Submit results to CDash

Quality control of the examples is maintained with a dashboard that collects configuration, build, and testings results in a CDash dashboard. Examples are compiled nightly, executed and compared to baseline images to ensure these examples remain valid on all supported platforms and to ensure changes in the development of ITK do not adversely effect these examples.

Experimental submission

To submit test results after building all the examples, simply run:

ctest -D Experimental

at the top of the build tree.

Nightly submission

You can volunteer to submit nightly testing results that ensure repository activity during the day will allow breakage on your system to go unnoticed.

Step 1: Setup the build directory

You will need a directory with sufficient disk space to hold the project source code, build tree, and testing scripts. This can be placed anywhere on your system where you have write access:

mkdir ~/dashboards
cd ~/dashboards

Copy the testing support script into your dashboard directory.

cp ~/src/ITKSphinxExamples/Utilities/Dashboard/itkexamples_common.cmake .

Step 2: Setup a script describing your system

We will write a CTest script that will update the repository, configure, build, and test the project, and then upload the results to the CDash server. Most of work in this script will be performed by itkexamples_common.cmake, but we need to configure the settings unique to our system.

Create a file, itkexamples_dashboard.cmake, to hold these settings:

cp ~/src/ITKSphinxExamples/Utilities/Dashboard/itkexamples_dashboard.cmake.example itkexamples_dashboard.cmake

You must edit this file to describe your local system.

# An identifier for this computer that shows up on the dashboard.
set(CTEST_SITE "uberbox")

# A description of the build that identifies it on the dashboard.
# Usually it should contain the platform and a compiler description.
# Please end the name with "Examples".
set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "Linux GCC Examples")

# This will set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.

# The Generator for CMake.
set(CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR "Unix Makefiles")

# This is the directory where the source and build trees will be placed.
get_filename_component(CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT "${CTEST_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY}/dashboard_tests" ABSOLUTE)

# You can set initial variables for the CMakeCache.

# Finally, include the rest of the script that will download, build, and submit the
# results.  For more configuration variables, see the comments at the top of
# this script.
#set(dashboard_superbuild 1)

Step 3: Configure your system to run the script on a daily basis

Linux or Mac

First, test the script to ensure that it runs correctly:

.. code-block:: bash

ctest -S ./itkexamples_dashboard.cmake -V -A

Did everything work? Do you see your build on the ITKSphinxExamples dashboard? If so, continue to setup a cronjob that will run the script daily. Edit your crontab:

.. code-block:: bash

crontab -e

The following line will run the script every day at 3 AM:

.. code-block:: bash

0 3 * * * ctest -S /home/luis/dashboards/itkexamples_dashboard.cmake -A &> /dev/null


In windows, the scheduler can be accessed by entering the Schedule tasks program in the Control Panel.

It may be useful to put all the nightly dashboards in a batch script and run the batch script daily. When creating the new task, the Action associate with the task is to Start a program. This script could be placed at:

.. code-block:: bash


where run_dashboard.bat contains:

.. code-block:: bash

call ctest -S C:Dashboardsitkexamples_dashboard.cmake

To schedule your Windows box to reboot nightly, set up a task that runs:

.. code-block:: bash

C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe /r /t 60 /f

If you’re automatically rebooting your computer every night, you also need to make sure the computer automatically logs in as the dashboard user when it boots back up. To do this

  1. Enter control userpasswords2 in the Start, Run… menu entry or a cmd.exe shell.

  2. Select the account of the user you want to automatically login.

  3. Uncheck the box labelled Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer

  4. Click OK.

Thank you for contributing to the quality of the ITK Sphinx Examples!