ITK  5.1.0
Insight Toolkit
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itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer > Class Template Reference

#include <itkHistogram.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >:


class  ConstIterator
class  Iterator

Public Types

using AbsoluteFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::AbsoluteFrequencyType
using ArrayType = Array< TMeasurement >
using BinMaxContainerType = std::vector< BinMaxVectorType >
using BinMaxVectorType = std::vector< MeasurementType >
using BinMinContainerType = std::vector< BinMinVectorType >
using BinMinVectorType = std::vector< MeasurementType >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using FrequencyContainerPointer = typename FrequencyContainerType::Pointer
using FrequencyContainerType = TFrequencyContainer
using IndexType = Array<::itk::IndexValueType >
using IndexValueType = typename IndexType::ValueType
using InstanceIdentifier = typename Superclass::InstanceIdentifier
using MeasurementType = TMeasurement
using MeasurementVectorSizeType = typename Superclass::MeasurementVectorSizeType
using MeasurementVectorType = typename Superclass::MeasurementVectorType
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using RelativeFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::RelativeFrequencyType
using Self = Histogram
using SizeType = Array<::itk::SizeValueType >
using SizeValueType = typename SizeType::ValueType
using Superclass = Sample< ArrayType >
using TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType
using TotalRelativeFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::TotalRelativeFrequencyType
using ValueType = MeasurementVectorType
- Public Types inherited from itk::Statistics::Sample< Array< TMeasurement > >
using AbsoluteFrequencyType = MeasurementVectorTraits::AbsoluteFrequencyType
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using InstanceIdentifier = typename MeasurementVectorTraits::InstanceIdentifier
using MeasurementType = typename MeasurementVectorTraitsTypes< MeasurementVectorType >::ValueType
using MeasurementVectorSizeType = unsigned int
using MeasurementVectorType = Array< TMeasurement >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = Sample
using Superclass = DataObject
using TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType = NumericTraits< AbsoluteFrequencyType >::AccumulateType
- Public Types inherited from itk::DataObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DataObjectIdentifierType = std::string
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = std::vector< Pointer >::size_type
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = DataObject
using Superclass = Object
- Public Types inherited from itk::Object
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = Object
using Superclass = LightObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = LightObject

