
The Insight Toolkit (ITK) has been created by the efforts of many talented individuals and prestigious organizations. It is also due in great part to the vision of the program established by Dr. Terry Yoo and Dr. Michael Ackerman at the National Library of Medicine.

This book lists a few of these contributors in the following paragraphs. Not all developers of ITK are credited here, so please visit the Web pages at for the names of additional contributors, as well as checking the GIT source logs for code contributions.

The following is a brief description of the contributors to this software guide and their contributions.

Luis Ibáñez is principal author of this text. He assisted in the design and layout of the text, implemented the bulk of the LATEX and CMake build process, and was responsible for the bulk of the content. He also developed most of the example code found in the Insight/Examples directory.

Will Schroeder helped design and establish the organization of this text and the Insight/Examples directory. He is principal content editor, and has authored several chapters.

Lydia Ng authored the description for the registration framework and its components, the section on the multiresolution framework, and the section on deformable registration methods. She also edited the section on the resampling image filter and the sections on various level set segmentation algorithms.

Joshua Cates authored the iterators chapter and the text and examples describing watershed segmentation. He also co-authored the level-set segmentation material.

Jisung Kim authored the chapter on the statistics framework.

Julien Jomier contributed the chapter on spatial objects and examples on model-based registration using spatial objects.

Karthik Krishnan reconfigured the process for automatically generating images from all the examples. Added a large number of new examples and updated the Filtering and Segmentation chapters for the second edition.

Stephen Aylward contributed material describing spatial objects and their application.

Tessa Sundaram contributed the section on deformable registration using the finite element method.

Mark Foskey contributed the examples on the itk::AutomaticTopologyMeshSource class.

Mathieu Malaterre contributed the entire section on the description and use of DICOM readers and writers based on the GDCM library. He also contributed an example on the use of the VTKImageIO class.

Gavin Baker contributed the section on how to write composite filters. Also known as minipipeline filters.

Since the software guide is generated in part from the ITK source code itself, many ITK developers have been involved in updating and extending the ITK documentation. These include David Doria, Bradley Lowekamp, Mark Foskey, Gaëtan Lehmann, Andreas Schuh, Tom Vercauteren, Cory Quammen, Daniel Blezek, Paul Hughett, Matthew McCormick, Josh Cates, Arnaud Gelas, Jim Miller, Brad King, Gabe Hart, Hans Johnson.

Hans Johnson, Kent Williams, Constantine Zakkaroff, Xiaoxiao Liu, Ali Ghayoor, and Matthew McCormick updated the documentation for the initial ITK Version 4 release.

Luis Ibáñez and Sébastien Barré designed the original Book 1 cover. Matthew McCormick and Brad King updated the code to produce the Book 1 cover for ITK 4 and VTK 6. Xiaoxiao Liu, Bill Lorensen, Luis Ibáñez, and Matthew McCormick created the 3D printed anatomical objects that were photographed by Sébastien Barré for the Book 2 cover. Steve Jordan designed the layout of the covers.

Lisa Avila, Hans Johnson, Matthew McCormick, Sandy McKenzie, Christopher Mullins, Katie Osterdahl, and Michka Popoff prepared the book for the 4.7 print release.