ITK  4.2.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Module ITKLabelMap
Group Filtering
+ Collaboration diagram for Module ITKLabelMap:


class  itk::AggregateLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Collapses all labels into the first label. More...
class  itk::AttributeKeepNObjectsLabelMapFilter< TImage, TAttributeAccessor >
 keep N objects according to their attribute value More...
class  itk::AttributeLabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension, TAttributeValue >
 A LabelObject with a generic attribute. More...
class  itk::AttributeOpeningLabelMapFilter< TImage, TAttributeAccessor >
 remove the objects according to the value of their attribute More...
class  itk::AttributePositionLabelMapFilter< TImage, TAttributeAccessor, VPhysicalPosition >
 Mark a single pixel in the label object which correspond to a position given by an attribute. More...
class  itk::AttributeRelabelLabelMapFilter< TImage, TAttributeAccessor >
 relabel objects according to their shape attributes More...
class  itk::AttributeSelectionLabelMapFilter< TImage, TAttributeAccessor >
 remove the objects according to the value of their attribute More...
class  itk::AttributeUniqueLabelMapFilter< TImage, TAttributeAccessor >
 Make sure that the objects are not overlapping. More...
class  itk::AutoCropLabelMapFilter< TInputImage >
 Crop a LabelMap image to fit exactly the objects in the LabelMap. More...
class  itk::BinaryFillholeImageFilter< TInputImage >
 Remove holes not connected to the boundary of the image. More...
class  itk::BinaryGrindPeakImageFilter< TInputImage >
 Remove the objects not connected to the boundary of the image. More...
class  itk::BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Label the connected components in a binary image and produce a collection of label objects. More...
class  itk::BinaryImageToShapeLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Converts a binary image to a label map and valuate the shape attributes. More...
class  itk::BinaryImageToStatisticsLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage >
 a convenient class to convert a binary image to a label map and valuate the statistics attributes at once More...
class  itk::BinaryNotImageFilter< TImage >
 Implements the BinaryNot logical operator pixel-wise between two images. More...
class  itk::BinaryReconstructionByDilationImageFilter< TInputImage >
 binary reconstruction by dilation of an image More...
class  itk::BinaryReconstructionByErosionImageFilter< TInputImage >
 binary reconstruction by erosion of an image More...
class  itk::BinaryReconstructionLabelMapFilter< TImage, TMarkerImage, TAttributeAccessor >
 Mark the objects at least partially at the same position as the objects in a binary image. More...
class  itk::BinaryShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter< TInputImage >
 keep N objects according to their shape attributes More...
class  itk::BinaryShapeOpeningImageFilter< TInputImage >
 Remove objects based on the value of their shape attribute. More...
class  itk::BinaryStatisticsKeepNObjectsImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage >
 keep N objects according to their statistics attributes More...
class  itk::BinaryStatisticsOpeningImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage >
 Remove objects based on the value of their Statistics attribute. More...
class  itk::ChangeLabelLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Replace the label Ids of selected LabelObjects with new label Ids. More...
class  itk::ChangeRegionLabelMapFilter< TInputImage >
 Change the region of a label map. More...
class  itk::LabelMap< TLabelObject >::ConstIterator
 A forward iterator over the LabelObjects of a LabelMap

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class  itk::LabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >::ConstLineIterator
 A forward iterator over the lines of a LabelObject

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class  itk::ConvertLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Converts the LabelObjects of a LabelMap to a differente type of LabelObejct. More...
class  itk::CropLabelMapFilter< TInputImage >
 Crop a LabelMap image. More...
class  itk::GeometryUtilities
 Groups some utility functions related to geometry. More...
class  itk::InPlaceLabelMapFilter< TInputImage >
 Base class for filters that takes an image as input and overwrites that image as the output. More...
class  itk::LabelMap< TLabelObject >::Iterator
 A forward iterator over the LabelObjects of a LabelMap

