Classes |
class | BackPropagationLayer |
| This is the itkBackPropagationLayer class. More...
class | BatchSupervisedTrainingFunction |
| This is the itkBatchSupervisedTrainingFunction class. More...
class | ChiSquareDistribution |
| ChiSquareDistribution class defines the interface for a univariate Chi-Square distribution (pdfs, cdfs, etc.). More...
class | CompletelyConnectedWeightSet |
| This is the itkCompletelyConnectedWeightSet class. More...
class | CovarianceSampleFilter |
| Calculates the covariance matrix of the target sample data. More...
class | DecisionRule |
| Base class for decision rules that return a class label based on a set of discriminant scores. More...
class | DenseFrequencyContainer2 |
| This class is a container for frequencies of bins in an histogram. More...
class | DistanceMetric |
| this class declares common interfaces for distance functions. More...
class | DistanceToCentroidMembershipFunction |
| DistanceToCentroidMembershipFunction models class membership using a distance metric. More...
class | ErrorBackPropagationLearningFunctionBase |
| The ErrorBackPropagationLearningFunctionBase is the base class for all the ErrorBackPropagationLearning strategies. More...
class | ErrorBackPropagationLearningWithMomentum |
| The ErrorBackPropagationLearningWithMomentum is the base class for all the ErrorBackPropagationLearning strategies. More...
class | ErrorFunctionBase |
| This is the itkErrorFunctionBase class. More...
class | EuclideanDistanceMetric |
| Euclidean distance function. More...
class | EuclideanSquareDistanceMetric |
| Computes Euclidean distance between origin and given measurement vector. More...
class | ExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator |
| This class generates the parameter estimates for a mixture model using expectation maximization strategy. More...
class | GaussianDistribution |
| GaussianDistribution class defines the interface for a univariate Gaussian distribution (pdfs, cdfs, etc.). More...
class | GaussianMembershipFunction |
| GaussianMembershipFunction models class membership through a multivariate Gaussian function. More...
class | GaussianMixtureModelComponent |
| is a component (derived from MixtureModelComponentBase) for Gaussian class. This class is used in ExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator. More...
class | GaussianRadialBasisFunction |
| This is the itkGaussianRadialBasisFunction class. More...
class | GaussianRandomSpatialNeighborSubsampler |
| A subsampler that randomly selects points according to a gaussian distribution within the specified radius of the query point. More...
class | GaussianTransferFunction |
| This is the itkGaussianTransferFunction class. More...
struct | GetHistogramDimension |
class | HardLimitTransferFunction |
| This is the itkHardLimitTransferFunction class. More...
class | Histogram |
| This class stores measurement vectors in the context of n-dimensional histogram. More...
class | HistogramToRunLengthFeaturesFilter |
| This class computes texture feature coefficients from a grey level run-length matrix. More...
class | HistogramToTextureFeaturesFilter |
| This class computes texture feature coefficients from a grey level co-occurrence matrix. More...
class | IdentityTransferFunction |
| This is the itkIdentityTransferFunction class. More...
class | ImageClassifierFilter |
| Image classification class. More...
class | ImageJointDomainTraits |
| This class provides the type definition for the measurement vector in the joint domain (range domain – pixel values + spatial domain – pixel's physical coordinates). More...
class | ImageToHistogramFilter |
| This class generates an histogram from an image. More...
class | ImageToListSampleAdaptor |
| This class provides ListSample interface to ITK Image. More...
class | ImageToListSampleFilter |
| The class takes an image as input and generates a list sample as output. More...
class | ImageToNeighborhoodSampleAdaptor |
| This class provides ListSample interface to ITK Image. More...
class | InputFunctionBase |
| This is the itkInputFunctionBase class. More...
class | IterativeSupervisedTrainingFunction |
| This is the itkIterativeSupervisedTrainingFunction class. More...
class | JointDomainImageToListSampleAdaptor |
| This adaptor returns measurement vectors composed of an image pixel's range domain value (pixel value) and spatial domain value (pixel's physical coordiantes). More...
