using | InputToOutputRegionCopierType = ImageToImageFilterDetail::ImageRegionCopier< Self::OutputImageDimension, Self::InputImageDimension > |
using | OutputToInputRegionCopierType = ImageToImageFilterDetail::ImageRegionCopier< Self::InputImageDimension, Self::OutputImageDimension > |
void | AfterThreadedGenerateData () override |
void | BeforeThreadedGenerateData () override |
void | DynamicThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread) override |
virtual InputImageType * | GetLabelMap () |
| LabelMapFilter () |
void | ThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread, ThreadIdType) override |
virtual void | ThreadedProcessLabelObject (LabelObjectType *labelObject) |
| ~LabelMapFilter () override=default |
| ImageToImageFilter () |
| ~ImageToImageFilter () override=default |
void | VerifyInputInformation () ITKv5_CONST override |
virtual void | CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion (InputImageRegionType &destRegion, const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
virtual void | CallCopyInputRegionToOutputRegion (OutputImageRegionType &destRegion, const InputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
void | PushBackInput (const DataObject *input) override |
void | PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input) override |
| ImageSource () |
| ~ImageSource () override=default |
void | ClassicMultiThread (ThreadFunctionType callbackFunction) |
virtual void | AllocateOutputs () |
virtual const ImageRegionSplitterBase * | GetImageRegionSplitter () const |
virtual unsigned int | SplitRequestedRegion (unsigned int i, unsigned int pieces, OutputImageRegionType &splitRegion) |
virtual bool | GetDynamicMultiThreading () const |
virtual void | SetDynamicMultiThreading (bool _arg) |
virtual void | DynamicMultiThreadingOn () |
virtual void | DynamicMultiThreadingOff () |
| ProcessObject () |
| ~ProcessObject () override |
DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
virtual void | SetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetNthInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | AddInput (DataObject *input) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryInputName () const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInput (DataObject *object) |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredInputs () const |
bool | RemoveRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
bool | IsRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
void | SetRequiredInputNames (const NameArray &) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryOutputName () const |
DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) const |
virtual void | SetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name, DataObject *output) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutput (DataObject *object) |
virtual void | SetNthOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *output) |
virtual void | AddOutput (DataObject *output) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType _arg) |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs () const |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromInputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromOutputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
bool | IsIndexedInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
bool | IsIndexedOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
virtual void | VerifyPreconditions () ITKv5_CONST |
virtual void | GenerateOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output) |
virtual void | GenerateOutputInformation () |
virtual void | PropagateResetPipeline () |
virtual void | ReleaseInputs () |
virtual void | CacheInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual void | RestoreInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual bool | GetThreaderUpdateProgress () const |
virtual void | ThreaderUpdateProgressOn () |
virtual void | ThreaderUpdateProgressOff () |
virtual void | SetThreaderUpdateProgress (bool arg) |
| Object () |
| ~Object () override |
bool | PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp) |
virtual LightObject::Pointer | InternalClone () const |
| LightObject () |
virtual void | PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual | ~LightObject () |
static const ImageRegionSplitterBase * | GetGlobalDefaultSplitter () |
static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_FUNCTION_CALL_CONVENTION | ThreaderCallback (void *arg) |
static constexpr float | progressFixedToFloat (uint32_t fixed) |
static uint32_t | progressFloatToFixed (float f) |
std::mutex | m_LabelObjectContainerLock |
bool | m_DynamicMultiThreading |
bool | m_Updating |
TimeStamp | m_OutputInformationMTime |
std::atomic< int > | m_ReferenceCount |
template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
class itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >
ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter applies an image pipeline to all the objects of a label map and produce a new label map.
The image pipeline can simply produce a modified object or produce several objects from the single input object. Several options are provided to handle the different cases.
KeepLabel, which defaults to true, makes the filter try to keep as much as possible the labels of the original objects. If an image pipeline produce several objects the label of the input object is assigned to the first output object. The other output objects get another label not present in the input image. When KeepLabel is set to false, all the objects are relabeled in the order of apparition during the filter process.
BinaryInternalOutput can be set to true if the image pipeline produce binary output image. In that case, the objects produced are identified with a connected component algorithm before being reinserted in the output label map. InternalForegroundValue can be set to a specific value which represent the foreground value in the binary image.
