Insight Toolkit
#include <itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h>
Public Types | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DemonsRegistrationFunctionType = DemonsRegistrationFunction< FixedImageType, MovingImageType, DisplacementFieldType > |
using | DisplacementFieldPointer = typename Superclass::DisplacementFieldPointer |
using | DisplacementFieldType = typename Superclass::DisplacementFieldType |
using | FiniteDifferenceFunctionType = typename Superclass::FiniteDifferenceFunctionType |
using | FixedImagePointer = typename Superclass::FixedImagePointer |
using | FixedImageType = typename Superclass::FixedImageType |
using | MovingImagePointer = typename Superclass::MovingImagePointer |
using | MovingImageType = typename Superclass::MovingImageType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = DemonsRegistrationFilter |
using | Superclass = PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField > |
using | TimeStepType = typename Superclass::TimeStepType |
Public Types inherited from itk::PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DisplacementFieldPointer = typename DisplacementFieldType::Pointer |
using | DisplacementFieldType = TDisplacementField |
using | FiniteDifferenceFunctionType = typename Superclass::FiniteDifferenceFunctionType |
using | FixedImageConstPointer = typename FixedImageType::ConstPointer |
using | FixedImagePointer = typename FixedImageType::Pointer |
using | FixedImageType = TFixedImage |
using | MovingImageConstPointer = typename MovingImageType::ConstPointer |
using | MovingImagePointer = typename MovingImageType::Pointer |
using | MovingImageType = TMovingImage |
using | OutputImageType = typename Superclass::OutputImageType |
using | PDEDeformableRegistrationFunctionType = PDEDeformableRegistrationFunction< FixedImageType, MovingImageType, DisplacementFieldType > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter |
using | Superclass = DenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > |
using | StandardDeviationsType = FixedArray< double, ImageDimension > |
Public Types inherited from itk::DenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | FiniteDifferenceFunctionType = typename Superclass::FiniteDifferenceFunctionType |
using | InputImageType = typename Superclass::InputImageType |
using | OutputImageType = typename Superclass::OutputImageType |
using | PixelType = typename Superclass::PixelType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = DenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter |
using | Superclass = FiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > |
using | TimeStepType = typename Superclass::TimeStepType |
using | UpdateBufferType = OutputImageType |
Public Types inherited from itk::FiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | FiniteDifferenceFunctionType = FiniteDifferenceFunction< TDisplacementField > |
using | InputImageType = TDisplacementField |
using | InputPixelType = typename TDisplacementField ::PixelType |
using | InputPixelValueType = typename NumericTraits< InputPixelType >::ValueType |
using | NeighborhoodScalesType = typename FiniteDifferenceFunctionType::NeighborhoodScalesType |
using | OutputImageType = TDisplacementField |
using | OutputPixelType = typename TDisplacementField ::PixelType |
using | OutputPixelValueType = typename NumericTraits< OutputPixelType >::ValueType |
using | PixelType = OutputPixelType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | RadiusType = typename FiniteDifferenceFunctionType::RadiusType |
using | Self = FiniteDifferenceImageFilter |
using | Superclass = InPlaceImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > |
using | TimeStepType = typename FiniteDifferenceFunctionType::TimeStepType |
Public Types inherited from itk::InPlaceImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | InputImageConstPointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer |
using | InputImagePixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType |
using | InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer |
using | InputImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType |
using | InputImageType = TDisplacementField |
using | OutputImagePixelType = typename Superclass::OutputImagePixelType |
using | OutputImagePointer = typename Superclass::OutputImagePointer |
using | OutputImageRegionType = typename Superclass::OutputImageRegionType |
using | OutputImageType = typename Superclass::OutputImageType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = InPlaceImageFilter |
using | Superclass = ImageToImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > |
Public Types inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | InputImageConstPointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer |
using | InputImagePixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType |
using | InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer |
using | InputImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType |
using | InputImageType = TDisplacementField |
using | OutputImagePixelType = typename Superclass::OutputImagePixelType |
using | OutputImageRegionType = typename Superclass::OutputImageRegionType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ImageToImageFilter |
using | Superclass = ImageSource< TDisplacementField > |
Public Types inherited from itk::ImageSource< TDisplacementField > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DataObjectIdentifierType = Superclass::DataObjectIdentifierType |
using | DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer |
using | DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = Superclass::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType |
using | OutputImagePixelType = typename OutputImageType::PixelType |
using | OutputImagePointer = typename OutputImageType::Pointer |
using | OutputImageRegionType = typename OutputImageType::RegionType |
using | OutputImageType = TDisplacementField |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ImageSource |
using | Superclass = ProcessObject |
Public Types inherited from itk::ProcessObject | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DataObjectIdentifierType = DataObject::DataObjectIdentifierType |
using | DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer |
using | DataObjectPointerArray = std::vector< DataObjectPointer > |
using | DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = DataObjectPointerArray::size_type |
using | MultiThreaderType = MultiThreaderBase |
using | NameArray = std::vector< DataObjectIdentifierType > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ProcessObject |
using | Superclass = Object |
Public Types inherited from itk::Object | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = Object |
using | Superclass = LightObject |
Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = LightObject |
Deformably register two images using the demons algorithm.