Public Member Functions

virtual ::itk::LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const
const MeasurementTypeGetBinMax (unsigned int dimension, InstanceIdentifier nbin) const
const MeasurementTypeGetBinMaxFromValue (unsigned int dimension, float value) const
const MeasurementTypeGetBinMin (unsigned int dimension, InstanceIdentifier nbin) const
const MeasurementTypeGetBinMinFromValue (unsigned int dimension, float value) const
virtual bool GetClipBinsAtEnds () const
const BinMaxVectorTypeGetDimensionMaxs (unsigned int dimension) const
const BinMinVectorTypeGetDimensionMins (unsigned int dimension) const
AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency (const IndexType &index) const
AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency (InstanceIdentifier id) const override
AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency (InstanceIdentifier n, unsigned int dimension) const
const MeasurementVectorTypeGetHistogramMaxFromIndex (const IndexType &index) const
const MeasurementVectorTypeGetHistogramMinFromIndex (const IndexType &index) const
bool GetIndex (const MeasurementVectorType &measurement, IndexType &index) const
const IndexTypeGetIndex (InstanceIdentifier id) const
InstanceIdentifier GetInstanceIdentifier (const IndexType &index) const
const BinMaxContainerTypeGetMaxs () const
MeasurementType GetMeasurement (InstanceIdentifier n, unsigned int dimension) const
const MeasurementVectorTypeGetMeasurementVector (const IndexType &index) const
const MeasurementVectorTypeGetMeasurementVector (InstanceIdentifier id) const override
const BinMinContainerTypeGetMins () const
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
const SizeTypeGetSize () const
SizeValueType GetSize (unsigned int dimension) const
TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType GetTotalFrequency () const override
bool IncreaseFrequency (InstanceIdentifier id, AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
bool IncreaseFrequencyOfIndex (const IndexType &index, AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
bool IncreaseFrequencyOfMeasurement (const MeasurementVectorType &measurement, AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
void Initialize (const SizeType &size)
void Initialize (const SizeType &size, MeasurementVectorType &lowerBound, MeasurementVectorType &upperBound)
bool IsIndexOutOfBounds (const IndexType &index) const
void SetBinMax (unsigned int dimension, InstanceIdentifier nbin, MeasurementType max)
void SetBinMin (unsigned int dimension, InstanceIdentifier nbin, MeasurementType min)
virtual void SetClipBinsAtEnds (bool _arg)
void SetFrequency (AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
bool SetFrequency (InstanceIdentifier id, AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
bool SetFrequencyOfIndex (const IndexType &index, AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
bool SetFrequencyOfMeasurement (const MeasurementVectorType &measurement, AbsoluteFrequencyType value)
void SetToZero ()
InstanceIdentifier Size () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Statistics::Sample< Array< TMeasurement > >
virtual AbsoluteFrequencyType GetFrequency (InstanceIdentifier id) const=0
virtual const MeasurementVectorTypeGetMeasurementVector (InstanceIdentifier id) const=0
virtual MeasurementVectorSizeType GetMeasurementVectorSize () const
void Graft (const DataObject *thatObject) override
virtual void SetMeasurementVectorSize (MeasurementVectorSizeType s)
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::DataObject
void DisconnectPipeline ()
bool GetDataReleased () const
virtual const bool & GetReleaseDataFlag () const
SmartPointer< ProcessObjectGetSource () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetSourceOutputIndex () const
const DataObjectIdentifierTypeGetSourceOutputName () const
virtual void PropagateRequestedRegion ()
void ReleaseData ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
virtual void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
virtual void ResetPipeline ()
void SetReleaseDataFlag (bool flag)
bool ShouldIReleaseData () const
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateOutputData ()
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation ()
void SetPipelineMTime (ModifiedTimeType time)
virtual const ModifiedTimeTypeGetPipelineMTime () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetUpdateMTime () const
virtual void SetRealTimeStamp (RealTimeStamp _arg)
virtual const RealTimeStampGetRealTimeStamp () const
virtual void PrepareForNewData ()
virtual void DataHasBeenGenerated ()
virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion ()
virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion ()
virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion ()
virtual void CopyInformation (const DataObject *)
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (const DataObject *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *)
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) const
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary ()
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const
virtual const TimeStampGetTimeStamp () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
virtual void Modified () const
void Register () const override
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetReferenceCount (int) override
void UnRegister () const noexcept override
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs)
virtual void SetObjectName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetObjectName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual void Delete ()
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
 itkCloneMacro (Self)
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const

Static Public Member Functions

static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::DataObject
static bool GetGlobalReleaseDataFlag ()
static void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOff ()
static void GlobalReleaseDataFlagOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalReleaseDataFlag (bool val)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool flag)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()
using OffsetTableType = std::vector< InstanceIdentifier >
SizeType m_Size
OffsetTableType m_OffsetTable
FrequencyContainerPointer m_FrequencyContainer
unsigned int m_NumberOfInstances { 0 }
std::vector< std::vector< MeasurementType > > m_Min
std::vector< std::vector< MeasurementType > > m_Max
MeasurementVectorType m_TempMeasurementVector
IndexType m_TempIndex
bool m_ClipBinsAtEnds { true }
double Quantile (unsigned int dimension, double p) const
double Mean (unsigned int dimension) const
void Graft (const DataObject *) override
Iterator Begin ()
Iterator End ()
ConstIterator Begin () const
ConstIterator End () const
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 Histogram ()
 ~Histogram () override=default
void Initialize () override

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Statistics::Sample< Array< TMeasurement > >
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 Sample ()
 ~Sample () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::DataObject
 DataObject ()
 ~DataObject () override
virtual void PropagateResetPipeline ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
 Object ()
 ~Object () override
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &time)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const
 LightObject ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual ~LightObject ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::LightObject
std::atomic< int > m_ReferenceCount

Detailed Description

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
class itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >

This class stores measurement vectors in the context of n-dimensional histogram.

Histogram represents an ND histogram. Histogram bins can be regularly or irregularly spaced. The storage for the histogram is managed via the FrequencyContainer specified by the template argument. The default frequency container is a DenseFrequencyContainer. A SparseFrequencyContainer can be used as an alternative.

Frequencies of a bin (SetFrequency(), IncreaseFrequency()) can be specified by measurement, index, or instance identifier.

Measurements can be queried by bin index or instance identifier. In this case, the measurement returned is the centroid of the histogram bin.

The Initialize() method is used to specify the number of bins for each dimension of the histogram. An overloaded version also allows for regularly spaced bins to defined. To define irregularly sized bins, use the SetBinMin()/SetBinMax() methods.