PadSize and ConstrainPaddingToImage can be used to extend the size of the image to process passed to the image pipeline. This is useful if the image pipeline is known to be able to enlarge the object. The padding can be constrained to the input label map region by setting ConstrainPaddingToImage to true - this parameter can make a difference for the algorithm with a different behavior on the border of the image. By default, the image is padded by 1 pixel and constrained to the image region.
- Note
- : When applying a single filter, input and output filters are the same; while applying a pipeline, input and output filters are different, may not even be of the same type. It is the responsibility of the user to connect the pipeline properly outside of this filter.
- Author
- Gaetan Lehmann. Biologie du Developpement et de la Reproduction, INRA de Jouy-en-Josas, France.
This implementation was taken from the Insight Journal paper: https://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/176
- ITK Sphinx Examples:
- Examples
- SphinxExamples/src/Filtering/LabelMap/ApplyMorphologicalClosingOnAllLabelObjects/Code.cxx, and SphinxExamples/src/Filtering/LabelMap/ApplyMorphologicalClosingOnSpecificLabelObject/Code.cxx.
Definition at line 86 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 243 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 231 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 240 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 237 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 234 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 228 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::BinaryInternalOutputOff |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::BinaryInternalOutputOn |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::ConstrainPaddingToImageOff |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::ConstrainPaddingToImageOn |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::CreateAnother |
( |
| ) |
const |
virtual |
Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.
Reimplemented from itk::LabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual bool itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::GetBinaryInternalOutput |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual bool itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::GetConstrainPaddingToImage |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual bool itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::GetKeepLabels |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
The label of the object currently processed by the filter. This is intended to be used with the IterationEvent sent before the processing of each object. It contains a relevant value only during the filter update.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual const char* itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::GetNameOfClass |
( |
| ) |
const |
virtual |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::KeepLabelsOff |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::KeepLabelsOn |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::SetBinaryInternalOutput |
( |
bool |
_arg | ) |
virtual |
Set/Get whether the internal image produced by OutputFilter should be interpreted as a binary image in which the filter have to search for connected components. If set to false, the filter consider the image as a label image. Default is false.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::SetConstrainPaddingToImage |
( |
bool |
_arg | ) |
virtual |
Padding by PadSize will be constrained to the input image region if ConstrainPaddingToImage is true, and won't be constrained if it is set to false. Default value is true.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
The foreground value used internally to represent the object in the image passed to InputFilter, and to read the data produced by OutputFilter, if BinaryInternalOutput is true
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
virtual void itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::SetKeepLabels |
( |
bool |
_arg | ) |
virtual |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If PadSize is not zero, the image produce for each object will be padded. The default value is 1 on all the dimensions.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
constexpr unsigned int itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::ImageDimension = TOutputImage::ImageDimension |
staticconstexpr |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
constexpr unsigned int itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::InputImageDimension = TInputImage::ImageDimension |
staticconstexpr |
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 244 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 222 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
bool itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::m_ConstrainPaddingToImage |
private |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 220 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 232 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
InputFilterType::Pointer itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::m_InputFilter |
private |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 246 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 226 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 224 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 250 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 241 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 238 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
OutputFilterType::Pointer itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::m_OutputFilter |
private |
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 247 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 235 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 221 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
If KeepLabels is set to true, the filter will do its best to reuse the labels of the input objects in the output ones. However, this is possible only if the internal pipeline produce a single object - the other labels will be taken as they come. If KeepLabels is false, no care is made of the input labels, and a new label is produced for all the objects using LabelMap::PushLabelObject().
Definition at line 229 of file itkObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter.h.
template<typename TInputImage , typename TOutputImage = TInputImage, typename TInputFilter = ImageToImageFilter<Image<unsigned char, TInputImage::ImageDimension>, Image<unsigned char, TOutputImage::ImageDimension>>, class TOutputFilter = typename TInputFilter::Superclass, class TInternalInputImage = typename TInputFilter::InputImageType, class TInternalOutputImage = typename TOutputFilter::OutputImageType>
constexpr unsigned int itk::ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInputFilter, TOutputFilter, TInternalInputImage, TInternalOutputImage >::OutputImageDimension = TOutputImage::ImageDimension |
staticconstexpr |