[ITK Community] Subimages

Polfliet Mathias mpolflie at etro.vub.ac.be
Thu Mar 6 03:07:00 EST 2014

Dear ITK community,

Is there an elegant, CPU and/or memory efficient way provided in the source code to store or get “subimages" ( such as a single 2D slice in a 3D volume or a single time point in a 4D series)? Some functions I use take Images as input so I cannot use Regions. For example if I were to take a 4DCT image and I want to work on a single time point ( i.e. a 3D image), I would have to use ITK::ExtractImageFilter. This method, however, becomes very memory intensive because the 4DCT is loaded into the memory and (in my case) every separate 3D slice as well. Is there an elegant or CPU/Memory friendly way to work around this? 

With kind regards,

Mathias Polfliet
PhD Student Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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