DemonsRegistrationFilter implements the demons deformable algorithm that register two images by computing the displacement field which will map a moving image onto a fixed image.
A displacement field is represented as a image whose pixel type is some vector type with at least N elements, where N is the dimension of the fixed image. The vector type must support element access via operator []. It is assumed that the vector elements behave like floating point scalars.
This class is templated over the fixed image type, moving image type and the displacement field type.
The input fixed and moving images are set via methods SetFixedImage and SetMovingImage respectively. An initial displacement field maybe set via SetInitialDisplacementField or SetInput. If no initial field is set, a zero field is used as the initial condition.
The algorithm has one parameters: the number of iteration to be performed.
The output displacement field can be obtained via methods GetOutput or GetDisplacementField.
This class make use of the finite difference solver hierarchy. Update for each iteration is computed in DemonsRegistrationFunction.
Definition at line 63 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
Definition at line 73 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::DemonsRegistrationFunctionType = DemonsRegistrationFunction<FixedImageType, MovingImageType, DisplacementFieldType> |
DemonsRegistrationFilterFunction type.
Definition at line 101 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::DisplacementFieldPointer = typename Superclass::DisplacementFieldPointer |
Definition at line 94 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::DisplacementFieldType = typename Superclass::DisplacementFieldType |
displacement field type.
Definition at line 93 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::FiniteDifferenceFunctionType = typename Superclass::FiniteDifferenceFunctionType |
FiniteDifferenceFunction type.
Definition at line 97 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::FixedImagePointer = typename Superclass::FixedImagePointer |
Definition at line 86 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::FixedImageType = typename Superclass::FixedImageType |
FixedImage image type.
Definition at line 85 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::MovingImagePointer = typename Superclass::MovingImagePointer |
Definition at line 90 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::MovingImageType = typename Superclass::MovingImageType |
MovingImage image type.
Definition at line 89 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
Definition at line 72 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::Self = DemonsRegistrationFilter |
Standard class type aliases.
Definition at line 70 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::Superclass = PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter<TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField> |
Definition at line 71 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
using itk::DemonsRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >::TimeStepType = typename Superclass::TimeStepType |
Inherit types from superclass.
Definition at line 82 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
protected |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
overrideprotecteddefault |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
overrideprotected |
Apply update.
virtual |
Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.
Reimplemented from itk::Object.
virtual |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
virtual |
Get the metric value. The metric value is the mean square difference in intensity between the fixed image and transforming moving image computed over the the overlapping region between the two images. This is value is only available for the previous iteration and NOT the current iteration.
virtual |
Run-time type information (and related methods).
Reimplemented from itk::PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >.
virtual |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Initialize the state of filter and equation before each iteration.
Reimplemented from itk::FiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TDisplacementField, TDisplacementField >.
static |
Method for creation through the object factory.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.
virtual |
Set/Get the threshold below which the absolute difference of intensity yields a match. When the intensities match between a moving and fixed image pixel, the update vector (for that iteration) will be the zero vector. Default is 0.001.
virtual |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
virtual |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
virtual |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Override VerifyInputInformation() since this filter's inputs do not need to occupy the same physical space.
Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.
Definition at line 148 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.
private |
Switch between using the fixed image and moving image gradient for computing the displacement field updates.
Definition at line 152 of file itkDemonsRegistrationFilter.h.