Contribute with Git

Clone the repository and setup for development

The entire source tree can be downloaded with Git:

git clone --recursive ITKEx


Due to path length limitations on Windows, it is recommended to clone into a short directory like ITKEx.

After cloning the repository, it can be configured for development (confirm proper Git configuration, setup Git hooks, configure your GitHub account) with

cd ITKEx

Modifying an existing example

First, create a local branch:

git checkout -b Modification

Modify existing example (source code and/or corresponding documentation). Add files which are missing

git add missing_files

Once you are done, commit your changes as follows:

git commit -a

To submit your changes to GitHub:

git review-push

Create a new example

To create a new example, first install Cookiecutter:

python -m pip install cookiecutter titlecase

and make use of the Python script located in the binary tree (/path/to/ITKSphinxExamples-build/Utilities):

cd /path/to/ITKSphinxExamples-build/Utilities
python ./

The script will ask for an example_name and a class_name. The example_name would be ComputeTumorIntensityVariation for an example that answers the question “How do I compute tumor intensity variation?” The class_name indicates the itk class that is the focus of the example, such as itk::Statistics::MaskedImageToHistogramFilter.

This script will generate *.cxx, *.py, and *.rst files to be modified.

Note that the generated files are then located based on the group, module and class name to be demonstrated. For instance an example which would demonstrate the usage of itk::Image will be generated in src/Core/Common/.

Please do not add images directly to the repository. Instead, use the content link system.