Insight Toolkit
#include <itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h>
Public Types | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DerivativeType = typename Superclass::DerivativeType |
using | LocalDerivativeType = typename Superclass::LocalDerivativeType |
using | MeasureType = typename Superclass::MeasureType |
using | PixelType = typename Superclass::PixelType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | PointIdentifier = typename Superclass::PointIdentifier |
using | PointType = typename Superclass::PointType |
using | Self = EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4 |
using | Superclass = PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType > |
Public Types inherited from itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | CoordRepType = typename PointType::CoordRepType |
using | DerivativeType = typename Superclass::DerivativeType |
using | DerivativeValueType = typename Superclass::DerivativeValueType |
using | DimensionType = typename Superclass::DimensionType |
using | DisplacementFieldTransformType = typename Superclass::MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType |
using | FixedInputPointType = typename Superclass::FixedInputPointType |
using | FixedOutputPointType = typename Superclass::FixedOutputPointType |
using | FixedPixelType = typename TFixedPointSet::PixelType |
using | FixedPointsContainer = typename TFixedPointSet::PointsContainer |
using | FixedPointSetType = TFixedPointSet |
using | FixedPointType = typename TFixedPointSet::PointType |
using | FixedTransformedPointSetType = typename Superclass::FixedTransformedPointSetType |
using | FixedTransformJacobianType = typename Superclass::FixedTransformJacobianType |
using | FixedTransformParametersType = typename Superclass::FixedTransformParametersType |
using | FixedTransformPointer = typename Superclass::FixedTransformPointer |
using | FixedTransformType = typename Superclass::FixedTransformType |
using | JacobianType = typename Superclass::JacobianType |
using | LocalDerivativeType = typename Superclass::LocalDerivativeType |
using | MeasureType = typename Superclass::MeasureType |
using | MovingInputPointType = typename Superclass::MovingInputPointType |
using | MovingOutputPointType = typename Superclass::MovingOutputPointType |
using | MovingPixelType = typename TMovingPointSet::PixelType |
using | MovingPointsContainer = typename TMovingPointSet::PointsContainer |
using | MovingPointSetType = TMovingPointSet |
using | MovingPointType = typename TMovingPointSet::PointType |
using | MovingTransformedPointSetType = typename Superclass::MovingTransformedPointSetType |
using | MovingTransformJacobianType = typename Superclass::MovingTransformJacobianType |
using | MovingTransformParametersType = typename Superclass::MovingTransformParametersType |
using | MovingTransformPointer = typename Superclass::MovingTransformPointer |
using | MovingTransformType = typename Superclass::MovingTransformType |
using | NeighborsIdentifierType = typename PointsLocatorType::NeighborsIdentifierType |
using | NumberOfParametersType = typename Superclass::NumberOfParametersType |
using | ParametersType = typename Superclass::ParametersType |
using | ParametersValueType = typename Superclass::ParametersValueType |
using | PixelType = typename Superclass::PixelType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | PointIdentifier = typename Superclass::PointIdentifier |
using | PointsConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator |
using | PointsContainer = FixedPointsContainer |
using | PointsLocatorType = typename Superclass::PointsLocatorType |
using | PointType = typename Superclass::PointType |
using | Self = PointSetToPointSetMetricv4 |
using | Superclass = PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType > |
using | VirtualDirectionType = typename Superclass::VirtualDirectionType |
using | VirtualImagePointer = typename Superclass::VirtualImagePointer |
using | VirtualImageType = typename Superclass::VirtualImageType |
using | VirtualIndexType = typename Superclass::VirtualIndexType |
using | VirtualOriginType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointType |
using | VirtualPixelType = typename Superclass::VirtualPixelType |
using | VirtualPointSetPointer = typename Superclass::VirtualPointSetPointer |
using | VirtualPointSetType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointSetType |
using | VirtualPointType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointType |
using | VirtualRadiusType = typename Superclass::VirtualSizeType |
using | VirtualRegionType = typename Superclass::VirtualRegionType |
using | VirtualSizeType = typename Superclass::VirtualSizeType |
using | VirtualSpacingType = typename Superclass::VirtualSpacingType |
Public Types inherited from itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | CoordRepType = typename PointType::CoordRepType |
using | DerivativeType = typename Superclass::DerivativeType |
using | DerivativeValueType = typename DerivativeType::ValueType |
using | DimensionType = typename Superclass::DimensionType |
using | DisplacementFieldTransformType = typename Superclass::MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType |
using | FixedInputPointType = typename Superclass::FixedInputPointType |
using | FixedOutputPointType = typename Superclass::FixedOutputPointType |
using | FixedPixelType = typename TFixedPointSet::PixelType |
using | FixedPointsContainer = typename TFixedPointSet::PointsContainer |
using | FixedPointSetType = TFixedPointSet |
using | FixedPointType = typename TFixedPointSet::PointType |
using | FixedTransformedPointSetType = PointSet< FixedPixelType, Self::PointDimension > |
using | FixedTransformJacobianType = typename Superclass::FixedTransformJacobianType |
using | FixedTransformParametersType = typename Superclass::FixedTransformParametersType |
using | FixedTransformPointer = typename Superclass::FixedTransformPointer |
using | FixedTransformType = typename Superclass::FixedTransformType |
using | JacobianType = typename Superclass::JacobianType |