class | KdTree |
| This class provides methods for k-nearest neighbor search and related data structures for a k-d tree. More...
class | KdTreeBasedKmeansEstimator |
| fast k-means algorithm implementation using k-d tree structure More...
class | KdTreeGenerator |
| This class generates a KdTree object without centroid information. More...
class | KdTreeNode |
| This class defines the interface of its derived classes. More...
class | KdTreeNonterminalNode |
| This is a subclass of the KdTreeNode. More...
class | KdTreeTerminalNode |
| This class is the node that doesn't have any child node. The IsTerminal method returns true for this class. This class stores the instance identifiers belonging to this node, while the nonterminal nodes do not store them. The AddInstanceIdentifier and GetInstanceIdentifier are storing and retrieving the instance identifiers belonging to this node. More...
class | KdTreeWeightedCentroidNonterminalNode |
| This is a subclass of the KdTreeNode. More...
class | LayerBase |
| This is the itkLayerBase class. More...
class | LearningFunctionBase |
| The LearningFunctionBase is the base class for all the learning strategies. More...
class | ListSample |
| This class is the native implementation of the a Sample with an STL container. More...
class | LogSigmoidTransferFunction |
| This is the itkLogSigmoidTransferFunction class. More...
class | MahalanobisDistanceMembershipFunction |
| MahalanobisDistanceMembershipFunction models class membership using Mahalanobis distance. More...
class | MahalanobisDistanceMetric |
| MahalanobisDistanceMetric class computes a Mahalanobis distance given a mean and covariance. More...
class | ManhattanDistanceMetric |
| Euclidean distance function. More...
class | MaskedImageToHistogramFilter |
| This class generates an histogram from an image. More...
class | MaximumDecisionRule |
| A decision rule that returns the class label with the largest discriminant score. More...
class | MaximumRatioDecisionRule |
| A decision rule that operates as a frequentist's approximation to Bayes rule. More...
class | MeanSampleFilter |
| Given a sample, this filter computes the sample mean. More...
class | MeanSquaredErrorFunction |
class | MeasurementVectorPixelTraits |
class | MeasurementVectorTraits |
class | MeasurementVectorTraitsTypes |
class | MeasurementVectorTraitsTypes< std::vector< T > > |
class | MembershipFunctionBase |
| MembershipFunctionBase defines common interfaces for membership functions. More...
class | MembershipSample |
| Container for storing the instance-identifiers of other sample with their associated class labels. More...
class | MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator |
| MersenneTwisterRandom random variate generator. More...
class | MinimumDecisionRule |
| A decision rule that returns the class label with the smallest discriminant score. More...
class | MixtureModelComponentBase |
| base class for distribution modules that supports analytical way to update the distribution parameters More...
class | MultilayerNeuralNetworkBase |
| This is the itkMultilayerNeuralNetworkBase class. More...
class | MultiquadricRadialBasisFunction |
| This is the itkMultiquadricRadialBasisFunction class. More...
class | NeighborhoodSampler |
| Generates a Subsample out of a Sample, based on a user-provided distance to a MeasurementVector. More...
class | NeuralNetworkObject |
| This is the itkNeuralNetworkObject class. More...
class | NNetDistanceMetricBase |
| This is the itkNNetDistanceMetricBase class. More...
class | NormalVariateGenerator |
| Normal random variate generator. More...
class | OneHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork |
| This is the itkOneHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork class. More...
class | PointSetToListSampleAdaptor |
| This class provides ListSample interface to ITK PointSet. More...
class | ProbabilityDistribution |
| ProbabilityDistribution class defines common interface for statistical distributions (pdfs, cdfs, etc.). More...
class | ProductInputFunction |
| This is the itkProductInputFunction class. More...
class | QuickPropLearningRule |
| The QuickPropLearningRule is the base class for all the ErrorBackPropagationLearning strategies. More...
class | RadialBasisFunctionBase |
| This is the itkRadialBasisFunctionBase class. More...
class | RandomVariateGeneratorBase |
| Defines common interfaces for random variate generators. More...
