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itkInternationalizationIOHelpers.h File Reference

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namespace  itk
namespace  itk::i18n


#define LOCAL_USE_WIN32_WOPEN   0


typedef std::ifstream itk::i18n::I18nIfstream
typedef std::ofstream itk::i18n::I18nOfstream


FILE * itk::i18n::I18nFopen (const std::string &str, const std::string &mode)
int itk::i18n::I18nOpen (const std::string &str, const int &flags, const int &mode)
int itk::i18n::I18nOpen (const std::string &str, const int &flags)
int itk::i18n::I18nOpenForReading (const std::string &str)
int itk::i18n::I18nOpenForWritting (const std::string &str, const bool append=false)
bool itk::i18n::IsStringEncodingValid (const std::string &)

Define Documentation


Definition at line 62 of file itkInternationalizationIOHelpers.h.

#define LOCAL_USE_WIN32_WOPEN   0

Definition at line 57 of file itkInternationalizationIOHelpers.h.

Generated at Mon Jul 12 2010 20:20:59 for ITK by doxygen 1.7.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000