If you do not know the length of the measurement vector at compile time, you should use the VariableDimensionHistogram class, instead of the Histogram class.

If you know the length of the measurement vector at compile time, it can conveniently be obtained from MeasurementVectorTraits. For instance, instantiate a histogram as below:

using HistogramType = Histogram< THistogramMeasurement, typename TFrequencyContainer >;
See also
Sample, DenseFrequencyContainer, SparseFrequencyContainer, VariableDimensionHistogram
ITK Sphinx Examples:
Examples/Statistics/Histogram.cxx, Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram1.cxx, Examples/Statistics/SampleToHistogramFilter.cxx, SphinxExamples/src/Numerics/Statistics/CreateHistogramFromListOfMeasurements/Code.cxx, and SphinxExamples/src/Numerics/Statistics/HistogramCreationAndBinAccess/Code.cxx.

Definition at line 77 of file itkHistogram.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AbsoluteFrequencyType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::AbsoluteFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::AbsoluteFrequencyType

Frequency and TotalFrequency value type from superclass

Definition at line 112 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ ArrayType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::ArrayType = Array<TMeasurement>

Definition at line 83 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ BinMaxContainerType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::BinMaxContainerType = std::vector<BinMaxVectorType>

Definition at line 129 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ BinMaxVectorType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::BinMaxVectorType = std::vector<MeasurementType>

Definition at line 127 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ BinMinContainerType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::BinMinContainerType = std::vector<BinMinVectorType>

Definition at line 128 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ BinMinVectorType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::BinMinVectorType = std::vector<MeasurementType>

bin min max value storage types

Definition at line 126 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ ConstPointer

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 89 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ FrequencyContainerPointer

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::FrequencyContainerPointer = typename FrequencyContainerType::Pointer

Definition at line 109 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ FrequencyContainerType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::FrequencyContainerType = TFrequencyContainer

frequency container type alias

Definition at line 108 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ IndexType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::IndexType = Array<::itk::IndexValueType>

Index type alias support An index is used to access pixel values.

Definition at line 118 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ IndexValueType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::IndexValueType = typename IndexType::ValueType

Definition at line 119 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ InstanceIdentifier

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::InstanceIdentifier = typename Superclass::InstanceIdentifier

Definition at line 102 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ MeasurementType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::MeasurementType = TMeasurement

type of an element of a measurement vector

Definition at line 98 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ MeasurementVectorSizeType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::MeasurementVectorSizeType = typename Superclass::MeasurementVectorSizeType

Definition at line 103 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ MeasurementVectorType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::MeasurementVectorType = typename Superclass::MeasurementVectorType

Common sample class type alias

Definition at line 101 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ OffsetTableType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::OffsetTableType = std::vector<InstanceIdentifier>

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 513 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ Pointer

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 88 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ RelativeFrequencyType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::RelativeFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::RelativeFrequencyType

Definition at line 114 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Self = Histogram

Standard type alias

Definition at line 86 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ SizeType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SizeType = Array<::itk::SizeValueType>

size array type

Definition at line 122 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ SizeValueType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SizeValueType = typename SizeType::ValueType

Definition at line 123 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Superclass = Sample<ArrayType>

Definition at line 87 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType

Definition at line 113 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ TotalRelativeFrequencyType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::TotalRelativeFrequencyType = typename FrequencyContainerType::TotalRelativeFrequencyType

Definition at line 115 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ ValueType

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
using itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::ValueType = MeasurementVectorType

Definition at line 105 of file itkHistogram.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Histogram()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Histogram ( )

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

◆ ~Histogram()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::~Histogram ( )

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Member Function Documentation

◆ Begin() [1/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
Iterator itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Begin ( )

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 478 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ Begin() [2/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
ConstIterator itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Begin ( ) const

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 492 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ CreateAnother()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::CreateAnother ( ) const

Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

◆ End() [1/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
Iterator itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::End ( )

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 486 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ End() [2/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
ConstIterator itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::End ( ) const

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 500 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ GetBinMax()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetBinMax ( unsigned int  dimension,
InstanceIdentifier  nbin 
) const

Get the maximum value of nth bin of dimension d

◆ GetBinMaxFromValue()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetBinMaxFromValue ( unsigned int  dimension,
float  value 
) const

Get the maximum of the bin along dimension d corresponding to a particular measurement.