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class  itk::LabelImageToLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 convert a labeled image to a label collection image More...
class  itk::LabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Converts a label image to a label map and valuates the shape attributes. More...
class  itk::LabelImageToStatisticsLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage >
 a convenient class to convert a label image to a label map and valuate the statistics attributes at once More...
class  itk::LabelMap< TLabelObject >
 Templated n-dimensional image to store labeled objects. More...
class  itk::LabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Base class for filters that take an image as input and overwrite that image as the output. More...
class  itk::LabelMapMaskImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Mask and image with a LabelMap. More...
class  itk::LabelMapToAttributeImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TAttributeAccessor >
 Convert a LabelMap to a labeled image. More...
class  itk::LabelMapToBinaryImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Convert a LabelMap to a binary image. More...
class  itk::LabelMapToLabelImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Converts a LabelMap to a labeled image. More...
class  itk::LabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >
 The base class for the representation of an labeled binary object in an image. More...
class  itk::LabelObjectLine< VImageDimension >
class  LabelObjectLineComparator
 Performs a comparison of l1 < l2. Returns true if l1 is strictly less than l2. More...
class  itk::LabelSelectionLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 remove the objects according to the value of their attribute More...
class  itk::LabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter< TInputImage >
 keep N objects according to their shape attributes More...
class  itk::LabelShapeOpeningImageFilter< TInputImage >
 remove the objects according to the value of their shape attribute More...
class  itk::LabelStatisticsKeepNObjectsImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage >
 keep N objects according to their statistics attributes More...
class  itk::LabelStatisticsOpeningImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage >
 remove the objects according to the value of their statistics attribute More...
class  itk::LabelUniqueLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Make sure that the objects are not overlapping. More...
class  itk::MergeLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Merges several Label Maps. More...
class  itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >
 ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter applies an image pipeline to all the objects of a label map and produce a new label map. More...
class  itk::PadLabelMapFilter< TInputImage >
 Pad a LabelMap image. More...
class  itk::RegionFromReferenceLabelMapFilter< TInputImage >
 Set the region from a reference image. More...
class  itk::RelabelLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 This filter relabels the LabelObjects; the new labels are arranged consecutively with consideration for the background value. More...
class  itk::ShapeKeepNObjectsLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Keep N objects according to their shape attributes. More...
class  itk::ShapeLabelMapFilter< TImage, TLabelImage >
 The valuator class for the ShapeLabelObject. More...
class  itk::ShapeLabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >
 A Label object to store the common attributes related to the shape of the object. More...
class  itk::ShapeOpeningLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Remove objects according to the value of their shape attribute. More...
class  itk::ShapePositionLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Mark a single pixel in the label object which correspond to a position given by an attribute. More...
class  itk::ShapeRelabelImageFilter< TInputImage >
 relabel objects according to their shape attributes More...
class  itk::ShapeRelabelLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Relabels objects according to their shape attributes. More...
class  itk::ShapeUniqueLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Remove some pixels in the label object according to the value of their shape attribute to ensure that a pixel is not in to objects. More...
class  itk::ShiftScaleLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Shifts and scales a label map filter, giving the option to change the background value. More...
class  itk::StatisticsKeepNObjectsLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 keep N objects according to their statistics attributes More...
class  itk::StatisticsLabelMapFilter< TImage, TFeatureImage >
 The valuator class for the ShapeLabelObject. More...
class  itk::StatisticsLabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >
 A Label object to store the common attributes related to the statistics of the object. More...
class  itk::StatisticsOpeningLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 remove the objects according to the value of their statistics attribute More...
class  itk::StatisticsPositionLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Mark a single pixel in the label object which correspond to a position given by an attribute. More...
class  itk::StatisticsRelabelImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage >
 relabel objects according to their shape attributes More...
class  itk::StatisticsRelabelLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 relabel objects according to their shape attributes More...
class  itk::StatisticsUniqueLabelMapFilter< TImage >
 Remove some pixels in the label object according to the value of their statistics attribute to ensure that a pixel is not in to objects. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains the infrastructure to store the label images in an efficient and convenient way, including label images with overlapping objects. All the objects contained in the LabelMap can be associated to values called attributes. Some filters are available to compute the usual attributes values related to the shape of the objects or the pixels values in the objects and to manipulate the objects based on these values.