using | LocalDerivativeType = FixedArray< DerivativeValueType, Self::PointDimension > |
using | MeasureType = typename Superclass::MeasureType |
using | MovingInputPointType = typename Superclass::MovingInputPointType |
using | MovingOutputPointType = typename Superclass::MovingOutputPointType |
using | MovingPixelType = typename TMovingPointSet::PixelType |
using | MovingPointsContainer = typename TMovingPointSet::PointsContainer |
using | MovingPointSetType = TMovingPointSet |
using | MovingPointType = typename TMovingPointSet::PointType |
using | MovingTransformedPointSetType = PointSet< MovingPixelType, Self::PointDimension > |
using | MovingTransformJacobianType = typename Superclass::MovingTransformJacobianType |
using | MovingTransformParametersType = typename Superclass::MovingTransformParametersType |
using | MovingTransformPointer = typename Superclass::MovingTransformPointer |
using | MovingTransformType = typename Superclass::MovingTransformType |
using | NeighborsIdentifierType = typename PointsLocatorType::NeighborsIdentifierType |
using | NumberOfParametersType = typename Superclass::NumberOfParametersType |
using | ObjectType = typename Superclass::ObjectType |
using | ParametersType = typename Superclass::ParametersType |
using | ParametersValueType = typename Superclass::ParametersValueType |
using | PixelType = FixedPixelType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | PointIdentifier = typename PointsContainer::ElementIdentifier |
using | PointsConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator |
using | PointsContainer = FixedPointsContainer |
using | PointsLocatorType = PointsLocator< PointsContainer > |
using | PointType = FixedPointType |
using | Self = PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4 |
using | Superclass = ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< TInternalComputationValueType, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, TInternalComputationValueType > |
using | VirtualDirectionType = typename Superclass::VirtualDirectionType |
using | VirtualImagePointer = typename Superclass::VirtualImagePointer |
using | VirtualImageType = typename Superclass::VirtualImageType |
using | VirtualIndexType = typename Superclass::VirtualIndexType |
using | VirtualOriginType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointType |
using | VirtualPixelType = typename Superclass::VirtualPixelType |
using | VirtualPointSetPointer = typename Superclass::VirtualPointSetPointer |
using | VirtualPointSetType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointSetType |
using | VirtualPointType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointType |
using | VirtualRadiusType = typename Superclass::VirtualSizeType |
using | VirtualRegionType = typename Superclass::VirtualRegionType |
using | VirtualSizeType = typename Superclass::VirtualSizeType |
using | VirtualSpacingType = typename Superclass::VirtualSpacingType |
Public Types inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< TInternalComputationValueType, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, TInternalComputationValueType > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | CoordinateRepresentationType = TInternalComputationValueType |
using | DerivativeType = typename Superclass::DerivativeType |
using | DerivativeValueType = typename Superclass::DerivativeValueType |
using | DimensionType = SizeValueType |
using | FixedInputPointType = typename FixedTransformType::InputPointType |
using | FixedOutputPointType = typename FixedTransformType::OutputPointType |
using | FixedTransformJacobianType = typename FixedTransformType::JacobianType |
using | FixedTransformParametersType = typename FixedTransformType::ParametersType |
using | FixedTransformPointer = typename FixedTransformType::Pointer |
using | FixedTransformType = Transform< TInternalComputationValueType, Image< TInternalComputationValueType, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension > ::ImageDimension, TFixedDimension > |
using | GradientSourceEnum = typename Superclass::GradientSourceEnum |
using | InternalComputationValueType = TInternalComputationValueType |
using | JacobianType = typename FixedTransformType::JacobianType |
using | MeasureType = typename Superclass::MeasureType |
using | MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType = DisplacementFieldTransform< CoordinateRepresentationType, Self::MovingDimension > |
using | MovingInputPointType = typename MovingTransformType::InputPointType |
using | MovingOutputPointType = typename MovingTransformType::OutputPointType |
using | MovingTransformJacobianType = typename MovingTransformType::JacobianType |
using | MovingTransformParametersType = typename MovingTransformType::ParametersType |
using | MovingTransformPointer = typename MovingTransformType::Pointer |
using | MovingTransformType = Transform< TInternalComputationValueType, Image< TInternalComputationValueType, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension > ::ImageDimension, TMovingDimension > |
using | NumberOfParametersType = typename Superclass::NumberOfParametersType |
using | ObjectType = typename Superclass::Object |
using | ParametersType = typename Superclass::ParametersType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ObjectToObjectMetric |
using | Superclass = ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< TInternalComputationValueType > |
using | VirtualDirectionType = typename VirtualImageType::DirectionType |
using | VirtualImageConstPointer = typename VirtualImageType::ConstPointer |
using | VirtualImagePointer = typename VirtualImageType::Pointer |
using | VirtualImageType = Image< TInternalComputationValueType, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension > |
using | VirtualIndexType = typename VirtualImageType::IndexType |
using | VirtualOriginType = typename VirtualImageType::PointType |
using | VirtualPixelType = typename VirtualImageType::PixelType |
using | VirtualPointSetPointer = typename VirtualPointSetType::Pointer |
using | VirtualPointSetType = PointSet< VirtualPixelType, Self::VirtualDimension > |
