[ITK] SimpleITK for Java in Ubuntu 32-bit

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Mon Nov 3 13:22:01 EST 2014


The default configuration build ITK and SimpleITK as static libraries, and then the SWIG layer generates a shared libraries with the other libraries statically linked. This produces a smaller and more efficient runtime library which in most cases is preferred during run time, and has a simpler installation. This is at the trade off of requiring more system resources when building/linking. I would recommend utilizing a system with the required resources when building.

Alternatively, you can enable shared libraries in the CMake configuration. This will build ITK, and the SimpleITK core as shared libraries, are greatly reduce the requirements to link.

While the SimpleITK/SWIG interface could provide a native buffer interface the way that it's done in Python and C#, no one has implemented it yet. Contributions are very much welcomed!


On Nov 3, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Oswaldo Cavalcante <jocmail at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks!
> In fact, I've tried to compile, but I got errors in two different machines. When the file libSimpleITKJava.so is being generated, the memory uses increases a lot (about further 4 Gb!!), so the process is stopped with a message like this: 'error: no enough memory'. I've tried several times, but I couldn't generate the native libs.
> Another doubt, is that i'm trying and searching about to cast or in some way use a Java BufferedImage in the SimpleITK. How can I do it?
> Thanks a lot!
> 2014-11-03 14:39 GMT-03:00 <michkapopoff at gmail.com>:
> Hi
> the thing is that we can not provide binaries for each platform / OS. Especially that there would be a lot of languages and combinations to support (python, java, 32 bit, 64 bit …). You may have to build SimpleITK by yourself. You can find instructions for this here [1]. You will need cmake for this. Please look at the super build part.
> Michka
> [1] http://www.itk.org/Wiki/SimpleITK/GettingStarted
>> On 03 Nov 2014, at 17:47, Oswaldo Cavalcante <jocmail at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to learn and use SimpleITK wrapped for Java in my project, but I would like to code on Ubuntu. Unfortunately, there is no binaries for 32-bit on the SimpleITK downloads page.
>> Could someone help me sending these binaries? Especially the native libraries for Java in 32-bit architecture, the file "libSimpleITKJava.so".
>> Another question, is that i'm trying and searching about to cast or in some way use a Java BufferedImage in the SimpleITK Image. How can I do it?
>> Thanks
>> -- 
>> José Oswaldo Cavalcante da Silva Filho
>> Mestrando em Informática pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas
>> Professor da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Alagoas
>> http://lattes.cnpq.br/0516674124789514
>> --
>> "Deus deseja que a Bíblia seja lida por homens de ciência como também por pessoas que não têm essas maneiras estranhas de pensar" [Donald E. Knuth]
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> -- 
> José Oswaldo Cavalcante da Silva Filho
> Mestrando em Informática pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas
> Professor da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Alagoas
> http://lattes.cnpq.br/0516674124789514
> --
> "Deus deseja que a Bíblia seja lida por homens de ciência como também por pessoas que não têm essas maneiras estranhas de pensar" [Donald E. Knuth]
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