[ITK Community] Examples using QT

Raissa Souza raah.souza at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 13:33:41 EST 2014

Good affeternon people. I'm new here. I'm a new user to ITK, VTK using QT
and I have a question. I got to configure and gerate the ITK with CMake.
Now I want to see the examples. How can I do this using Qt. If anyone know
using other plataform can be. I need to compile and execute the examples to
show to my teacher. Thank you so much.

I'll wait answers.
See you

Raíssa Cristina de Souza3º Ano Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação Técnica
em Informatica- Centro Paula Souza UNESP- FCT - Presidente Prudente*

2014-02-12 16:24 GMT-02:00 Raissa Souza <raah.souza at gmail.com>:

> Good affeternon people. I'm new here. I'm a new user to ITK, VTK using QT
> and I have a question. I got to configure and gerate the ITK with CMake.
> Now I want to see the examples. How can I do this using Qt. If anyone know
> using other plataform can be. I need to compile and execute the examples to
> show to my teacher. Thank you so much.
> I'll wait answers.
> See you
> *------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Raíssa Cristina de Souza3º Ano Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação Técnica
> em Informatica- Centro Paula Souza UNESP- FCT - Presidente Prudente*
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