17 #ifndef itkSingleImageCostFunction_h
18 #define itkSingleImageCostFunction_h
51 template <
class TImage>
70 typedef typename Superclass::MeasureType
86 itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension,
unsigned int, ImageType::ImageDimension);
121 unsigned int GetNumberOfParameters(
void) const ITK_OVERRIDE
122 {
return ImageDimension; }
126 virtual MeasureType GetValue(
const ParametersType & parameters )
130 virtual void GetDerivative(
const ParametersType & parameters,
131 DerivativeType & derivative )
136 void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os,
Indent indent)
150 #include "itkSingleImageCostFunction.hxx"
PhysicalCentralDifferenceImageFunction< ImageType, CoordRepType > GradientImageFunctionType
This class is a cost function which queries an underlying image for the single value.
This class is a base for the CostFunctions returning a single value.
Light weight base class for most itk classes.
Superclass::MeasureType MeasureType
Superclass::ParametersValueType CoordRepType
SingleImageCostFunction Self
SingleValuedCostFunction Superclass
InterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, CoordRepType > InterpolatorType
Calculate the derivative by central differencing in physical space.
Superclass::DerivativeType DerivativeType
TImage::PixelType ImagePixelType
Index< ImageDimension > IndexType
SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer
Standard exception handling object.
ImageConstPointer m_Image
GradientImageFunctionType::Pointer m_GradientImageFunction
Superclass::ParametersType ParametersType
Linearly interpolate an image at specified positions.
Base class for all image interpolaters.
SmartPointer< Self > Pointer
ImageType::ConstPointer ImageConstPointer
A templated class holding a point in n-Dimensional image space.
Point< CoordRepType, ImageDimension > PointType
Control indentation during Print() invocation.
InterpolatorType::Pointer m_Interpolator
virtual ~SingleImageCostFunction()
A templated class holding a geometric point in n-Dimensional space.
Represent a n-dimensional index in a n-dimensional image.
ContinuousIndex< CoordRepType, ImageDimension > ContinuousIndexType
Templated n-dimensional image class.
LinearInterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, CoordRepType > DefaultInterpolatorType