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These are fully independent, compilable examples. There is significant overlap in the examples, but they are each intended to illustrate a different concept and be fully stand alone compilable. Please add examples in your areas of expertise!

Simple Operations

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Distance between two points Point
Create a vector Vector
Create a covariant vector CovariantVector
Variable length vector VariableLengthVector main() works properly, but neither conversion seems to work.
Get the name/type/class of an object GetNameOfClass()
An object which holds the index of a pixel Index
An object which holds the size of an image Size
An object which holds the index (start) and size of a region of an image ImageRegion

Input/Output (IO)

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Write an image ImageFileWriter
Read an image ImageFileReader
Write a TIFF image TIFFImageIO This is a general demonstration of how to use a specific writer rather than relying on the ImageFileWriter to choose for you.

Image Basics

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Make part of an image transparent RGBAPixel Transparency, RGBA, alpha
Determine if one region is fully inside another region ImageRegion
Crop an image CropImageFilter
Compute the absolute value of an image AbsImageFilter
Invert an image InvertIntensityImageFilter
Apply a mask to an image MaskImageFilter
Duplicate an image ImageDuplicator
Pass image pixels through a sigmoid function SigmoidImageFilter The qualitative description of how Alpha and Beta affect the function from the ITK Software Guide and the associated images would be nice to add to the doxygen.
Produce an image of noise RandomImageSource
Threshold an image ThresholdImageFilter The result is the original image but with the values below (or above) the threshold "clamped" to an output value.
Threshold an image BinaryThresholdImageFilter The result is a binary image (inside the threshold region or outside the threshold region).
Apply a custom operation to each pixel in an image UnaryFunctorImageFilter Rotate the vectors in an image.
Find the minimum and maximum value (and the position of the value) in an image MinimumMaximumImageCalculator
Add two images together AddImageFilter
Subtract two images SubtractImageFilter
Paste a part of one image into another image PasteImageFilter
Create a vector image VectorImage An image with an ND vector at each pixel
Multiply two images together MultiplyImageFilter
Extract a portion of an image (region of interest) RegionOfInterestImageFilter
Smooth an image using curvature flow CurvatureFlowImageFilterType
Rescale the intensity values of an image to a specified range RescaleIntensityImageFilter
Set specified pixels to specified values Image
Label connected components in a binary image ConnectedComponentImageFilter
Normalize an image NormalizeImageFilter
Cast an image from one type to another CastImageFilter
Switch the axes of an image PermuteAxesImageFilter
Linearly interpolate a position in an image LinearInterpolateImageFunction
Display an ITK image ImageToVTKImageFilter

Iterating Over (Traversing) An Image

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Iterate over a region of an image with a neighborhood (with write access) NeighborhoodIterator
Iterate over a region of an image with a neighborhood (without write access) ConstNeighborhoodIterator
Iterate over a region of an image (with write access) ImageRegionIterator
Iterate over a region of an image (without write access) ImageRegionConstIterator
Make out of bounds pixels return a constant value ConstantBoundaryCondition

Image Edges, Gradients, and Derivatives

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Compute the derivative of an image in a particular direction DerivativeImageFilter
Find the gradient magnitude of the image first smoothed with a Gaussian kernel GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
Find higher derivatives of an image RecursiveGaussianImageFilter
Find edges in an image CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter How to set a reasonable Threshold for the output edges?
Extract the boundaries of connected regions in a binary image BinaryContourImageFilter
Compute the gradient magnitude image GradientMagnitudeImageFilter
Compute the Laplacian of an image LaplacianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter


Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Mean filter an image MeanImageFilter Replace each pixel by the mean of its neighborhood
Median filter an image MedianImageFilter Replace each pixel by the median of its neighborhood
Smooth an image with a discrete Gaussian filter DiscreteGaussianImageFilter
Blur an image BinomialBlurImageFilter
Bilateral filter an image BilateralImageFilter Edge preserving smoothing.


Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Erode a binary image BinaryErodeImageFilter
Dilate a binary image BinaryDilateImageFilter
Dilate a grayscale image GrayscaleDilateImageFilter
Erode a grayscale image GrayscaleErodeImageFilter
Erode a binary image using a flat (box) structuring element FlatStructuringElement


Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description

Spectral Analysis

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Compute the FFT of an image VnlFFTRealToComplexConjugateImageFilter

Small Problems

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Basic region growing RegionGrowImageFilter Just getting started with demo...
Find connected components in an image ConnectedThresholdImageFilter Just need to finish it.
Convert an image from one type to another ConvertPixelBuffer
Apply a function to every pixel with access to its neighborhood NeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
Apply a function to every pixel with access to its neighborhood NeighborhoodOperatorImageFunction
In-place filtering of an image InPlaceImageFilter This only works for filters which derive from itkInPlaceImageFilter
Pad an image with a constant value ConstantPadImageFilter Not sure how to specify the final output size/extent. The documentation should be improved.
Pad an image MirrorPadImageFilter Not sure how to specify the final output size/extent. The documentation should be improved.
Pad an image by wrapping WrapPadImageFilter Not sure how to specify the final output size/extent. The documentation should be improved.
Shrink an image ShrinkImageFilter Image doesn't seem to be shrunk?
Flip an image over specified axes FlipImageFilter The axes specification is not quite right - warning: address of axes always evaluates true
Convert a VTK image to an ITK image VTKImageToImageFilter Seems to expect an input image with only 1 component? (i.e. greyscale)
Normalized correlation NormalizedCorrelationImageFilter Output is all black?
Iterate over a region of an image with a shaped neighborhood ShapedNeighborhoodIterator How do you specify the neighborhood?

Big Problems

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Join images, stacking their components JoinImageFilter How to convert the vector image produced by the joinFilter to a standard image?
Find the best position of the moving image in the fixed image. MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric Output (0,0) is incorrect.
Translate an image TranslationTransform, ResampleImageFilter This example currently freezes.
Compute and display the gradient of an image GradientImageFilter Blank output.


Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Create a list of sample measurements ListSample
Create a list of samples from an image without duplicating the data ImageToListSampleAdaptor

Developer Examples

Example Name ITK Classes Demonstrated Description
Produce an image with a filter ImageSource

VTK Display

Easily display a set of images