Classes |
class | itk::AnnulusOperator< TPixel, TDimension, TAllocator > |
| A NeighborhoodOperator for performing a matched filtering with an annulus (two concentric circles, spheres, hyperspheres, etc.) More...
class | itk::BackwardDifferenceOperator< TPixel, TDimension, TAllocator > |
| Operator whose inner product with a neighborhood returns a "half" derivative at the center of the neighborhood. More...
class | itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A Neighborhood that represents a ball structuring element (ellipsoid) with binary elements. More...
class | itk::BinaryCrossStructuringElement< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A Neighborhood that represents a cross structuring element with binary elements. More...
class | itk::DerivativeOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A NeighborhoodOperator for taking an n-th order derivative at a pixel. More...
class | itk::ForwardDifferenceOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| Operator whose inner product with a neighborhood returns a "half" derivative at the center of the neighborhood. More...
class | itk::GaussianDerivativeOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are a one dimensional, discrete derivative Gaussian kernel. More...
class | itk::GaussianOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are a one dimensional, discrete Gaussian kernel. More...
class | itk::HistogramThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Base class to compute a threshold value based on the histogram of an image. More...
class | itk::HuangThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Huang's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::ImageKernelOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are from an image. More...
class | itk::ImageMomentsCalculator< TImage > |
| Compute moments of an n-dimensional image. More...
class | itk::ImagePCADecompositionCalculator< TInputImage, TBasisImage > |
| Decomposes an image into directions along basis components. More...
class | itk::IntermodesThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Intermodes's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::IsoDataThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the IsoData threshold for an image. Aka intermeans. More...
class | itk::KappaSigmaThresholdImageCalculator< TInputImage, TMaskImage > |
| Compute moments of an n-dimensional image. More...
class | itk::KittlerIllingworthThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the KittlerIllingworth's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::LaplacianOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A NeighborhoodOperator for use in calculating the Laplacian at a pixel. More...
class | itk::LiThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Li threshold for an image. Aka intermeans. More...
class | itk::MaximumEntropyThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the MaximumEntropy's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< TInputImage > |
| Computes the minimum and the maximum intensity values of an image. More...
class | itk::MinimumMaximumImageFilter< TInputImage > |
| Computes the minimum and the maximum intensity values of an image. More...
class | itk::MomentsThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Moments's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::Neighborhood< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A light-weight container object for storing an N-dimensional neighborhood of values. More...
class | itk::NeighborhoodAllocator< TPixel > |
| A memory allocator for use as the default allocator type in Neighborhood. More...
class | itk::NeighborhoodInnerProduct< TImage, TOperator, TComputation > |
| Defines the inner product operation between an Neighborhood and a NeighborhoodOperator. More...
class | itk::NeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition > |
| Defines iteration of a local N-dimensional neighborhood of pixels across an itk::Image. More...
class | itk::NeighborhoodOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| Virtual class that defines a common interface to all neighborhood operator subtypes. More...
class | itk::OtsuThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Otsu's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::RenyiEntropyThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the RenyiEntropy's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::RobustAutomaticThresholdCalculator< TInputImage, TGradientImage > |
| Compute the robust automatic threshold. More...
class | itk::ShanbhagThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Shanbhag threshold for an image. Aka intermeans. More...
class | itk::SobelOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
| A NeighborhoodOperator for performing a directional Sobel edge-detection operation at a pixel location. More...
class | itk::SpatialObjectToImageStatisticsCalculator< TInputImage, TInputSpatialObject, TSampleDimension > |
class | itk::TriangleThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Triangle's threshold for an image. More...
class | itk::VectorNeighborhoodInnerProduct< TImage > |
| Defines the inner product operation between an itk::Neighborhood and an itk::NeighborhoodOperator. More...
class | itk::WarpHarmonicEnergyCalculator< TInputImage > |
| Compute the harmonic energy of a deformation field. More...
class | itk::YenThresholdCalculator< THistogram, TOutput > |
| Computes the Yen's threshold for an image. More...
Operators implements the abstraction of performing an operation using data from a neighborhood of a pixel. ITK Operators work in conjunction with Neighborhood iterators in order to walk over an image.