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Description: Given multiple, registered images and foreground and background masks, computes a LDA (nClasses-1) + PCA space for separating the classes, and generates the LDA and PCA instances of the images.
./EnhanceUsingDiscriminantAnalysis [--returnparameterfile <std::string>] [--processinformationaddress <std::string>] [--xml] [--echo] [--loadBasisInfo <std::string>] [--saveBasisInfo <std::string>] [--useNumberOfLDABasis <int>] [--useNumberOfPCABasis <int>] [--objectId <std::vector<int>>] [--labelmap <std::string>] [--] [--version] [-h] <std::string> <std::string>
--returnparameterfile <std::string> Filename in which to write simple return parameters (int, float, int-vector, etc.) as opposed to bulk return parameters (image, geometry, transform, measurement, table).
--processinformationaddress <std::string> Address of a structure to store process information (progress, abort, etc.). (default: 0)
--xml Produce xml description of command line arguments (default: 0)
--echo Echo the command line arguments (default: 0)
--loadBasisInfo <std::string> Load Basis information from a file
--saveBasisInfo <std::string> Save basis information to a file
--useNumberOfLDABasis <int> Maximum number of LDA basis discriminants to compute (-1=all). (default: -1)
--useNumberOfPCABasis <int> Maximum number of PCA basis discriminants to compute. (default: 0)
--objectId <std::vector<int>> List of values that represent the objects in the label map.
--labelmap <std::string> Label map that designates the object of interest and 'other.'
--, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
--version Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help Displays usage information and exits.
<std::string> (required) Input volume list.
<std::string> (required) Basename for output basis images.
Author(s): Stephen R. Aylward (Kitware)
Acknowledgements: This work is part of the TubeTK project at Kitware.