◆ GetBinMin()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetBinMin ( unsigned int  dimension,
InstanceIdentifier  nbin 
) const

Get the minimum value of nth bin of dimension d

◆ GetBinMinFromValue()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetBinMinFromValue ( unsigned int  dimension,
float  value 
) const

Get the minimum of the bin along dimension d corresponding to a particular measurement.

◆ GetClipBinsAtEnds()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
virtual bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetClipBinsAtEnds ( ) const

Is set to false if the bins at edges of the histogram extend to +/- infinity.

◆ GetDimensionMaxs()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const BinMaxVectorType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetDimensionMaxs ( unsigned int  dimension) const

Get the vector of maximums along a dimension

◆ GetDimensionMins()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const BinMinVectorType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetDimensionMins ( unsigned int  dimension) const

Get the vector of bin minimums along a dimension

◆ GetFrequency() [1/3]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
AbsoluteFrequencyType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetFrequency ( const IndexType index) const

Get the frequency of an index

◆ GetFrequency() [2/3]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
AbsoluteFrequencyType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetFrequency ( InstanceIdentifier  id) const

Get the frequency of an instance identifier

◆ GetFrequency() [3/3]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
AbsoluteFrequencyType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetFrequency ( InstanceIdentifier  n,
unsigned int  dimension 
) const

Get the frequency of a dimension's nth element.

◆ GetHistogramMaxFromIndex()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementVectorType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetHistogramMaxFromIndex ( const IndexType index) const

Get the maximums of the bin corresponding to a particular index

◆ GetHistogramMinFromIndex()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementVectorType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetHistogramMinFromIndex ( const IndexType index) const

Get the minimums of the bin corresponding to a particular index

◆ GetIndex() [1/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetIndex ( const MeasurementVectorType measurement,
IndexType index 
) const

Get the index of histogram corresponding to the specified measurement value. Returns true if index is valid and false if the measurement is outside the histogram

◆ GetIndex() [2/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const IndexType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetIndex ( InstanceIdentifier  id) const

Get the index that is uniquely labelled by an instance identifier The corresponding id is the offset of the index This method uses ImageBase::ComputeIndex() method

◆ GetInstanceIdentifier()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
InstanceIdentifier itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetInstanceIdentifier ( const IndexType index) const

Get the instance identifier of the bin that is indexed by the index. The corresponding instance identifier is the offset of the index This method uses ImageBase::ComputeIndex() method

◆ GetMaxs()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const BinMaxContainerType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetMaxs ( ) const

Method the maximums of the bins

◆ GetMeasurement()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
MeasurementType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetMeasurement ( InstanceIdentifier  n,
unsigned int  dimension 
) const

Get the measurement a bin along a specified dimension. This is the midpoint of the bin along that dimension.

◆ GetMeasurementVector() [1/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementVectorType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetMeasurementVector ( const IndexType index) const

Get the measurement of an index. This is the centroid of the bin.

◆ GetMeasurementVector() [2/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const MeasurementVectorType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetMeasurementVector ( InstanceIdentifier  id) const

Get the measurement of an instance identifier. This is the centroid of the bin.

◆ GetMins()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const BinMinContainerType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetMins ( ) const

Get the minimums of the bins

◆ GetNameOfClass()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
virtual const char* itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const

Run-time type information (and related methods).

Reimplemented from itk::Statistics::Sample< Array< TMeasurement > >.

◆ GetSize() [1/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
const SizeType& itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetSize ( ) const

Get the size (N-dimensional) of the histogram

◆ GetSize() [2/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
SizeValueType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetSize ( unsigned int  dimension) const

Get the size of histogram along a specified dimension

◆ GetTotalFrequency()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
TotalAbsoluteFrequencyType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::GetTotalFrequency ( ) const

Get the total frequency in the histogram

Implements itk::Statistics::Sample< Array< TMeasurement > >.

◆ Graft()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Graft ( const DataObject )

Method to graft another histogram's output

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

◆ IncreaseFrequency()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::IncreaseFrequency ( InstanceIdentifier  id,
AbsoluteFrequencyType  value 

Increase the frequency of an instance identifier. Frequency is increased by the specified value. Returns false if the bin is out of bounds.

◆ IncreaseFrequencyOfIndex()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::IncreaseFrequencyOfIndex ( const IndexType index,
AbsoluteFrequencyType  value 

Increase the frequency of an index. Frequency is increased by the specified value. Returns false if the bin is out of bounds.