class | RBFBackPropagationLearningFunction |
| This is the itkRBFBackPropagationLearningFunction class. More...
class | RBFLayer |
| This is the itkRBFLayer class. More...
class | RBFNetwork |
| This is the itkRBFNetwork class. More...
class | RegionConstrainedSubsampler |
| This an abstract subsampler that constrains subsamples to be contained within a given image region. More...
class | Sample |
| A collection of measurements for statistical analysis. More...
class | SampleClassifierFilter |
| Sample classification class. More...
class | SampleToHistogramFilter |
| Computes the Histogram corresponding to a Sample. More...
class | SampleToSubsampleFilter |
| Base class of filters intended to select subsamples from samples. More...
class | ScalarImageToCooccurrenceListSampleFilter |
| Converts pixel data into a list of pairs in order to compute a cooccurrence Histogram. More...
class | ScalarImageToCooccurrenceMatrixFilter |
| This class computes a co-occurence matrix (histogram) from a given image and a mask image if provided. Coocurrence matrces are used for image texture description. More...
class | ScalarImageToHistogramGenerator |
| TODO. More...
class | ScalarImageToRunLengthFeaturesFilter |
| This class computes run length descriptions from an image. More...
class | ScalarImageToRunLengthMatrixFilter |
| This class computes a run length matrix (histogram) from a given image and a mask image if provided. Run length matrces are used for image texture description. More...
class | ScalarImageToTextureFeaturesFilter |
| This class computes texture descriptions from an image. More...
class | SigmoidTransferFunction |
| This is the itkSigmoidTransferFunction class. More...
class | SignedHardLimitTransferFunction |
| This is the itkSignedHardLimitTransferFunction class. More...
class | SparseFrequencyContainer2 |
| his class is a container for an histogram. More...
class | SpatialNeighborSubsampler |
| A subsampler that selects all points within the specified radius of the query point. More...
class | SquaredDifferenceErrorFunction |
| This is the itkSquaredDifferenceErrorFunction class. More...
class | StandardDeviationPerComponentSampleFilter |
| Calculates the covariance matrix of the target sample data. More...
class | Subsample |
| This class stores a subset of instance identifiers from another sample object. You can create a subsample out of another sample object or another subsample object. The class is useful when storing or extracting a portion of a sample object. Note that when the elements of a subsample are sorted, the instance identifiers of the subsample are sorted without changing the original source sample. Most Statistics algorithms (that derive from StatisticsAlgorithmBase accept Subsample objects as inputs). More...
class | SubsamplerBase |
| This is the base subsampler class which defines the subsampler API. More...
class | SumInputFunction |
| This is the itkSumInputFunction class. More...
class | SymmetricSigmoidTransferFunction |
| This is the itkSymmetricSigmoidTransferFunction class. More...
class | TanHTransferFunction |
| This is the itkTanHTransferFunction class. More...
class | TanSigmoidTransferFunction |
| This is the itkTanSigmoidTransferFunction class. More...
class | TDistribution |
| TDistribution class defines the interface for a univariate Student-t distribution (pdfs, cdfs, etc.). More...
class | TrainingFunctionBase |
| This is the itkTrainingFunctionBase class. More...
class | TransferFunctionBase |
| This is the itkTransferFunctionBase class. More...
class | TwoHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork |
| This is the itkTwoHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork class. More...
class | UniformRandomSpatialNeighborSubsampler |
| A subsampler that uniformly randomly selects points within the specified radius of the query point. More...
class | VectorContainerToListSampleAdaptor |
| This class provides ListSample interface to ITK VectorContainer. More...
class | WeightedCentroidKdTreeGenerator |
| This class generates a KdTree object with centroid information. More...
class | WeightedCovarianceSampleFilter |
| Calculates the covariance matrix of the target sample data. where each measurement vector has an associated weight value. More...
class | WeightedMeanSampleFilter |
| Given a sample where each measurement vector has associated weight value, this filter computes the sample mean. More...
class | WeightSetBase |
| This is the itkWeightSetBase class. More...