcosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToModulusPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ExpNegativePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::VectorToRGBPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType::ValueType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::TanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToRealPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::RGBToLuminancePixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::AtanPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::SinPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::ComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >, and itk::ImageAdaptor< TImage, itk::Accessor::CosPixelAccessor< TImage::PixelType, TOutputPixelType > >.

Referenced by itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::InsertNarrowBandNode(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetCenter(), itk::HistogramAlgorithmBase< TInputHistogram >::SetInputHistogram(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetMatrix(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBand(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBandInnerRadius(), itk::NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, itk::Image< TOutputPixelType,::itk::GetImageDimension< TInputImage >::ImageDimension > >::SetNarrowBandTotalRadius(), itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetOffset(), itk::ThresholdLabelerImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetRealThresholds(), itk::CollidingFrontsImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetSeedPoints1(), itk::CollidingFrontsImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetSeedPoints2(), itk::NonUniformBSpline< TDimension >::SetSplineOrder(), itk::ThresholdLabelerImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetThresholds(), itk::Statistics::GoodnessOfFitFunctionBase< TInputHistogram >::SetTotalObservedScale(), and itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase< TScalarType, 3, 3 >::SetTranslation().

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
static Pointer itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::New (  )  [static]

Method for creation through the object factory.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

void itk::LightObject::Print ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent = 0 
) const [inherited]

Cause the object to print itself out.

Referenced by itk::WeakPointer< itk::ProcessObject >::Print().

virtual void itk::LightObject::PrintHeader ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

bool itk::Object::PrintObservers ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, inherited]

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
void itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual]

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::InterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, TCoordRep >.

virtual void itk::LightObject::PrintTrailer ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void itk::Object::Register (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Increase the reference count (mark as used by another object).

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

void itk::Object::RemoveAllObservers (  )  [inherited]

Remove all observers .

void itk::Object::RemoveObserver ( unsigned long  tag  )  [inherited]

Remove the observer with this tag value.

void itk::Object::SetDebug ( bool  debugFlag  )  const [inherited]

Set the value of the debug flag. A non-zero value turns debugging on.

static void itk::Object::SetGlobalWarningDisplay ( bool  flag  )  [static, inherited]

This is a global flag that controls whether any debug, warning or error messages are displayed.

Referenced by itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOff(), and itk::Object::GlobalWarningDisplayOn().

template<class TInputImage, unsigned int VRadius, class TWindowFunction = Function::HammingWindowFunction<VRadius>, class TBoundaryCondition = ConstantBoundaryCondition<TInputImage>, class TCoordRep = double>
virtual void itk::WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction< TInputImage, VRadius, TWindowFunction, TBoundaryCondition, TCoordRep >::SetInputImage ( const ImageType image  )  [virtual]

Set the input image.

this method caches BufferedRegion information. If the BufferedRegion has changed, user must call SetInputImage again to update cached values.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >.

void itk::Object::SetMetaDataDictionary ( const MetaDataDictionary rhs  )  [inherited]

Set the MetaDataDictionary

virtual void itk::Object::SetReferenceCount ( int   )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the reference count (use with care)

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

virtual void itk::Object::UnRegister (  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Decrease the reference count (release by another object).

Reimplemented from itk::LightObject.

Member Data Documentation

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
ContinuousIndexType itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::m_EndContinuousIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 224 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
IndexType itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::m_EndIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 222 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
InputImageConstPointer itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::m_Image [protected, inherited]

Const pointer to the input image.

Definition at line 218 of file itkImageFunction.h.

int itk::LightObject::m_ReferenceCount [mutable, protected, inherited]

Number of uses of this object by other objects.

Definition at line 119 of file itkLightObject.h.

SimpleFastMutexLock itk::LightObject::m_ReferenceCountLock [mutable, protected, inherited]

Mutex lock to protect modification to the reference count

Definition at line 122 of file itkLightObject.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
ContinuousIndexType itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::m_StartContinuousIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 223 of file itkImageFunction.h.

template<class TInputImage, class TOutput, class TCoordRep = float>
IndexType itk::ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TCoordRep >::m_StartIndex [protected, inherited]

Cache some values for testing if indices are inside buffered region.

Definition at line 221 of file itkImageFunction.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Mon Mar 12 11:12:41 2007 for ITK by doxygen 1.5.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000