using | VirtualPointType = typename VirtualImageType::PointType |
using | VirtualRadiusType = typename VirtualImageType::SizeType |
using | VirtualRegionType = typename VirtualImageType::RegionType |
using | VirtualSizeType = typename VirtualRegionType::SizeType |
using | VirtualSpacingType = typename VirtualImageType::SpacingType |
using | MetricCategoryType = typename Superclass::MetricCategoryEnum |
Public Types inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< TInternalComputationValueType > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | CoordinateRepresentationType = TInternalComputationValueType |
using | DerivativeType = typename Superclass::DerivativeType |
using | DerivativeValueType = typename DerivativeType::ValueType |
using | MeasureType = typename Superclass::MeasureType |
using | ObjectConstPointer = typename ObjectType::ConstPointer |
using | ObjectType = Object |
using | ParametersType = typename Superclass::ParametersType |
using | ParametersValueType = TInternalComputationValueType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate |
using | Superclass = SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template< TInternalComputationValueType > |
using | GradientSourceEnum = itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::GradientSource |
using | NumberOfParametersType = unsigned int |
using | MetricCategoryEnum = itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::MetricCategory |
Public Types inherited from itk::SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template< TInternalComputationValueType > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DerivativeType = Array< TInternalComputationValueType > |
using | MeasureType = TInternalComputationValueType |
using | ParametersType = typename Superclass::ParametersType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template |
using | Superclass = CostFunctionTemplate< TInternalComputationValueType > |
Public Types inherited from itk::CostFunctionTemplate< TInternalComputationValueType > | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | ParametersType = OptimizerParameters< TInternalComputationValueType > |
using | ParametersValueType = TInternalComputationValueType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = CostFunctionTemplate |
using | Superclass = Object |
Public Types inherited from itk::Object | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = Object |
using | Superclass = LightObject |
Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject | |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = LightObject |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Pointer | New () |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object | |
static bool | GetGlobalWarningDisplay () |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOff () |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOn () |
static Pointer | New () |
static void | SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool val) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject | |
static void | BreakOnError () |
static Pointer | New () |
Computes the Euclidan distance metric between two point sets.
Given two point sets the Euclidean distance metric (i.e. ICP) is defined to be the aggregate of all shortest distances between all possible pairings of points between the two sets.
We only have to handle the individual point case as the parent class handles the aggregation.
Reference: PJ Besl and ND McKay, "A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes", IEEE PAMI, Vol 14, No. 2, February 1992
Definition at line 44 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
Definition at line 54 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::DerivativeType = typename Superclass::DerivativeType |
Definition at line 64 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::LocalDerivativeType = typename Superclass::LocalDerivativeType |
Definition at line 65 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::MeasureType = typename Superclass::MeasureType |
Types transferred from the base class
Definition at line 63 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PixelType = typename Superclass::PixelType |
Definition at line 67 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
Definition at line 53 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointIdentifier = typename Superclass::PointIdentifier |
Definition at line 68 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointType = typename Superclass::PointType |
Definition at line 66 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::Self = EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4 |
Standard class type aliases.
Definition at line 51 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
using itk::EuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::Superclass = PointSetToPointSetMetricv4<TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType> |
Definition at line 52 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.
protecteddefault |
overrideprotecteddefault |
virtual |
Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.
Reimplemented from itk::Object.
overridevirtual |
Calculates the local metric value for a single point.
Implements itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >.
overridevirtual |
Calculates the local value and derivative for a single point.
Implements itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >.
virtual |
Run-time type information (and related methods).
Reimplemented from itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >.
static |
Method for creation through the object factory.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
PrintSelf function
Reimplemented from itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< TInternalComputationValueType >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Holds the fixed points after transformation into virtual domain.
Reimplemented from itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >.
Definition at line 90 of file itkEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4.h.