[ITK Community] Fwd: Runtime error while running ResampleDICOM example on Ubuntu13.10

Alok alok.theanomaly at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 08:22:25 EST 2014


I have a problem reading in DiCOM image series when running ITK on Ubuntu
13.10 (32-bit)

I have a DICOM image series and I am trying to run the ResampleDICOM
example here - http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/DICOM/ResampleDICOM

*At runtime* I get an error which looks like :
line 114
GDCMSeriesFileNames (0xa12e9e0): No Series can be found, make sure your
restrictions are not too strong

Exception thrown while reading the series

itk::ExceptionObject (0xa133fe8)
Location: "unknown"
File: /usr/local/include/ITK-4.3/itkImageSeriesReader.hxx
Line: 131
Description: itk::ERROR: ImageSeriesReader(0xa1312a0): At least one
filename is required.

When I run it on a machine with Ubuntu 12.04 (using the same DICOM series)
it runs through - The output is as below:

The input series in directory /home/alok/data/HSSPlan/Left/dicom/ has 219
files with spacing [0.347656, 0.347656, 1]
The output series in directory ./output/ has 219 files with spacing
[0.347656, 1, 1]

Any suggestions/comments much appreciated


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I live a simple life...  in 0s and 1s !
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