◆ IncreaseFrequencyOfMeasurement()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::IncreaseFrequencyOfMeasurement ( const MeasurementVectorType measurement,
AbsoluteFrequencyType  value 

Increase the frequency of a measurement. Frequency is increased by the specified value. Returns false if the measurement is outside the bounds of the histogram.

This function performs a dynamic allocation for the index length, and should not be used in tight per-pixel loops.

◆ Initialize() [1/3]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Initialize ( )

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

Definition at line 521 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ Initialize() [2/3]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Initialize ( const SizeType size)

Initialize the histogram, generating the offset table and preparing the frequency container. Subclasses should call this method in their Initialize() method.

◆ Initialize() [3/3]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Initialize ( const SizeType size,
MeasurementVectorType lowerBound,
MeasurementVectorType upperBound 

Initialize the histogram using equal size bins. To assign bin's min and max values along each dimension use SetBinMin() and SetBinMax() functions.

◆ IsIndexOutOfBounds()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::IsIndexOutOfBounds ( const IndexType index) const

Returns true if the given index is out of bound meaning one of index is not between [0, last index]

◆ Mean()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
double itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Mean ( unsigned int  dimension) const

Get the mean value for a dimension

◆ New()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
static Pointer itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::New ( )

standard New() method support

◆ PrintSelf()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Reimplemented from itk::DataObject.

◆ Quantile()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
double itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Quantile ( unsigned int  dimension,
double  p 
) const

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

◆ SetBinMax()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetBinMax ( unsigned int  dimension,
InstanceIdentifier  nbin,
MeasurementType  max 

Set the maximum value of nth bin of dimension d

◆ SetBinMin()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetBinMin ( unsigned int  dimension,
InstanceIdentifier  nbin,
MeasurementType  min 

Set the minimum value of nth bin of dimension d

◆ SetClipBinsAtEnds()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
virtual void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetClipBinsAtEnds ( bool  _arg)

Set to false to have the bins at edges of the histogram extend to +/- infinity.

◆ SetFrequency() [1/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetFrequency ( AbsoluteFrequencyType  value)

Set all the bins in the histogram to a specified frequency

◆ SetFrequency() [2/2]

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetFrequency ( InstanceIdentifier  id,
AbsoluteFrequencyType  value 

Set the frequency of an instance identifier. Returns false if the bin is out of bounds.

◆ SetFrequencyOfIndex()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetFrequencyOfIndex ( const IndexType index,
AbsoluteFrequencyType  value 

Set the frequency of an index. Returns false if the bin is out of bounds.

◆ SetFrequencyOfMeasurement()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetFrequencyOfMeasurement ( const MeasurementVectorType measurement,
AbsoluteFrequencyType  value 

Set the frequency of a measurement. Returns false if the bin is out of bounds.

◆ SetToZero()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
void itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::SetToZero ( )

Initialize the values of the histogram bins to zero

◆ Size()

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
InstanceIdentifier itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::Size ( ) const

Returns the number of instances (bins or cells) in this container

Implements itk::Statistics::Sample< Array< TMeasurement > >.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_ClipBinsAtEnds

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
bool itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_ClipBinsAtEnds { true }

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 533 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_FrequencyContainer

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
FrequencyContainerPointer itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_FrequencyContainer

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 515 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_Max

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
std::vector<std::vector<MeasurementType> > itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_Max

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 528 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_Min

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
std::vector<std::vector<MeasurementType> > itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_Min

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 525 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_NumberOfInstances

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
unsigned int itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_NumberOfInstances { 0 }

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 516 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_OffsetTable

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
OffsetTableType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_OffsetTable

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 514 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_Size

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
SizeType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_Size

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 510 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_TempIndex

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
IndexType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_TempIndex

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 531 of file itkHistogram.h.

◆ m_TempMeasurementVector

template<typename TMeasurement = float, typename TFrequencyContainer = DenseFrequencyContainer2>
MeasurementVectorType itk::Statistics::Histogram< TMeasurement, TFrequencyContainer >::m_TempMeasurementVector

Get the pth percentile value for a dimension.

Let assume n = the index of the bin where the p-th percentile value is,
min = min value of the dimension of the bin,
max = max value of the dimension of the bin,
interval = max - min ,
pp = cumulated proportion until n-1 bin;
and pb = frequency of the bin / total frequency of the dimension.

If p is less than 0.5,
the percentile value =
min + ((p - pp ) / pb) * interval
If p is greater than or equal to 0.5
the percentile value =
max - ((pp - p) / pb) * interval  

Definition at line 530 of file itkHistogram.h.

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