[ITK] SimpleITK for Java in Ubuntu 32-bit

Oswaldo Cavalcante jocmail at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 12:55:50 EST 2014


In fact, I've tried to compile, but I got errors in two different machines.
When the file libSimpleITKJava.so is being generated, the memory uses
increases a lot (about further 4 Gb!!), so the process is stopped with a
message like this: 'error: no enough memory'. I've tried several times, but
I couldn't generate the native libs.

Another doubt, is that i'm trying and searching about to cast or in some
way use a Java BufferedImage in the SimpleITK. How can I do it?

Thanks a lot!

2014-11-03 14:39 GMT-03:00 <michkapopoff at gmail.com>:

> Hi
> the thing is that we can not provide binaries for each platform / OS.
> Especially that there would be a lot of languages and combinations to
> support (python, java, 32 bit, 64 bit …). You may have to build SimpleITK
> by yourself. You can find instructions for this here [1]. You will need
> cmake for this. Please look at the super build part.
> Michka
> [1] http://www.itk.org/Wiki/SimpleITK/GettingStarted
> On 03 Nov 2014, at 17:47, Oswaldo Cavalcante <jocmail at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to learn and use SimpleITK wrapped for Java in my project, but
> I would like to code on Ubuntu. Unfortunately, there is no binaries for
> 32-bit on the SimpleITK downloads page.
> Could someone help me sending these binaries? Especially the native
> libraries for Java in 32-bit architecture, the file "libSimpleITKJava.so".
> Another question, is that i'm trying and searching about to cast or in
> some way use a Java BufferedImage in the SimpleITK Image. How can I do it?
> Thanks
> --
> *José Oswaldo Cavalcante da Silva Filho*
> Mestrando em Informática pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas
> Professor da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Alagoas
> http://lattes.cnpq.br/0516674124789514
> --
> *"Deus deseja que a Bíblia seja lida por homens de ciência como também por
> pessoas que não têm essas maneiras estranhas de pensar" *[Donald E. Knuth]
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*José Oswaldo Cavalcante da Silva Filho*

Mestrando em Informática pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas
Professor da Faculdade de Tecnologia de Alagoas

*"Deus deseja que a Bíblia seja lida por homens de ciência como também por
pessoas que não têm essas maneiras estranhas de pensar" *[Donald E. Knuth]
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